HABENARIA albida. Badenoch. G. Gordon, mss. Fl. Scot. LISTERA cordata. Near Inverness. Badenoch. G. Gordon, mss. Below the lake on Forest of Glenmore. Hooker, sp. Castle Grant. GOODYERA repens. G. Gordon, mss. Wood near Moy Hall, on the road to In- Fl. CONVALLARIA majalis. Badenoch birch banks, clearly indigenous. G. Gordon, sp. TOFIELDIA palustris. Glenfeshie and Cairneiler. RUPPIA maritima. G. Gordon, mss. Glen Elg. Fl. Scot. W. Stables, sp. ZOSTERA marina. Sands at Fort George. LUZULA spicata. Summit of Red Cairn, and in several places on that hill and Ben Nevis. H. W. sp. mss. Badenoch. G. Gordon, JUNCUS trifidus. Ben Nevis; Red Cairn. H. W. sp. biglumis. Ben Nevis. Fl. Scot. ERIOCAULON Septangulare. Isle of Skye. W. Stables, sp. In two or three small fresh-water lakes, about a mile west of Loch Sligachan, in Skye, but particularly in a small lake called Lochna-Caiplick, close to the road-side, between Sligachan and Drynoch; and in a small lake by the road-side, leading from Sconsar to Giesto, in Skye. Fl. Scot. Coll, and a few of the neighbouring islands. Br. Fl. ELEOCHARIS multicaulis. ERIOPHORUM vaginatum. Fl. Scot. Isle of Skye. H. W. CAREX pauciflora. Merlentugal, the ascent to Ben Nevis. Fl. Scot. pulla. North side of Red Cairn. about Loch Seavig in Skye. Br. Fl. H. W. sp. Mountain phæostachya. Upon rocks on the high mountains of Cairn gorm. Eng. Fl. rigida. Ben Nevis; Red Cairn. filiformis. Bog near Aviemore. H. W. sp. Fl. Scot. ALOPECURUS alpinus. Mountains of the Cairngorm range, near Loch POA maritima. Isles of Oronsay and Skye. Fl. Scot. -alpina. Near the summit of Red Cairn. FESTUCA Calamaria. Fort Augustus. AVENA strigosa. Skye. Br. Fl. pubescens. Craigue. G. Gordon, mss. THALICTRUM alpinum. Auchterchlow, in the Black Isle, along with Pinguicula alpina, among corn-fields. W. Stables, sp. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, mss. minus. Nigg. (J. B.)* TROLLIUS europæus. Auchterchlow. CORYDALIS claviculata. Rosshire. DRABA incana. Nigg. (J. B.) W. Stables, sp. + CAMELINA sativa. Ethie, in the Black Isle. ARABIS petræa. Freevater. DROSERA anglica. Rosshire. SILENE acaulis. Freevater. W. Stables, sp. G. Gordon, mss. Gordon, cat. W. Stables, sp. Anderson's Guide. Gordon, cat. Graham, sp. maritima. Shore at Kessock. H. W. HYPERICUM Androsæmum. Loch Maree. (G. Anderson, Esq.) G. Gordon, mss. GERANIUM sanguineum. Abundant near Avoch. sylvaticum. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. G. Gordon, mss. OXYTROPIS uralensis. Nigg. (Mr. Brichan.) G. Gordon, mss. On a rocky soil at Cromarty. ASTRAGALUS hypoglottis. Rosshire. Fl. Scot. glycyphyllos. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. VICIA lathyroides. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. On a vast limestone tract, called Creg-achnocaen, on the confines of Rosshire and Sutherland. Fl. Scot. RUBUS suberectus. In several places by the road-side, between Dingwall and Kessock. H. W. * "J. B." following the localities communicated by Mr. Stables, I believe refers to Mr. J. Brichan. RUBUS Chamamorus. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, mss. saxatilis. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. SAXIFRAGA stellaris. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, mss. G. Gordon, mss. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. aizoides. Kilmorach and Rosemurkie. Swampy ground by the road-side north-west of Kessock, at a slight elevation. H. W. oppositifolia. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. *CARUM Carui. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. + MYRRHIS odorata. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. LINNEA borealis. Near Brahan Castle. CORNUS Suecica. Br. Fl. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, sp. sp. Corriemoulie, Glascarnoch, Kinlochluchairt, Achnanaut, Achnashun. North. Fl. About Loch Broom. Scot. GALIUM boreale. Fl. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, mss. Highlands of Ross, very common. North. Fl. APARGIA Taraxaci. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, mss. Frequent on the highest mountains. Ander SAUSSUREA alpina. Rosshire. (G. Smith, Esq.) G. Gordon, mss. CNICUS heterophyllus. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. GNAPHALIUM dioicum. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. ? SENECIO paludosus. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. (Has this been accidentally marked, in the Catalogue, instead of S. aquaticus?) ASTER Tripolium. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. PYRETHRUM maritimum. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. LOBELIA Dortmanna. Loch Luchairt; Loch Cullen, &c. North. Fl. VACCINIUM Vitis-Idæa. Rosshire. uliginosum. Ben Wevis. Gordon, cat. G. Gordon, mss. Oxycoccos. Rosshire. (G. Smith, Esq.) G. Gordon, mss. ARBUTUS alpina. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, sp. Freevater. G. Macnab, sp. Mountains to the south of Little Loch Broom, and between Loch Broom and Loch Mari; Bennaish, and hills in Coygach. Fl. Scot. AZALEA procumbens. Ben Wevis. Fl. Scot. Hills of Rosshire. North. Fl. PYROLA uniflora. Coul. G. Gordon, sp. secunda. Torecheltie. G. Gordon, mss. Shady birch woods, among moss, about Little Loch Broom and Loch Mari. Fl. Scot. PYROLA minor. media. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. "Pyrola media, minor, LITHOSPERMUM maritimum. Rosshire. G. Gordon, mss. MELAMPYRUM Sylvaticum. Wooded ravine above the village of Auchterneid, Strathpeffer. (Mr. Wilson.) W. Stables, mss. LYCOPUS europaus. Margin of Loch Aichaltie, at Craigdarroch. (Mr. Wilson.) W. Stables, mss. Strathpeffer, between Highfield and Contin, opposite Miryford. North. Fl. AJUGA pyramidalis. Upon Tor Aichaltie, a hill near Brahan Castle. Fl. Scot. "This plant has disappeared from its old habitation Tor Echiltie, but it is said to have been discovered in other places in Rosshire. Its being a distinct species is questionable." Anderson's Guide. ("Aichaltie" and "Echiltie" are probably the same place. What is intended by the doubt respecting the present plant being a "distinct species," I do not quite understand. If any species of the same genus are to be held distinct from each other, surely this and Ajuga reptans are so.) GALEOPSIS versicolor. Rosshire. G. Gordon, mss. Road-side between Maryburgh and Bridge-end, near a house. H. W. (Seen from a stage-coach only, but not likely to have been mistaken.) STACHYS ambigua. Near Jane Town, Loch Carron. Fl. Scot. OROBANCHE rubra. On a small island, not far from the mainland, PINGUICULA alpina. Near Loch Avoch. G. Gordon, sp. Raddley. (Dr. Nicholson.) W. H. Campbell, sp. Bogs of Auchterflow and Shannon, on the Roschaugh property. Br. Fl. Between Munlochy Bay and Invergordon, in the Black Isle. Anderson's Guide. (These descriptions appear to refer to adjacent localities, if not to a single one.) lusitanica. Abundant in the parish of Contin, or Government Church District of Gurdy, or Kinlochlichart, from Garvie to Achnanault, the very interior of Rosshire. North. Fl. Castle Leod, the only station yet discovered in the east of Scotland. (Mr. Wilson.) G. Gordon, mss. TRIENTALIS europœa. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. STATICE Armeria. PLANTAGO maritima. Dingwall. H. W. W. Stables, sp. Fl. Scot. CHENOPODIUM maritimum. Glen-beg and Loch Broom. SALICORNIA herbacea. Munlocky Bay. ATRIPLEX laciniata. North. Fl. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. POLYGONUM viviparum. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. pillaris.) OXYRIA reniformis. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, mss. (See Carex ca * ULMUS glabra. Rosshire. Fl. Scot. In the British Flora, Sir. W. J. Hooker says that Scotland has only one native species of elm, the U. montana. The name of U. glabra is introduced into the Flora Scotica of this author on the authority of Lightfoot's Flora.) BETULA nana. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, sp. Moors of Loch Glass. Fl. Scot. Abundantly on the higher hills of Rosshire and more northern counties. Anderson's Guide. SALIX herbacea. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, mss. GOODYERA repens. In a wood called Cadue at Dundonald, by Little Loch Broom. Fl. Scot. LISTERA cordata. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, mss. South side of a stream above Castle Leod, Rosshire. (Mr. Wilson.) W. Stables, sp. Near Freevater. Excurs. Moist CORALLORHIZA innata. Wood near Contin. G. Gordon, mss. hanging wood on the south side near the head of Little Loch Broom. Fl. Scot. triglumis. Rosshire. (G. Smith, Esq.) G. Gordon, mss. LUZULA spicata. Ben Wevis. G. Gordon, mss. North. Fl. G. Gordon, sp. Near Bonar Bridge. ELEOCHARIS multicaulis. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. pauciflora. Rosshire, at Kincardine, near Bonar Bridge. North. Fl. RHYNCOSPORA alba. Rosshire. G. Gordon, cat. SCHOENUS nigricans. Rosshire. G. Gordon, cat. Black Isle. North. Fl. BLYSMUS rufus. In the neighbourhood of Cromarty. North. Fl. CAREX pauciflora. Torechelty. G. Gordon, mss. arenaria. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. capillaris. Bog east of Auchterchlow, in the Black Isle, among corn fields, with Pinguicula alpina, Thalictrum alpi num, and Polygonum viviparum. fulva. Rosshire. Gordon, cat. binervis. Rosshire. W. Stables, sp. Gordon, cat. pulla. Rosshire. (G. Smith, Esq.) G. Gordon, mss. |