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London Published July 1827 by Wight man & Cramp, 24, Paternoster Row.


AUGUST, 1827.

"these things we write unto you, that your joy may be full."

THE PRIVILEGE AND DUTY OF COMMU-tian consolation, he therefore adds, NION WITH GOD. BY THE LATE REV. ROBERT HALL, OF ARNSBY. COMMUNION and fellowship are True Christians have fellowship frequently used as synonimous with God the Father, by whom terms, conveying the same idea, they are "blessed with all spiriboth in scripture and in common tual blessings." These riches, as speech; but we apprehend they a common stock, in which all the are not always to be considered as family of heaven and earth have exactly of the same import. They a joint personal interest, were deseem to originate from, and to be posited in the hands of Christ Jesus expressive of, that which is of a for their use and benefit "before complex nature. As the word the world began," Eph. i. 3. Difaith is used to express the act of vine love and fidelity are gloribelieving, and likewise the matter ously displayed, in bringing the believed; so what the terms com- chosen of the Lord, in due time, munion and fellowship are design- to an acquaintance with Christ, ed to explain, seems to include as the head of the whole conmutual interest, and friendly connected body; and in making them verse; the word fellowship may joint partakers of his mediatorial more aptly express the first, and fulness. Yes, brethren, "God is communion the last. Fellowship faithful, by whom ye were called consists in voluntary connection, unto the fellowship of his Son Jeand a joint participation of things, sus Christ our Lord;" 1 Cor. i. 9. or the union of persons in affec- you being made willing in the tion, interest and design. Fellow-day of his power to embrace the ship therefore implies communion, Saviour and espouse his cause. as it necessarily calls for, and leads Preaching the "unsearchable to a communication between the riches of Christ," was designed to parties so united; in order to ac- discover, and "make all men see, complish the ends for which such what is the fellowship of the mysa connection is formed. True be- tery which from the beginning of lievers thus have fellowship in the the world, hath been hid in God :" gospel with God and one another, that in pursuance of his gracious Phil. i. 5. With what fervent af- and eternal purpose "the Gentiles fection does the apostle John speak should be fellow-heirs, and of the of this wonderful privilege! 1st same body, and partakers of his Epistle i. 3. "That which we promise in Christ by the gospel,' have seen and heard, declare we Eph. iii. 6-11. We read likewise unto you, that ye also may have of the "fellowship of the Spirit,' fellowship with us: and truly our as a privilege well known and highly fellowship is with the Father, and prized by holy men in the apostowith his Son Jesus Christ." This fic age; and urged by the apostle being a peculiar source of Chris- to excite the saints at Phillippi, ta VOL. II. 3d Series.


the fulfilment of his joy. Of such left communing with Abraham, fellowship they were as conscious, Gen. xviii. 33. And when he had as that there was "any consola- made an end of communing with tion in Christ," or "any comfort Moses, he gave him two tables of of love," or "any bowels and testimony, Exod. xxxi. 18. But mercies," Phil. ii. 1, 2. Real be- not to multiply instances, we may lievers have fellowship with God, observe that communion with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in all from its first commencement, is he is, has, and does. Jehovah is inseparably connected with felgraciously become their all in all. lowship. Relation to God, and And they, through the Spirit, freely an interest in Christ and divine give themselves to Him, and to things, whether only desired, or each other according to the will really enjoyed; longed for, or reof God. Thus they "walk in the joiced in; lead to, and furnish with light, as he is in the light," and matter for communion with the "have fellowship one with ano-divine Being. We would remind ther," 1 John i. 7. in mutual affec- you, brethren, of your dealings tion, interest and end. To such it may with great propriety be said, "all is yours, and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's.

with God, when you first in reality knew yourselves, and began to be acquainted with him: when your misery and his mercy drew the atAs fellowship more directly re- tention of your whole souls: when, lates to, and is expressive of con- like Ephraim, you began to bemoan nection and interest; so the term yourselves. Then you wished to communion is frequently applied speak to God, but knew not how. to conversation. In this sense the Shame and inclination struggled scripture uses it with respect to hard, and produced confusion; men communing with men,* and which with a consciousness of it is in like manner used respect-loathsome depravity and inexcusing the familiar intercourse between able guilt, perhaps made you weep God and his people. When the in silence; but could not keep solemn conversation ended respect- your hearts from crying with the ing Sodom, it is said, the Lord penitent publican, "God be merwent his way as soon as he had ciful to ine a sinner." Probably these perplexed cries of necessity were not accompanied with an understanding how the Lord could shew mercy consistently with his

Thus Abraham communed with the children of Heth, about a place to bury his dead, Gen. xxiii. 8. Joseph communed with his brethren, xlii. 24. Samuel com-equity; and therefore fear might muned with Saul upon the top of the house, where they walked along on the flat roofs as we walk in the streets of a city, 1 Sam. ix. 25. Saul said unto his servants, Com mune with David and say, Behold the king delighteth in thee, xviii. 22. And Jonathan said, I will commune with my father of thee, and he spake good of David unto Saul, xix. 3, 4. So the queen of Sheba communed with Solomon of all that was in her heart, 1 Kings x. 2. Thus Judas Iscariot communed with the chief priests, Luke xxii. 4. And Felix with Paul, Acts xxiv. 26. And

the two pensive disciples it is said were communing together when Jesus drew near to them, Luke xxiv. 15.

suggest that attempts to converse with God might be arrogance in you, and offensive to him. But when the method of salvation was discovered, as supporting his righteous character, and encouraging the vilest sinner under a sense of misery to seek for merey; then you began indeed, not only to long, but fervently to pray, for an heart-satisfying knowledge of your interest in the Saviour. Hearing of the unspeakable happiness of

is my strength and my song, he also is become my salvation."

But, dear brethren, those of you who have been most favoured with such appropriating faith in God, know that it tended to increase as well as sweeten your communion with him. Salvation from misery you did not consider as your ultimate end. You desired to glorify God as well as enjoy him; to own his authority over you, as well as his mercy to you. Your Saviour you considered as your sovereign : and looked to him not only as the fountain of pleasure, but the source of authority, and centre of union.

Your communion with God now turned upon new subjects: you wanted not only to know and feel delight in his personal excellence, but likewise in his relative connections and interests. His laws as well as his love you desired to be more fully acquainted with. The nature of his kingdom, the prero

those who belong to him, your de- | fortedst me. I will trust and not sires to be like them, in union with be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah him, and partakers of the inestimable benefits resulting from his love, obedience and death, furnished you with matter in abundance for converse with God. To be found in Christ, to have fellowship with him, to be devoted to him, supplied from him, and made like him; to be admitted into special and perpetual connection with the family of God, put among the children, and indulged with that favour which he bears to his own people; such blessings you esteemed great indeed, about which you found the need of conversing much with God. Your views of merey flowing freely to sinners through the Saviour, excited and encouraged you to commune with God, as on a throne of grace. You then came with some degree of boldness, and filled your mouth with arguments, drawn from the atonement of Christ, the free invitations, and precious promises held forth in the gospel. These, toge-gatives of his crown, as well as ther with your extreme necessity, the privileges of his people, beencouraged and urged you to plead came matters of serious and earnwith him as a man doth with his est enquiry. Being convinced that friend. Feeling his word pene- no power on earth has the least trate your souls, describing your authority over the consciences of real character, and suited to soothe men, you were therefore concerned your various sorrows, and fill your to know the mind of Christ, who is vast desires; your faith as it in- King in Sion, the sole government creased, led to greater freedom whereof is upon his shoulders; and with him. You then could look to who as the true head of the church, him, and commune with him, as sitteth upon the throne of his kingyour Father, Saviour, and infalli-dom, to order it, and to establish ble Guide. Then you delighted it with justice forever, Isa.; ix. 6, 7. yourselves in the Almighty, who Having been told by Himself that spoke peace to your consciences, his kingdom is not of this world, and cheered your hearts with good you therefore were resolved to enwords, and comfortable words. quire after the directions of his The purport of your language then, word, and to adhere to what he was similar to that predicted of by his Spirit saith unto the churches. the church, in Isa. xii. "O Lord The apparent subjects of his grace, I will praise thee: though thou you esteemed as the excellent of wast angry with me, thine anger the earth. Acquaintance with them is turned away, and thou com- and union to them you sought

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