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Calvinists of the present day,
their indifference to the pecu-
liar doctrines of Calvin, 41
Chillingworth, Dr Jortin's opinion
of, 169-denounced in the Spir-
it of the Pilgrims,' 21, 25, 169
Christ, in what sense called
'Wonderful,' 74, 75-'Counsel-
lor,' 75, 76-Mighty God,' 77–
79-Everlasting Father,' 79, 80
-Prince of peace,' 80, 81-
death of, its object, 251, 252——
in what sense said to bear our
sins, 65, 66
Christianity, Tertullian's testimo-
ny to its extensive diffusion,12-
its claims to our respect, 13, et
seqq.-its doctrines fitted to in-
spire interest, viewed simply as
matters of speculation, 14-its
great moral purpose, 16, 17-
motives to the study of it, 18-21
-its divine origin, 19-its evi-
dences, gather strength by fami-
liarity and time, 20-its influ-
ence, 20, 21-designed and
adapted to be a universal reli-
gion, 237-239

Christians, in what sense said to
have one faith, 51-liberal, feel-
ings with which they should re-
gard their opponents, 39, 47, 48
-worldly, 161-164-specula-
tive, 164-166-inconsistent, 166
Christian doctrine immutable, 151

Christian unity, 49-59
Children, books for, 135, 240
Church, primitive, its liberality,
213, 214-Catholic, sense


which it uses the terms heretic
and infidel, 215-stopped short

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Fathers, early, not accurate critics,
8-their opinions entitled to lit-
tle reverence, ib.-their trinity
essentially different from the
modern doctrine, ib.-admitted
the strict inferiority of the Son,
9-regarded him as distinct from
the Father, ib.-what they meant
by the assertion that he was of
the same substance with the
Father, ib.-never affirmed the
Father and Son to be one nu-
merically, ib.-supposed the
Son voluntarily begotten or
made, ib.-eternal only as attri-
bute of the Father, ib.-cor-

rupted the simple doctrines of
the gospel by an infusion of Pla-
tonism, 10-strictly and proper-
ly Unitarians, ib.-in what sense
they applied the term God to
the Son, 112, note.
Faith, profession of it necessary
to constitute a Christian, 210, et
seqq.-test adopted by the ex-
clusive sect arbitrary and falla-
cious, 211-faith required by Je-
sus and his apostles, 211-213-
by the primitive church, 213-
214-decisions of the catholic
church, 215-opinions of Protes-
tant Trinitarians, 216-220—Uni-
tarians receive all necessary ar-
ticles, 221-an enlightened and
pure, how acquired, 20
France, religious state and pros-
pects of, 143, 144-moral effect
of the revolution in, 145
Fundamental doctrines, no cata-
logue of them can ever be made
out, 52-55


Garden of Gethsemane, our Sa-
viour's distress in, 113-122.
God, importance of just ideas of,
271-erroneous views of his
agency, 271, et seqq-the proper
object of christian worship 28-
30-love to, not precluded by
his invisibility, 276-means of
cultivating it, 35, et seqq.
God, how the term was used in an-
cient times, 77-sometimes
equivalent to hero, or poten-
tate, 78-in what sense applied
to the Saviour by the early Fa-
thers, 112, note
Grace, means of, 241-249
Great minds candid and charita-
ble, 168

Grotius, commends the liberality
of the ancient church, 217, 218
-cordemned to perpetual im-
prisonment, 171


Hales, John, 169
Hare, Bp. his character of William
Whiston, 23-25
'He that is not against us is on
our part,' 38, et seqq.

Hobart, Bishop, his charge, 123-
extraordinary mode of arguing,
123, 124-alarmed at the pro-
gress of Unitarianism, 124-his
horrors of it,ib.—his dogmatism,
125-misstates the arguments of
Unitarians, 126, 127-defends
the Trinity on the ground of its
incomprehensibleness, 127, 128
Hour of Death, lines on, by Mrs
Hemans, 5


I and my Father are one,' ex-
plained, 109.
Immutability of the christian doc-
trine, 145-155
Infidelity and profaneness no lon-
ger give a reputation for wit or
wisdom, 13

Installations, see ordinations
Inspiration, question of, has no
connection with a belief or dis-
belief of the divine origin of
christianity, 223, 224
Institutions, religious, their ne-
cessity, 248, 249

Ireland, persecution of the Uni-
tarians in, 285

Isaiah ix, 6, explained, 73-82-
Grotius' opinion concerning it,


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Jesus Christ, his name often used
in the Scriptures to signify his
doctrine, 145-151-in what
sense said to be the same yes-
terday, and to-day and forever,'
151-chief end of his mission,
159, 160-regarded by the Fa-
thers of the three first centu-
ries, as inferior to the Father
and distinct from him, 9, 10-
conceptions he teaches us to
form of God, and of man's na-
ture and destiny, 14, 15-moral
object of his instructions, 16,
18-union of the divinity and
humanity in him, according to
Courayer, 282-not so much his
person as his doctrine, which
is the object of the christian re-
ligion, 284-prayer to him not
authorised by the Scriptures,
278-280-his distress in the gar-

den of Gethsemane accounted
for, 114, et seqq.-circumstances
in his character tending to pro-
duce it, 114-117-in his situa-
tion, 117-121

Jortin, Dr John, his liberality,

Justin Martyr, acknowledges the
Son and Father to be two dis-
tinct beings, 9-regarded as
christians all who believed Je-
sus to be the Messiah, 214


Law of Love, 155-158
Liberality and bigotry, 168, et

Liberality of Dr Jortin, 168-170
Locke, the friend of Liberty, 170
-persecuted, ib.-his liberali-
ty, 216-his 'Reasonableness of
Christianity' referred to, 216
Love, law of, 155-158
Love to God formed and strength-
ened by exercise, 35-by re-
flecting on his goodness as dis-
played in outward nature, 35-
and in the exhibitions of moral
beauty, 36-by a regard to our
conceptions of his character, 37,


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sense of it, ib.-mysteries in
this sense cannot become ob-
jects of faith, 128, 131


New birth, 260-270


Ordinations and installations, Uni-
tarian, in New England, from
Jan, 1829 to June 1830, 191,
192, 287, 288

Opinions of Tertullian, 7, et seqq.
Orthodox uncharitableness, 21
Orthodoxy mutable, 152, 215-its
defences artificial, 43


Parr, Dr, light in which he regard-
ed Unitarians, 220
Particulars in orthodox communi-
ties, favorable to liberal senti-
ments, their number and ori-
gin, 41-45-their moral charac-
ter, 45, 46

People, their duty in relation to

public worship, 33, 34-and in-
struction, 91, 92

Persecution, religious, modes of
in Ireland, 285

Personal interest in religion, 177–

Preaching, its characteristics, 82-
90-should be intelligible, 82-
84-explicit, 85-87-charitable,
87-89-and practicel, 89, 90—
its object, 244-canting style of,
244, et seqq.

Primitive discipline and worship,
simplicity of, 51
Private correspondence of Dr
Doddridge, &c. some account
of, 93-95

Propensities, animal, how mani-

fested in religion, 225, et seqq.
Pulpit, style proper for, 246, 247


Records, christian, how to be re-
garded, 202-209
Religion, illustrated by compari-

son with other qualities and
pursuits, 193-209, 241-249-its
nature and mistakes about it,
193, et seqq.-to be judged of as
we judge of other things, 198,

199-its evidences how to be
weighed, 200, 202-it should be
made the property of each one,
177-misapprehensions concer-
ning it, 177-181-nature and ef-
fects of a personal interest in,
181-186-state of, 98-100, 103-
deficiency in it, to what to be
ascribed, 101, et seqq.-how to
be remedied, 108-its great re-
wards spiritual, 232-how to be
cultivated, 241, et seqq.-reli-
gion of the natural man, 225-


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Taylor, Jeremy, on the faith ne-
cessary to constitute a chris-
tian, 217
Temptations incident to afflic-
tion, 253, 260
Tertullian, earliest Latin Father
of any note, 7-Jerome's opin-
ion of him, ib.-induced to em-
brace the opinions of Montanus
from wounded pride, ib.-time
of his death uncertain, 8-re-
garded with admiration by sub-
sequent Fathers, ib.-his opin-
ions, 8, et seqq.-held the doc-
trine of the strict and proper in-
feriority of the Son to the Fath-
er, 10, and 112, note-express-
ly asserts that there was a time
when the Son was not, ib.-as-
serts the freedom of the human
will, 11-not a believer in pre-
destination, ib.-did not admit
a total corruption of man's na-

ture, ib.-speaks of the efficacy
of Christ's death in general and
indefinite terms, 12-says noth-
ing about an infinite atonement,
ib.-his testimony to the exten-
sive diffusion of Christianity, 12
-his creed, 110, 111-contains
no allusion to the distinctive
doctrines of Calvinism, 111, 112
-according to the modern test
would not be entitled to the
name of Christian, 112, note.
'The Bible Christian,' a new Uni-
tarian publication in Ireland,

Theological School at Cambridge,

its character and condition, 96
Theology, intricate questions in,
should be left to the learned,
207, 208

Thought, human, to be left free,

'To die is gain,' 250

Trinity, modern doctrine of, un-
known to the Fathers of the
three first centuries, 10-had its
origin in Platonism, ib.-modes
of defending it, 123, et seqq.


Unitarianism, affords support in
the hour of death, 233-237-a
doctrine of the primitive church
131-held probably by most
Christians of plain understand-
ings, in all ages, 131, 132
Unitarianism, Christian, Murch's
Letters on, 278

Unitarians, absurdly charged with

infidelity, 221-their reverence
for the Bible, and for Jesus, 222
-their diligence and zeal in the
cause of Christianity, 223-their
views of inspiration do not af-
fect their title to the name of
Christians, 223, 224

Unity, Christian, mistakes about
it, 49-does not require uni-
formity of discipline and opin-
ion, 50-55-in what it consists,
55, 56-method of securing and
preserving it, 57-59


Watson, Bishop, quoted, 174-
liberal sentiments of, 175, 176-
on the belief necessary to con-
stitute a Christian, 219, 220
Whiston, William, virulent attack
on, in the Spirit of the Pil-
grims,' 22-his views of the Sa-
viour, Arian, 22-his character
and sufferings as portrayed by
Bp. Hare, 23-25

Who are Christians? 210-224
Worship, Christian, a minister's
duty in relation to it, 26, et seqq.

-God its proper object, 28-30
-its form, 28-30-its sentiment,
30-33-duty of the people in
regard to it, 33, 34
Worcester, Dr Noah, on the atone-
ment, 60

Year, New, thoughts for, 1-5
Young, Rev. A., his sermon at the
ordination of Rev. J.W. Thomp-
son, 237

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