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Having already taken Notice of divers Errors, antecedent to, and concerning a Sentence, fuch as occur applicable to this Cafe, it will be allow'd enough have been inftanc'd, as capable to difannul Proceedings, and make them, Ipfo Fadlo, void.

But it may not be amifs to remark yet a little upon another, and that a principal Omiffion and Nullity; which is a falfe Step even from the very Beginning, and which, alone, would be fuch an Error, as would vacate and fet afide the whole Proceedings.

And that is, the Want of a lawful Authority and Proxy to appear in the Cause against Dr. Welton.

This fhould either be in Writing, or by the Party principal appearing in Fudgment, and there conftituting his Proctor; and if in Writing, ought to be made appear, by an exhibited



Nemo Procurator idoneus fine mandato reperitur. Brechter. Proc. Jud. p. 263.

Non auditur quis tanquam alterius Procurator, nifi habeat mandatum legitime factum. Decret. Greg. l. 1. Tit. 38. De Procuratoribus

Proxy left in the Registry; or otherwife, if perfonal, by the Acts of Court, fetting forth an Appointment made by the Party of his Proctor, in open Court. And it does not appear in the Registry, or by Act of Court, that there was any Proxy from Dr. Shippen, or any Conftitution of a Proctor by him or any other. And what appears not fo to be, is, in Law, accounted as a Non-entity.||


Si aliquem non fuiffe citatum, nequé con ftitutum Procuratorem, minufque Furis Ordinem fervatum, per Infpectionem Actorum & Procefsus ejufdem Caufæ probabitur, Bart. 1. 2. C. de Error. Advoc. & in l. hi qui ad Civilia. C. de Appell.& in l. 1. ff. Si tut. vel cura. appell. Bal. in l. Si contra C. de Appell. Faf. in Sect. condemnatum colum. 2. ff. de re jud.


domi Abb. poft Foan. Andr. circa fin. d. c. ad Jedem. de reftitut. Spolia. & in cap. quoniam contra. fuper ultima Gloff. ubi Felin. colum. 15. verf. limita uno modo. Joan. Andr. poft Spec. in Tit. de Senten. Sect. ut autem, in Verb. nota fecundum quofdam, Quia quod non apparet, dicitur non effe. 1. in leg. ff. de contraben. empt. c. folennitates, in fin. de confecr. diftinet. 1. ponit Afli&t. decif. 43. num. 5. & pramila tenet Alex. conf. 59. vifo Tit. colum. 5.


Thus, if a Perfon pretends to appear in Fudgment in another's Name, and, upon Search into the Proceedings, his AUTHORITY fo to do, does not appear, a NULLITY arifes, in Confequence, throughout all the Proceedings, which become, whether judicial or extrajudicial, ipfo fure, NULL and VOID, without fuch legal Authority.


num. 17. lib. 4. & conf. 53. quoniam 2, colum. conf. 105. Ponderatis, colum. 2. lib. 5. Abb. conf. 92. Chrifti nomine, volumine primo, cum aliis de quibus per Decium, d. conf. 483. pro refolutione, num. 6. & Bar. in conf. 98. apparet in fi. & Mar. de Fano. in Tract. de probanda negativa, Tomo decimo tertio, Cor. conf. pen. lib. I. Vant. de Null. Sent. fol. 124. Sect.


Si comparentes alieno nomine in Judicio interfuerint, videndum erit qualiter de eorum poteftate conftet; nam fi non apparebit, Nullitas de plano procedet. Vantius de Nullitatibus, fol. 23. Sect. 5.

*Neceffe eft quod appareat formiter de poteftate legitimâ, alieno nomine comparentis; aliàs Proceffus erit ipfo Jure nullus; quod procedit tam in Actis judicialibus quàm extrajudicialibus. Barto. in l. fi quis infic. ff. dep. & in l. quod alterius, ff. de reg. jur.& aliis adductis per Alex. conf. 74. vifo colum. 2. 1, 3. Vant. de Null. fol. 382. Sect. 73.

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It is enough, in fuch a Cafe, to alledge, That a Perfon appearing in the Cause as a Proctor, is not Prodor for his pretended PRINCIPAL. And that he is not fo, may be fbewn; for that the Contrary of fuch Affertion does not appear, from the Proceedings, in the Caufe, to wit, That the Perfon fo appearing, is ProBor for his pretended Principal: Which Negative, That he is not fo, will, thereupon, be taken as prov'd from the very Acts and Proceedings in the Caufe; because what is not made to appear therein, is accounted not to be. I


Imprimis, quòd non fuerit talis, oftendi confuevit ex eo, quòd contrarium ex Proceffu non conftat, videlicet ipfum comparentem fuiffe talem: Nam tunc ex eifdem Actis eo ipfo cenfetur probata negativa, videlicet talem non fuiffe; quia quod ibi non apparet, dicitur non effe. 1. fin. C. de rebus credi. ubi per illum tex. hoc ponunt Doctores, & I. in lege ff. de contrahend. empt. c. cum ad fedem. de reftitut. fpol. c. Solennitates in fin. de confecr. diftin. 1. Alia enim probantur per Infpectionem A&torum, ut dicit Barto. in l. 2. C. de erroribus Advoca. & in l. hi qui ad Civilia. C. de App.

And this Want of a fufficient Authority, makes a || Defect in the ve ry first Step, or Citation, in the Caufe; fo that a Perfon may object, in fuch a Cafe, as not being duly conven'd in Judgment. And this Sort of NULLITY is call'd Incurable. And this Objection holds good to be made Ufe of, at any Time, in a Caufe, to VACATE the Proceedings, and even Sentence it felf.


App. 1. 1. ff. fi tutor vel cura. appel. ponit Bal. in l. fi contra. C. de appellat. & in cap. quoniam contra per illum tex. in fin. ubi fcribentes, extra de probat. Vant, de Null. Sent. fol. 325. Sect. 62:

Talis infuper Defectus Poteftatis includit & continet in fe Defectum Citationis quoad ipfos principales Dominos; quia proceffus cum falfo Procuratore factus (principali ali ter non vocato) etiam ex Defectu Citationis impugnari poteft; ideo Nullitatem hanc Mo derni vocant infanabilem; ut Staphileus in d. tract. de liter. grat, fol. 145. Sarvien. in Comment. regular. in Compendio utriufq; Signatura, fol. 185, prima facie. Idcirco in hoc erit fummopere advertendum. Vant. de Null. Sent. fol. 324. Sect. 61.

Et regulariter ex ifto capite contra Proceffus &Sententias apponit,quod qui in judicio


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