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hills. Patrick's Catalogue.

HABENARIA albida. Plentiful among the heather, on the Carrick

CORALLORHIZA innata. Sandy places near the sea, by Irvine. Br.


IRIS Pseudacorus (var. citrina). Ayrshire. Br. Fl.

Ruscus aculeatus. Skeldon Woods, near Ayr.

Br. Fl.

ACORUS Calamus. Ayrshire. J. Wilson, sp.
LUZULA Forsteri. Banks of the Doune. Br. Fl.

JUNCUS ınaritimus. Ayrshire. Br. Fl.

CAREX limosa. Knockdon Loch, near Ayr. G. Macnab, sp.

filiformis. At the S. end of Ayr Links. Eng. Fl. CALAMAGROSTIS Epigejos. Dalrymple Wood, Ayr. Br. Fl. AMMOPHILA arundinacea. Ayrshire. J. Hooker, sp. TRITICUM junceum. Ayrshire. J. Hooker, sp.

ELYMUS arenarius. Sea-coast, near Ayr. Fl. Scot. Common along

the coast. Anderson's Guide.



Montgomery, cat. - A Catalogue of plants observed in Renfrewshire, by Mr. J. Montgomery. (Communicated by Mr. Joseph Hooker.)

TROLLIUS europæus. Cloak. Montgomery, cat.

CORYDALIS claviculata. Renfrewshire. Mantgomery, cat.
COCHLEARIA officinalis. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
DROSERA longifolia. In a marsh between Glasgow and Paisley. Glot.
SILENE maritima. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.

STELLARIA nemorum, Taylor's Glen, Port Glasgow. Montgomery, cat.
ARENARIA marina, Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
RADIOLA millegrana. Gouroch. Montgomery, cat.
HYPERICUM Androsæmum. Shore at Gouroch. Montgomery, cat.
GERANIUM sylvaticum. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
PRUNUS Padus. Cloak. Montgomery, cat. Banks of the Cart. Glot.
SPIREA salicifolia. Banks of Loden. Montgomery, cat.
RUBUS suberectus. Road-side between Govan and Renfrew. Fl. Scot.
COMARUM palustre. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
Rosa tomentosa. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.

* ENOTHERA biennis. Corn-field in Lochwinnoch parish, naturalised.

Montgomery, cat.

SEDUM anglicum. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
Montgomery, cat.

-villosum. Lochwinnoch.

RIBES alpinum. Castle Semple. Montgomery, cat.


nigrum. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.

* SAXIFRAGA umbrosa. On the banks of the Cart, at Cartside. Glot,

* SAXIFRAGA hypnoides. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
CHRYSOSPLENIUM alternifolium. Cloak.
Montgomery, cat.
MEUM atham anticum. Lochwinnoch. Montgomery, cat.
CARUM verticillatum. About Greenock.
Fl. Scot.

Montgomery, cat.


† MYRRHIS odorata. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
ENANTHE pimpinelloides. Near Greenock. Fl. Scot.
+ VIBURNUM Lantana. Castle Semple. Montgomery, cat.
* LONICERA Caprifolium. Castle Semple. Montgomery, cat.
GALIUM boreale. Lochwinnoch. Montgomery, cat.
+ VALERIANA pyrenaica. Cloak-burn, Lochwinnoch. Montgomery, cat.
HIERACIUM sylvaticum. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
paludosum. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.

CNICUS heterophyllus. Cloak. Montgomery, cat.
GNAPHALIUM dioicum. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat,
SENECIO viscosus. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat,
saracenicus. Cloak. Montgomery, cat.
PYRETHRUM maritimum. Firth of Clyde. Montgomery, cat.
ASTER Tripolium. Firth of Clyde. Montgomery, cat.
ACHILLEA tomentosa. On the hills in the neighbourhood of Paisley.


CAMPANULA hederacea. Near the shores of the Clyde, two or three hundred yards to the westward of Clough Lighthouse; abundant in the immediate neighbourhood of Greenock. Fl. Scot.

Fl. Scot.

ANDROMEDA polifolia. Paisley moss. LITHOSPERMUM maritimum. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat. SYMPHYTUM tuberosum. Castle Semple. Montgomery, cat. † ATROPA Belladonna. Lochwinnoch, perhaps naturalised. Montgomery, cat. On the banks of the Cart, near Cathcart Mill.


BARTSIA viscosa. Near Greenock and Gouroch. Montgomery, cat.
GALEOPSIS versicolor. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
LAMIUM incisum. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
STYCHIS ambigua. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.

Lycopus europæus. Shores of Holy Loch; Kelly; &c. Montgomery,


LATHRÆA squamaria. Cart-side near Glasgow; and about Cathcart Castle. Fl. Scot. Castle Semple woods. Anderson's Guide to the Highlands.

STATICE Armeria. Firth of Clyde.

Montgomery, cat.

GLAUX maritima. Firth of Clyde.

Montgomery, cat.

PLANTAGO maritima. Renfrewshire.

Montgomery, cat.

EMPETRUM nigrum. Renfrewshire.

Montgomery, cat.

† CARPINUS Betulus. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat. SALIX cinerea. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.

† PINUS sylvestris. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.

SAGITTARIA sagittifolia. Paisley. J. Hooker, sp.

TRIGLOCHIN maritimum. Gouroch, Greenock, &c. Montgomery, cat.

HABENARIA albida. Lochwinnoch. Montgomery, cat.

LISTERA cordata. Misty Law. Montgomery, cat.

* GALANTHUS nivalis. Castle Semple. Montgomery, cat.
† CONVALLARIA majalis. Castle Semple. Montgomery, cat.
ACORUS Calamus. Lochwinnoch; Castle Semple Loch. Br. Fl.

ZOSTERA marina. Firth of Clyde. Montgomery, cat.
ERIOPHORUM vaginatum. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.
ELEOCHARIS acicularis. Lochwinnoch. Montgomery, cat.
POA maritima. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.

BROMUS arvensis. Renfrewshire. Montgomery, cat.


THE Flora Glottiana (Flora of the Clyde, or of Glasgow,) includes most of the plants of Lanarkshire, together with others occurring in the adjacent parts of the counties of Renfrew, Dumbarton and Stirling. The Indigenous Plants of Lanarkshire, a work more recently published, is a descriptive Flora of the county. I can give very few particular localities or stations, in addition to those indicated in the two works mentioned, but my Herbarium contains a large number of specimens from these counties, and the shores of the firth of Clyde; for which I am indebted to Mr. Joseph Hooker. Unfortunately, the method chosen by Mr. Hooker, for intimating the counties in which the specimens were gathered, (by means of a printed list and initial letters, without tickets to the specimens,) is so liable to inadvertences on the part of the sender, and misapprehension on the part of the receiver, that the chances are very great, for some of the specimens being referred to wrong counties. But we may safely trust that they have all been gathered in one or other of the four counties mentioned, or on the coasts of the firth of Clyde, as in Ayr, Argyle, or the adjacent islands; and, probably enough, in nineteen out of twenty specimens, the counties will be correctly indicated. This explanation is particularly made, because it may possibly happen that I name a specimen from a county, in which the species does not really exist,


Lan. A Popular Description of the Indigenous Plants of Lanark

shire. Patrick. 1831.


* ADONIS autumnalis. Occasionally among corn. TROLLIUS europæus. Between the Lead and Avon, at Avon Mill; Avon, opposite Barncluith; Clyde, above Ross, at Bothwell and Daldowie; Glenhove New Monkland, &c. Lan. Pastures near Airdrie, abundantly; banks of the Clyde at Ken muir. Glot.

* ACONITUM Napellus. Not uncommon in wild places about Hamilton, and often far from houses or gardens; plantations below Hamilton bridge; burn-side near Gour's Linn Quarry; wild banks of the Avon, near Barncluith, abundant. Lan. NUPHAR pumila. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. (Not mentioned by Patrick.)

TEESDALIA nudicaulis. Sandy fields at Tollcross, abundantly. Glot. * IBERIS amara. Sands below Hamilton bridge, nearly opposite the termination of the plantation. Lan. No longer to be found in Lightfoot's station of "fields between Hamilton and Glasgow." Glot.

? LEPIDIUM latifolium. Once found on the rock on which Bothwell

Castle is built. Lan.

Smithii. Near Blantyre Priory. Lan. COCHLEARIA officinalis. Lanarkshire. Jos. Hooker, sp. CAMELINA sativa. South side of Frankfield Loch, and in New Monk

land. Lan.


By the great burn, Hamilton wood; by the Lead above Avon Mill; on the Clyde at Uddingston and Kenmuir, &c. Lan. Banks of the Kelvin near Gairbraid; banks of the Calder, a little above the bridge; glen near Castlemilk. Glot.

impatiens. Rocks on the banks of the river above the falls of the Clyde. Lan.

† HESPERIS matronalis. In the fields near Holytown, scarcely indigenous. Glot. In the plantation below Hamilton bridge.


VIOLA lutea. Middlefield Law, Avondale; Cathkin hills, &c. Lan.
SILENE maritima. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp.
STELLARIA nemorum. Castlemilk; burn-side at Chanton-hall; Clyde
below Hamilton bridge, very abundant. Lan.
ARENARIA verna. Dry gravelly places on the North bank of the

Canal between Calder and Kirkintilloch.

by Patrick.)


RADIOLA millegrana. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. (Not mentioned HYPERICUM dubium. Woods at Skellyton and Stonebyres. Lan. In a wood two miles from Lanark, on the Hamilton road. Glot.

† GERANIUM phæum. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Banks of the Clyde at Blantyre Priory. Glot. Within the ruins at Blantyre Priory. Lan.

sylvaticum. Banks of the Nethen; Clyde at Kenmuir; at Jerviston, abundant. Lan. Banks of the Calder, in a wood near the bridge, abundantly. Glot.

+ IMPATIENS Noli-me-tangere. Abundantly in a wet glen at Castlemilk, perhaps escaped from gardens. Glot.

+ OXALIS corniculata. Found as a weed clinging to the roots of other plants about Barncluith and Clauds-burn. Lan. On an old wall between the Avon and Barncluith. Glot. (I have a small specimen from Mr. Joseph Hooker, but do not feel quite satisfied as to its identity with O. corniculata.)

* STAPHYLEA pinnata. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. OROBUS sylvaticus. Woods at the falls of Clyde; at Cartlane Craigs,


on the north side of the river. ASTRAGALUS glycyphyllus. On the green before Chatelherault. Lan. * MEDICAGO sativa. In meadows and pastures, occasionally. Glot. PRUNUS Padus. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Hamilton woods; banks of the Clyde, Kelvin, and Cart. Glot. Clyde above Cunningar; on the Calder between Crossbasket and Gilburnsynk, Lan. domestica. Frequent in woods and hedges.


† SPIREA salicifolia. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp.

Banks at Cart-

lane Craigs; plantation beyond the Manse at Shotts. Lan. RUBUS saxatilis. Top of a rock by the railway nearly opposite Cadzow Castle; among hazle bushes a little above Calder wood; Cleghorn wood; Bonnington, near Lanark. Lan. Chamamorus. Estate of Dalblair near Muirkirk; Cleghorn and Bonnington woods, with the former species. Lan. † FRAGARIA elatior. On an old wall in the orchard at Jerviston. Lan. POTENTILLA fruticosa. Falls of the Clyde. J. Hooker, sp. (Planted there?)

COMARUM palustre. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Deadwaters Ross.


+ Rosa villosa. Woods at Crossbasket near Glasgow, scarcely wild. Fl. Scot. (Is the same species as the R. villosa of the British Flora intended here?)

PYRUS communis. On the banks of the Avon below Chatelherault. Lan.

Aria. Coach road near Chatelherault. Lan.

CIRCEA alpina. On the great burn, Hamilton wood; at Mauchlan

hole, Kilbride. Lan.

SEDUM villosum. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. Road-side near Hawksland, Lesmahagow; at Highflat and Rigfoot, Kilbride; road-side near Airdrie; on Mearns Muir, abundant. Lan. On the hills above Castlemilk and Cathkin.


RIBES rubrum. Avon banks opposite Barncluith, perfectly wild, and

in woods and by sides of rivers. Lan.

- alpinum. Woods at Cadzow Castle, near Hamilton. Glot. By the carriage way about Cadzow Castle, abundant. Lan. nigrum. Clyde between Merryton and Cunningar, and in woods, occasionally. Lan.

* SAXIFRGA Geum. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp.


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umbrosa. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. In the woods at Bothwell, abundantly, probably introduced. Glot. By a rill above Dalziel Camp. Lan.

oppositifolia. In great abundance on the perpendicular rocks of the west side of the Clyde, above Corehouse, about 500 feet above the level of the sea, and half way between the two great Falls; and opposite a moss-house in the Bonnington pleasure-grounds, on the east-side of the river. James Macnab, sp.

CHRYSOSPLENIUM alternifolium. Lanarkshire. J. Hooker, sp. In

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