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St. Chryfoftome; who, as great a lover and recommender of the folitary ftate as he was, declares it to be no proper fchool for thofe, who are to bẹ leaders of Chrift's flock, and the guides of souls *; and thinks fuch perfons beft qualified for the paftoral charge, who to innocence of life have joined fo much worldly experience and prudence, as may enable them in the course of their miniftry, to address themselves to men in a way suited to their feveral exigences and tempers, to their various ranks, conditions, and characters t. I

"Ouden outos achreston eis Ekklesias prostasian, os aute "e argia kai e ameletefia, en eteroi men askefin tina thaumaf"ten einai nomizoufin.---O gar enethiftheis tofautes apolauein "apragmofunes, kai en efuchia diagein polle, kan megales e "phufeos upo tes anask fias thorubeitai kai tarattetai, kai tes oikeias dunameos perikoptei meros ou mekron to agumn"afton. Otan de omou kai bradeias e dianoias, kai ton toi"outon logon, kai agonon apeiros, ton lithinon ouden dioifei, ❝tauten dexiamenos ten oikonomian Dia touto ton exi ekçines "erchomenon tes palaistras eis tous agonas toutous oligo dia66 phainontai oi de pleious elegchontai, kai katapiptoust, kai

pragmata upomenoufin aede kai chalepa.--Otan elthofin eis "tous agonas, on me memeletekah ten peiran, aporeuntai, "iliggiosin, eis amechanian enpiptoufi,"&c. Peri lerosun p.48.

+ Ou gar monon katharon, tes telikautes axiiomenon “diakonias, alla kai lian funeton, kai pollon empeiron einai "dei, kai panta men eidenai ta biotika ton en meso itrepho66 menon ouch etton,---Epeide gar andrafin auton omilein a"nagke kai gunaikas echoufi, kai paidas trephousi, kai the"rapontas kektemenois, kai plouton peribeblemenois po'un,

kai demofia prattoufi, kai en dunasteiais oufi, poikilon au"ton cinai dei. Poikilon de lego, ouch upoulon, oude ko"Jaka, kai upokriten, alla polles men eleutherias kai parregas "anameston, eidota de kai fugkatienai chrefimos, otan e ton "pragmaton upothefis touto apaite kai chreffon einai omou "kai aufteron. --Panta de tauta ta diaphora eis en telos ora, "tou Theou ten doxian, tes Ekklesias ten oikodomen" Ibid. 2.47.


need not fay, what advantages, in this refpect, belong to a married clergy, particularly to thofe of the Church of England.

Nay further, the maried state of parochial paftors hath given them the opportunity of fetting a more exact and univerfal pattern of holy living to the people commited to their charge, and of teaching them how to carry themfelves in their feveral relations of hufbands and wives, parents and children, by domeftic patterns, as well as by public inftructions. By this means, they have, without queftion, adorned the golpel, glorified God, and benefited men, much more than they could have done in the devouteft and ftricteft ce

libacy. And their usefulness in this respect to others, hath not been without fome advantage to themselves; it hath raised the credit of the order, and promoted the reverence that is juftly due to it.

Let me add one inftance more, wherein the marriage of the clergy hath redounded to their honour; inafmuch as it affords a remarkable argument of God's particular providence towards them and their families. For, confidering the chargeable methods of their education, their numerous iffue and small income; confidering the expences incumbent upon them, in point of hofpitality, and charity, and the proportion (the at leaft equal proportion) they bear in the public burthens and taxes; it is next to a miracle, that no more of their children fhould want, and that fo many of them fhould be in fuch profperous circumftances, as we have good reafon to think there are, even from this day's folemn appearance, B b 2


SERM. VIII, "Happy art thou, O Ifrael, O people faved by the Lord, the fhield of thy help, and who is the fword of thy excellency; and thine enemies fhall be found lyars unto thee. No weapon that is formed against thee, shall prosper; and every tongue, that shall rise against thee in judgment, Thou fhalt condemn. This is the heritage of the fervants of the Lord, and their righteoufnefs is of me, faith the Lord," Deut. xxxiii. 29.

However, ftill one inconvenience their is, with which the marriage of the clergy is too vitibly attended, the poverty of fome of them; an inconvenience which is, as you have heard, ballanced and outweighed by many fignal advantages; and which we are fo far from diffembling, that we meet this day, to do every one of us fomewhat (as God hath enabled, and fhall, incline us) towards removing it. This is the only fpecious objection which our Remish adverfaries urge against the doctrine and practice of this church, in the point of celibacy; the only matter of juft reproach, wherein they vifibly triumph. Since other arguments have, by our excellent writers, been wrefted out of the enemies hands, pity it is, that they fhould remain in poffeffion of this; that we fhould not be able to justify our reformation in every respect, and to make this church, like the true spouse of Chrift," a glorious church, having neither spot, nor wrinkle, nor any fuch thing," that may blemish her luftre, deform her beauty, and expofe her to any degree of that ungodly fcorn, with which proud and irreligious minds are ever ready to pursue her. We are not indeed, of ourselves, fufficient for this work: However,


more may be done by us towards it, than at first we are apt to imagine; if we fet about it in good earneft, and employ our united strength upon it; if we encourage it by our examples, and perfuafions, and by placing the motives to this particular fort of beneficence, in a proper light before thofe, who wifh well to religion, have much to beftow in charity, and hearts ever open and ready to bestow it.

It is faid of our bleffed Saviour (whofe advent we now celebrate) that "he came eating and drinking," and that he " went about doing good." I join thefe two parts of his character, because he himself often exerted them together, and made ufe of the one, as affording him fit opportunities to abound in the other. He difdained not to appear at great tables and feftival entertainments, that he might more illuftriously manifeft his divine charity to the fouls and bodies of men. Let us, this day, imitate his example in both thefe refpects; and whilst we are are enjoying the good things of life, let us remember thofe that want even the neceffaries and first conveniences of it: And remember them, as we ourselves fhould have defired to be remembred, had it been our fad lot to fubfift on other mens charity. They are not common objects, for which I plead; nor are you under the ordinary ties of humanity and charity to relieve them. Their fathers and yours were fellow-fervants to the fame heavenly mafters, while they lived; nor is that relation diffolved by their death, but ought ftiil to operate among their furviving children. And het be he of the Lord whoever among you hath not left (and thall


not leave) off his kindness to the living, and to the dead; Ruth ii. 20. but for the fake of the dead fhall continueto do good to the living!

May God awaken the minds of all thofe of this body, whom his providence has bleffed with abundance, to confider the obligations they are under, of miniftring to the neceffities of their poor brethren! May he open their ears to the cries of the orphan and widow, who are members of the fame common family, though mean ones, and have a right to be fuported out of the incomes of it, as the poor Jews had to gather the gleaning of the rich mens harvest!

There are indeed many excellent institutions of charity lately set up, and which deserve all manncr of encouragement; particularly those which relate to the careful and pious education of poor children. An admiral defign! which hath met with a deserved fuccefs! and may it ftill go on profpering to profper! But give me leave to fay, that, while fo many orphans and widows of clergy-men are deftitute even of food and raiment, the eyes of the fons of the clergy should chiefly be turned on these objects, and the greateft fhare of their charity fhould flow in this channel. 'Tis determined by the great preacher of charity, St Paul, that domeftic inftances of beneficence should take place of those that are foreign. "As we have opportunity (fays he) let

us do good unto all inen; especially unto them, that are of the houfhold of faith," Gal, vi. 10. And again, in thofe emphatical words, "If "any provide not for his own, and efpecially for "thofe of his own house" (the words are de


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