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EPILOBIUM alsinifolium. On Cross Fell, in small quantity on some limestone rocks at the head of the little gill which separates Cross Fell from Dun Fell, and Cumberland from Westmoreland. Comp.

[blocks in formation]


RHODIOLA rosea. With Epilobium alsinifolium on Cross Fell.



SAXIFRAGA stellaris. Cross Fell; Patterdale; Swarth Fell; Place Kirkstone; Ashness Gill; Styehead, between Borrodale and Wasdale; Mell Fell; Alston Moor. Contr. oppositifolia. In several places in Wasdale Screes.

hypnoides. Ravine of Wasdale Screes. Comp.

MEUM athamanticum.

Gathered in the meadows behind the Vicarage,

Keswick, by Mr. Otley. Comp.

GALIUM pusillum. With Epilobium alsinifolium, on Cross Fell.


SENECIO saracenicus. By the Greta, below Keswick.
ERYTHEA latifolia. Ravenglass. Comp.
PYROLA media.

Otley, Herb.

Near Keswick, at the upper part of the woods, but below the precipitous part of Wallow Crag. Comp. secunda. Near Keswick, at the upper part of the woods, but below the precipitous part of Wallow Crag; Fisher Place Gill, on the ascent to Helvellyn, from Keswick. Comp. (The latter is probably the locality mentioned on page 316.) LITHOSPERMUM maritimum. Near Flimsby, on the outside of a little patch of cultivated land between the road and sea. Comp. MYOSOTIS caspitosa. "Is the common Scorpion Grass about Kirkland." Comp.

SCUTELLARIA minor. (Erase "sp."- Page 316.)

PRIMULA farinosa. Kirkland, in wettish ground, frequent; near Aspatria, where a white variety is also found; common in mountainous pastures. Contr. It is scarce or wanting on the hills round Keswick. H. W.

CENTUNCULUS minimus. Ravenglass. Comp.

STATICE Armeria. On rocks near the upper end of the Vale of Newlands, and between that vale and Borrodale. H. W. sp. EUPHORBIA Paralias. Flimby. Otley, Herb.

LISTERA cordata. By Fisher Place Gill, above the station of Pyrola



JUNCUS triglumis. By Fisher Place Gill, above the station of Pyrola

secunda. Comp.


Ullock Moss.

Otley, Herb.


TROLLIUS europæus.

[blocks in formation]

LEPIDIUM Smithii. Near Swalwall and Ryton; sides of the railway

about half a mile above Ryton.

TURRITIS glabra. Near Starley Bourn.

N. D. Add.

N. D. Add.

SINAPIS tenuifolia. Near Gateshead. (Miss Clarkson.) J. E. Leefe,


HYPERICUM dubium. Between Prudhoe and Crawcrook.


RUBUS suberectus. Hedges near Bensham.

N. D.

N. D. Add.

Chamamorus. Hudcope-head. Comp.

SANGUISORBA officinalis. In meadows by the Tees, between Middleton and Winch Bridge. Comp.

R. B. Bowman, sp. Br. Fl.


ROSA spinosissima. Shore near South Shields.
casia. Northumberland and Durham.
scabriuscula. Castle Eden Dean. N. D. Add.
involuta. (For "country" read "county."
BRYONIA dioica. Near Hartlepool and Dinsdale.
SEDUM villosum. Maze-beck, near Cauldron Snout,
E. A. Holmes.) C. C. Babington, mss.
above West Briscoe, near Cotherstone.
N. D. Add.

RIBES petræum. Howns Wood.

nigrum. Howns Wood.

CHRYSOSPLENIUM alternifolium.

Plentiful about Croft.

N. D. Add.

Page 324.)
N. D. Add.
Teesdale. (Rev.
In plenty a little

Cawsey Dean.

R. B. Bowman, sp.

MYRRHIS odorata. Banks of the Tees, near Egglestone Abbey.

Comp. VISCUM album. Add. FEDIA dentata.

Woods at Bradley, originally from gardens. N. D.

Corn fields near Stockton; near Whitburn; between

Prudhoe and Crawcrook. N. D. Add.

HIERACIUM Lawsoni. Falcon Clint Scars. N. D. Add.

cerinthoides. A single plant found on the bank of the Tees, near Middleton. Comp.

CNICUS heterophyllus. In the glen of the Greta. Comp.

CAMPANULA glomerata. Near Middleton-one-row. (Miss Hancock.) R. B. Bowman, sp.

N. D. Add.

VACCINIUM Vitis-Idæa. On rocks at Cauldron Snout. N. D. Add. ATROPA Belladonna. Near Low Team. RHINANTHUS major. It is mentioned in English Botany, that Stockton in Yorkshire was intended; if so, the words "other parts of the county" will also apply to Yorkshire. - Page 329. VERONICA Buxbaumii. On rubbish behind the Nursery Grounds, at the head of Gateshead, and on the Windmill Hills. N. D. Add.

GALEOPSIS villosa. Near Stephen's Hall, between Crawcrook and Winlaton. N. D. Add.

CALAMINTHA Nepeta. On old ballast hills at Friar's Goose, below Gateshead. N. D. Add.

PRIMULA farinosa. In a bog near Hilton Castle.


STATICE Armeria.

Coast. R. B. Bowman, sp.

POLYGONUM viviparum.

R. B. Bowman,

Cauldron Snout. (Rev. E. A. Holmes.) C. C. Babington, mss. Abundant in the meadows between Middleton and Winch Bridge. Comp.

RUMEX aquaticus? Barnardcastle, and other parts of Teesdale. Comp. (Mr. Woods appears to have been scarcely certain of this species; but it is adopted by Winch, without any mark of doubt, in his Addenda to the Flora of Northumberland and Durham, with a proof of which I am kindly supplied by its author, to complete this Supplement.) SALIX pentandra. In hedges at the foot of the hill between the Tyne and Wickham. N. D. Add.

ambigua. On barren moors. N. D. Add. "Probably a starved variety of Salix aquatica.

[ocr errors]

tenuifolia. Limestone rocks by the Tees, near Egglestone Abbey. Comp. "Or, perhaps, rather S. Weigeliana, if the species be indeed different."

ORCHIS ustulata.


About Dinsdale and Middleton-one-row.

N. D.

MABENARIA albida. Widdy Bank, and on the basaltic rocks at Winch Bridge. Comp.

OPHRYS apifera.

About Byers Quarry, near Whitburn, and in the vicinity. N. D. Add. (Add "N. D." after " Baydales."Page 333.)

SCILLA verna.

Naturalised in the old avenue at Butterby Hall; not at Burn Hall. N. D. Add.

ALLIUM arenarium.

Hesseldon Dean, Durham. (Rev. E. A.

Holmes.) C. C. Babington, mss.

TOFIELDIA palustris. On Teesdale Forest, near the Weal, and the

Cauldron Snout.

N. D. Add.

JUNCUS obtusiflorus. Hell Kettles, near Croft, 1832. J. E. Leefe,

BLYSMUS compressus.

Banks of the river, near Middleton-in-Tees


dale. R. B. Bowman, sp.

castle. N. D. Add.

Banks of the Tees near Barnard

CAREX fulva. Castle Eden Dean, in springy ground towards the sea

[blocks in formation]

FESTUCA rubra. In the sand on the sea shore below Castle Eden

Dean. Comp.

ELYMUS europæus.

Banks of the Tees near Egglestone Abbey


MR. WINCH is printing several pages of Addenda to the Flora of Northumberland and Durham, and has favoured me with copies of the proofs, which are below referred to as "N. D. Add."

TROLLIUS europaus. Henhole, Cheviot. N. D. Add.
PAPAVER Somniferum.

Stray specimens about Alnwick, where it was formerly cultivated. N. D. Add.


On a wall at Dunstan Steads. N. D. Add. claviculata. On rocks near Redpath; near New Berwick. N. D. Add.

LEPIDIUM Smithii. Near Bamborough.

COCHLEARIA officinalis. Henhole, Cheviot.

N. D. Add.

N. D. Add.

N. D. Add.

IBERIS amara.. Bed of the Tweed, above Coldstream.

CARDAMINE amara. On the banks of Fallowlees Bourn, near Wallington. N. D. Add.

RESEDA lutea. Near Bamborough; on the banks of Tyne, between Newburn and Wylam. N. D. Add.

N. D. Add.

N. D. Add. west of Wark,

N. D. Add.

VIOLA lutea. Near Great Bavington; near Alnwick.
DIANTHUS deltoides. On Nenthorn Hill. N. D. Add.
SILENE noctiflora. In fields near Hartley and Preston.
STELLARIA nemorum. By the side of the Tweed, to the
and on an island between Cornhill and Lees.
CERASTIUM tetrandrum. Near Craster. N. D. Add.
TILIA grandifolia. In woods at Belford.
HYPERICUM calycinum. Naturalised near Cornhill. N. D. Add.
GERANIUM sanguineum. On the sea banks near Embleton.


N. D. Add.

N. D.

VICIA lathyroides. On Ratcheugh Crag, near Alnwick. N. D. Add. ASTRAGALUS glycyphyllus. On the sea banks near Banborough; in a wood near Earl, in the vicinity of Wooler; on the banks of Wooler Water, above Coldgate Mill. N. D. Add.

hypoglottis. On Alemouth Links. N. D. Add. PRUNUS Padus. Hulne Woods, near Alnwick. N. D. Add. SPIREA salicifolia. Woods near Alnwick. N. D. Add.

FRAGARIA calycina. This is the wood strawberry in a luxuriant state. N. D. Add.

Rosa spinosissima. Sea banks near Alemouth. N. D. Add.

tomentosa. Near Alnwick, and Spindlestone. N. D. Add. Borreri. At the base of Yevering Bell, one of the Cheviots. N. D. Add.

villosa. Near Newcastle.

N. J. Winch, sp.

Sabini. ("Rosa Sabini and gracilis, from Heaton Denc, are one

and the same, the Ouse Bourn being the rivulet running through Heaton Dene: gracilis is the oldest and best name. The figure in the Supplement to English Botany was taken from the plant sent by me; but cultivated in the garden of the Horticultural Society." Mr. Winch. - Page 342.) PYRUS Aria. Hulne Woods, near Alnwick. N. D. Add.

torminalis. Hulne Woods, no doubt planted. N. D. Add. EPILOBIUM alpinum. On the sides of College Water, Henhole, Cheviot. N. D. Add. (Mr. Winch intimates that he has not seen any specimen from this locality, but has gathered E. alsinifolium on Cheviot.)

RHODIOLA Tosea. Henhole, Cheviot.

N. D. Add.

N. D. Add.

N. D. Add.

RIBES petræum. In Hulne and Rugley Woods.

alpinum. Woods at Wallington.

SAXIFRAGA stellaris. By the sides of streams at Hethpool, Linhope,

and Alnham Moor.


N. D. Add.

On Dunsdale and Henhole Hopes, among

the Cheviots. N. D. Add.

CHRYSOSPLENIUM alternifolium. In Rugley Woods, near Alnwick;
near the mineral well at Cornhill. N. D. Add.
CICUTA virosa. In a bog at Learmouth, near Cornhill.
ENANTHE pimpinelloides. At the mouth of Warren Water.


N. D. Add.
N. D.

peucedanifolia. In the bog at Embleton, near Newton-
by-the-Sea, and Swinhoe. N. D. Add.
Phellandrium. In a pond near Walker.

N. D. Add.

VISCUM album. On an apple tree in a garden at Alnwick.

Add. (Introduced by design?)

N. D.

GALIUM boreale. On rocks by Tweed Mill, near Cornhill; near Coldstream and Anton's (?) Hill. N. D. Add.

HIERACIUM umbellatum. Near Shaftoe and Rothley Mill; on the Roman road near Walltown; Henhole, Cheviot.


N. D.

CNICUS heterophyllus. In the dean at Twizell House, near the milldam; in Rugley Dean. N. D. Add. (Possibly the E. pratensis of Mr. Dodd, in Turner and Dillwyn's Guide.) ARTEMISIA maritima. On rocks at Embleton. N. D. Add. SENECIO viscosus. On Alnwick Moor. N. D. Add. CAMPANULA glomerata. Near Mylam. R. B. Bowman, sp. Woods. N. D. Add.


Trachelium. Hulne Woods. N. D. Add. (Hulne Woods are said to form part of the pleasure grounds of Alnwick Castle, and must be a doubtful locality for ornamental plants.)

PYROLA rotundifolia. Learmouth and Newham Bogs. N. D. Add. media. Rugley Wood. N. D. Add.

minor. Rugley Wood. N. D. Add.

ERYTHREA latifolia. On the sea shore near Hartley Bates. N. D. Add.

POLEMONIUM cæruleum. By the sides of the Aln, frequent, probably the outcast of gardens. N. D. Add.

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