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And offers up, in all unrivalled lays,
The glorious homage of creation's praise.
Behold the universal offering shine-

Space the vast temple, and the earth the shrine,
The heavens its dome; and each retiring star,
Whose half-veiled lustre decks the skies afar,
Placed in the azure vault, is but a bright
And holy lamp, hung there the fane to light;
And those pure clouds, tinged by the parting day,
Which the light zephyr, as it wafts away,
Rolls into rosy billows to the gloom

Of the far darkness: these are but the fume
Of nature's incense: upward still he tends,
And to the throne of nature's God ascends.
Silent the temple! where the holy song,
That to heaven's King arises sweet and strong.
All, all is still; my heart alone can swell
The hymn of praise, and nature's homage tell,
On zephyr's wings, and on the evening's rays,
To God's abode her living incense raise;
Give to each creature-silent else—a tongue,
And lend herself for nature's sacred song;
Invoke a Father's love around to shine,
And fill the deserts with his name divine;
And he who, bending from his palace dread,
Lists to the music of the spheres he made-
He hears the voice of reason's humble prayer
Address his glory, and his name declare.


POPERY." I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow." Thus saith in her heart the

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mystic Babylon of the Apocalypse, speaking to herself as one in authority and security, while "she glorified herself, and lived deliciously." Elsewhere it is said of her, I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet-coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns," and "drunken with the blood of the saints. The seven heads are" declared to mean (in one of their twofold applications) seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. The ten horns are ten kings, which" are said to "give their power and strength unto the beast." She is also described as sitting upon many waters;" which are, or signify, "peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues;" and further, as being "that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." Rome is here pourtrayed; Rome on her seven hills; Rome in the plenitude of her power and the security of strength; Rome in all the intoxication of her pride: but not pagan and imperial Rome, though blasphemous, and persecuting, and pompous, and abominable, and domineering, and once throughout the civilized world supreme. A slight study of the Apocalypse must show the anachronism and palpable inconsistency in many respects of an interpretation which would apply this fearful description to ancient Rome. Rome has been blasphemous since she was pagan; and persecuting after she invoked the meek and compassionate Saviour of mankind; and pompous long after her imperial splendour had faded away; and abominable while all her many temples were Christian; and domineering while her ruler called himself " servant of the servants of God ;" and supreme throughout the civilized world, when the terror of her arms had become but a record in the pages of history. And when and how has Rome accorded with the portraiture

given of her by the inspired pen of blessed John? Since she became the seat of the papal supremacy, and since the papacy sat in the temple of God; in other words, since her bishops assumed that authority in the Christian church which in the main they still claim, though moderated in some respects by capacity to resist in others, and by inability to enforce in themselves. It matters not as to the precise era when this became the case; it is sufficient that it has been, and still is so, and that once it was not: for during the first four centuries, though the progressive rise of the papacy may be traced, yet it was not then seen "seated in the temple, and showing itself as God. The mystery of iniquity doth already work (says the apostle); only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken ont of the way, and then shall that wicked be revealed."-Rev. R. W. Sibthorpe, 1828.

BISHOP JEBB.-The life of such a man was one continual preparation for meeting the divine will concerning him. But it should not pass unrecorded, that when it pleased God thus suddenly to visit his faithful servant (by an attack of paralysis) he was found, within as without, in that state of preparation which our blessed Lord himself (Luke xii. 35, 36) has specially recommended and enjoined. For several days before the shock he had been engaged in the study (with him an early and favourite study) of bishop Hall's contemplations; and on the evening of the attack the book lay open upon his study-table ready to be again taken up had he returned in health. Accordingly, when first able to collect his thoughts, they flowed naturally in their usual channel. During the remainder of his continuance he gave himself wholly, at his waking hours, to hearing passages of scripture read suited to his present state, to meditating, or making short reflections upon them. One night, finding himself disturbed from sleep by uneasy dreams, as is usual (at times) in sleep procured by anodynes, he desired to have something suitable on a religious subject read to him. My brother proposed a psalm, and was about to begin the beautiful and appropriate 103rd when the bishop said, "Read the psalm that has 'who saveth thy life from destruction'" (that is, ps. ciii. 4). He listened with the deepest interest and emotion; called for bishop Horne's Commentary, which gave him much satisfaction, and immediately after settled into a calm slumber, which lasted through the night. In the morning he told agreed was far more effectual than any thing they the physicians of his anodyne, which they cordially could have prescribed. At another time expatiating, in their presence, upon the matchless beauties of scripture, he called for the 104th psalm, and, pronouncing it the sublimest ode that ever had come from the mind or pen, even of inspired men, desired that it might be read aloud. The effect none, who had the happiness to be present, can easily forget; his animated eye seemed to nod a comment on each verse, and to impart his own feeling of the divine original. None caught the spirit more fully than his two medical friends; while one of them, Dr. Carroll, a Roman catholic, could not refrain from expressing the mingled pleasure and edification with which he ministered at the bed-side of a protestant Christian bishop.-Foster's Life of bp. Jebb.

London: Published by JAMES BURNS, 17 Portman Street, Portman Square; W. EDWARDS, 12 Ave-Maria Lane, St. Paul's; and to be procured, by order, of all Booksellers in Town and Country.



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FEBRUARY 28, 1842.

EXETER appears to have been the capital of the Damnonian Britons. It was not, however, till several centuries after the introduction of Christianity that it was constituted an episcopal see. In 1050 the diocese of Cornwall, or St. German's, was united to that of Devon, the seat of which was then at Crediton, and the chair of the bishop was fixed at Exeter. Leofric, the last prelate of Crediton, was the first of Exeter. The grant of Edward the Confessor consolidating the sees, is yet extant.


continued by other prelates, have brought this cathedral to the size and grandeur which it now displays. Quivil's chief enlargement was towards the west. The towers already mentioned were originally a part of the western front but the bold design was formed and successfully executed of converting them and the intervening space into a transept or raised considerably the roof, and also carried cross aisle, and placing a nave before it. He on in some degree the works of the choir. From this prelate, during the incumbency of many successors, the building of the cathedral gradually though slowly advanced. The but it was not till nearly a century later, nave was completed about the year 1350; under bishop Lacy, that all the decorations of the interior of the church were finished.

During the civil wars this fabric, like many others, suffered much. An extract from the "Mercurius Rusticus" will show of what nature the injuries were; it is, howstatements made in it are, though true in the ever, proper to warn the reader that the main, most probably exaggerated:

The church of St. Peter's monastery was the new cathedral. This monastery had been founded in 932, by king Athelstan, for monks of the Benedictine order; who were more than once obliged to fly in consequence of the devastations of the Danes. But their privileges had been finally confirmed by Canute in 1019. Of the original monastery no part remains, nor of that which, built upon its ruins, became the first cathedral. This was doubtless of very limited dimensions; far inferior to that erected by bishop Warelwast, who commenced a building in cathedral (their mother church), and taken "Having demanded the keys of Exeter 1112, which appears to have been com- them into their own custody, they presently pleted by bishop Marshall in 1206, "accord-interdict divine service to be celebrated; so ing to the plan and foundation which his predecessors had laid." The present two massive transept towers are of Warelwast's


In 1280, bishop Quivil succeeded to the episcopal chair. In his time those extensive alterations and additions were begun which,

"Winkles's Cathedrals," and "Britton's History and Antiquities of Exeter Cathedral," have been consulted.


that for the space of three quarters of a year the holy liturgy lay totally silenced. The pulpit was open only to factious, schismatical their exhortations treason; so that the people preachers, whose doctrine was rebellion, and might hear nothing but what might foment their disloyalty, and confirm them in their unnatural revolt from their duty and obedience. Having the church in their possession,... [they spare] no place, neither the

[London: Joseph Rogerson, 24, Norfolk-street, Strand.


altar nor the pulpit. Over the communion | for sick or maimed soldiers: some they use

The cloisters, which are presumed to have

table, in fair letters of gold, was written the as slaughtering houses; and for the bishop's holy and blessed name of Jesus: this they palace, they might have called it Smithfieldexpunge as superstitious and execrable. On for in and about it they kept their fat oxen cach side of the commandments the pictures and sheep, and all their plundered provisions. of Moses and Aaron were drawn in full pro- Other houses they set on fire and burn down portion: these they deface. They tear the to the ground. They burnt down the Guildbooks of common prayer to pieces, and burn | hall in St. Sidwell's, belonging to the dean them at the altar with exceeding great exul- and chapter, and as many houses more of tation and expressions of joy. They made their ancient inheritance and revenues as were the church their storehouse, where they placed worth 100%. per annun; making, however, their ammunition and powder, and planted great havoc and spoil of their woods and a court of guard to attend it, who used the timber, maliciously intending to disable them church with the same reverence as they from re-edifying what they had most barbawould an ale-house, and defiled it with tip-rously burnt down." pling. They break and deface all the glass windows of the church, which cannot be re- i been worthy of the cathedral, were, after placed for many hundred pounds; and left, previous dilapidation, finally destroyed during all those ancient monuments, being painted the commonwealth. glass and containing matter of story only, a A partition wall was, in 1657, ran up so miserable spectacle of commiseration to all as to divide the church into two, denominated well-affected hearts that beheld them. They East Peter's and West Peter's, for the uses struck off the heads of all the statues on all respectively of the presbyterians and indemonuments in the church; especially they pendents; but of course after the restoration deface the bishop's tombs, leaving one with- it was taken down. Pews were erected in out a head, and another without an arm. the nave in 1684, which have been very proThey pluck down and deface the statue of an perly of late removed. Other improvements ancient queen, the wife of Edward the Con- and restorations have also been carried on: fessor, the first founder of the church, mis- the buildings which blocked out the view have taking it for the statue of the Virgin Mary. been pulled down, and the cathedral is now They brake down the organs, and taking two in every respect worthy of the most attentive or three hundred pipes with them, in a most notice. It cannot, indeed, be compared for scornful, contemptuous manner, went up and magnitude to several others we possess: its down the street piping with them; and, meet- elevation is insufficient, and, for want of a ing some of the choristers of the church, central tower, while there are two at the tranwhose surplices they had stolen before, scoffing-sept, it appears heavy; but its architectural ly told them- Boys, we have spoiled your details are of great variety and feminent trade: you must go and sing hot pudding pies.' merit. By the absoluteness of their power, they send The western front consists of three stories. forth their warrants to take away the lead off In the basement, covered with statues in a conduit and a great cistern that stood in niches, are three portals; above and a little the midst of the close, giving plentiful sup- farther back is the west wall of the nave, in plies of water to many hundreds of the inha- which is a magnificent window; and above bitants; and, by virtue of the same warrant, this, still farther back, is the gable of the they gave their agents power to take a great nave, containing another window, smaller, quantity of timber, which was laid up and but of similar character. Flanking the gable designed for the repairing of the church, as are hexagonal turrets, surmounted each with also a great stock of lead reserved for the a single pinnacle, canopied and crocketted. same purpose; which warrants were accord- The gable point is adorned with a canopied ingly put in execution to the full. They did|niche containing a statue, and ending in a enter into a consultation about taking down the bells, and all the lead that covered the church, to convert them into warlike ammunitions. They took down the gates of the close, which gates they employed to help forward and strengthen their fortifications. And now, having dispossessed the owners, the rebels find new employments for the canous' houses. Some of them they convert into prisons, and in an apish imitation, call them by the names of Newgate, King's Bench, and Marshalsea: others they employ as hospitals

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crocketted pinnacle. On each side the western wall of the nave is a sloping embattled wall, flanked on the outside with embattled hexagonal turrets. (A view of this is given.) On turning the north-west angle of the cathedral we come to a building which seems almost entirely window: it is used as the consistory court. Farther to the east is the northern porch. Beyond that we approach the transept tower. The walls are plain to a considerable height; it is then divided by plain horizontal bands all round into four

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