4 Such guests shall to thy courts be led, To banquet on thy love's repast; And drink, as from a fountain's head, Of joys that shall for ever last. 5 With thee the springs of life remain, Thy presence is eternal day; O let thy saints thy favor gain, To upright hearts thy truth display. PSALM 31. From the xxxvii. Psalm of David. II. 2. PART 1. But he was gone as swift as thought; Their roughest days in peace shall end 1 THOUGH wicked men grow rich or The LORD will tinely succor send, great, Yet let not their successful state 2 Depend on God, and him obey, Secure from danger and from want: Make his commands thy chief delight, And he, thy duty to requite, Shall all thy earnest wishes grant. 3 In all thy ways trust thou the LORD, And he will needful help afford, To perfect every just design; He 'll make like light, serene and clear, Thy clouded innocence appear, And as a mid-day sun to shine. 4 With quiet mind on God depend, And patiently for him attend, Nor envy the success of crime; For God will sinful men destroy, Whilst they his presence shall enjoy, Who trust on him, and wait his time. 1 THE good man's way is GOD's delight: He orders all the steps aright Of him that moves by his command; Though he sometimes may be distress'd, Yet shalt he ne'er be quite oppress'd, For Gon upholds him with his hand. 2 With caution shun each wicked deed, In virtue's ways with zeal proceed, And so prolong your happy days; For GOD, who judgment loves, does still Preserve nis saints secure from ill, While soon the wicked race decays. The upright shall possess the land, His portion shall for ages stand; His mouth with wisdom is supplied, His tongue by rules of judgment moves, His heart the law of God approves; Therefore his footsteps never slide. And from the wicked set them free. From the xxxviii. Psalm of David. 1 THY chast'ning wrath, O LORD, restrain, 2 My sins, which to a deluge swell, 3 But, LORD, before thy searching eyes 4 Forsake me not, O LORD, my GOD From the xxxix. Psalm of David. 1 LORD, let me know my term of days. 2 My life, thou know'st, is but a span, 3 Man, like a shadow, vainly walks, 1 AS pants the wearied hart for cooling That sinks exhausted in the summer's chase, So pants my soul for thee, great King of kings, So thirsts to reach thy sacred dwellingplace. 2 Why throb, my heart? why sink, my sadd'ning soul? Why droop to earth, with various woes oppress'd? My years shall yet in blissful circles roll, And peace be yet an inmate of this breast. 3 LORD, thy sure mercies, ever in my sight, My heart shall gladden through the tedi 1 LET me with light and truth be bless'd; Be these iny guides to lead the way Till on thy holy hill I rest, And in thy sacred temple pray. 3 Why then cast down, my soul? and why Frein the xlv. Psalm of David. 1 WHILE I the King's loud praise rehearse, Indited by my heart, My tongue is like the pen of him 2 How matchless is thy form, O King! $ Gird on thy sword, most mighty prince; And clad in rich array, Witn glorious ornaments of power, 4 Ride on in state, and still protect Whilst thy right hand, with swift revenge, Does all thy foes pursue. 5 How sharp thy weapons are to them That dare thy power despise ! Down, down they fall, while through their The piercing arrow flies. [heart 6 But thy firm throne, O GOD, is fix'd, Thy sceptre's sway shall always last, 7 Because thy heart, by justice led, Advanced thy lofty head. II. 2. From the xlvi. Psalm of David. 1 GOD is our refuge in distress, Torn piece-meal by the roaring tide. 2 A gentler stream with gladness still The city of our LORD shall fill, The royal seat of GOD most high: GoD dwells in Sion, whose fair towers Shalı mock th' assaults of earthly powers, While his almighty aid is nigh. 13 Submit to God's almighty sway, For him the Heathen shall obey, And earth her sovereign LORD confess. The God of hosts conducts our arms. Our tower of refuge in alarms, From the xlviii. Psalm of David. 1 THE LORD, the only GOD, is great, 2 In Sion we have seen perform'd In pledge that God, for times to come, 3 Let Sion's mount with joy resound; 2 Our God shall come, and keep no more 18 Blot out my crying sins, Misconstrued silence as before, But wasting flames before him send; Around shall tempests fiercely rage, Whilst he does heaven and earth engage His just tribunal to attend. 3 Assemble all my saints to me, (Thus runs the great divine decree,) That in my lasting covenant live, And offerings bring with constant care: The heavens his justice shall declare, For God himself shall sentence give. 1 ATTEND, my people; Israel, hear; Thy strong accuser I 'H appear; Thy GOD, thine only God am I: 2 The sacrifices I require And thou shalt praise thy gracious GOD. My strong salvation shall be shown. From the li. Psalm of Dazic. 1 HAVE mercy, LORD, on me, And cleanse me from my sin; 3 Against thee, LORD, alone, And only in thy sight, Have I transgress'd; and, though condemn'd, 4 In guilt each part was form'd 6 Wit hyssop purge me, LORD, That so the bones which thou hast broke Nor me in anger view: 9 Withdraw not thou thy help, 10 The joy thy favor gives 11 So I thy righteous ways 12 Could sacrifice atone, Whole flocks and herds should die; But on such off'rings thou disdain'st To cast a gracious eye. 13 A broken spirit is By GOD most highly prized; By him a broken, contrite heart, Shall never be despised. 14 Let Sion favor find, Of thy good will assured; 15 The just shall then attend, PSALM 45. С. М. From the lv. Psalm of David. 1 GIVE ear, thou Judge of all the earth, And listen when I pray; Nor from thy humble suppliant turn Thy glorious face away. 2 My heart is pain'd; the shades of death 3 And thus I breathe my heavy sigh 4 "Swift 1'd escape, and flee afar, 5 " I'd wing my everlasting fight, 6 Thus will 1 call on GOD, who still At morn, at noon, at night I'll pray, 15 Though mercy is his darling grace, In which he chiefly takes delight; Yet he will all the human race 1 LORD! though at times surprised by According to their works requite. fear, Ou danger's first alarm, Yetill for succor I depend On thy almighty arm. 2 Goo's faithful promise I shall praise, On which I now rely; In GOD I trust, and, trusting him, The arm of flesh defy. 3 I'll trust God's word, and so despise, The force that man can raise; To thee, O GOD, my vows are due, To thee I'll render praise. For thee my thirsty soul does pant; My fainting flesh implores thy grace, As in a dry and barren place, ere I refreshing waters want. 20! to my longing eyes, once more, That view of glorious power restore, Which thy majestic house displays. 4 Thou hast retrieved my soul from death, Because to me thy wondrous love And thou wilt still secure The life thou hast so oft preserved, And make my footsteps sure: 5 That thus, protected by thy power, I may this light enjoy; PSALM 47. L. M. From the lvii. Psalm of David. 10 GOD, my heart is fix'd, 't is bent, Its thankful tribute to present; And, with my heart, my voice I'll raise To thee, my GOD, in songs of praise. 2 Awake, my glory; harp and lute, No longer let your strings be mute: And I, my tuneful part to take, Will with the early dawn awake. 3 Thy praises, LORD, I will resound To all the list'ning nations round: Thy mercy highest heaven transcends, Thy truth beyond the clouds extends. 4 Be thou, O GOD, exalted high; And as thy glory fills the sky, So let it be on earth display'd, 'Till thou art here, as there, obey'd. From the lxii. Psalm of David. I MY soul, for help on God rely, On hin my soul shall still depend. 4 The LORD has oft his will express'd, 2* 27 Than life itself does dearer prove, While I with joy his praise proclaim. PSALM 50. From the 1xv. Psalm of David. PART I. L. M. 1 FOR thee, O GOD, our constant praise In Sion waits, thy chosen seat; Our promised altars there we 'll raise, And all our zealous vows complete. 2 Thou! who to every humble prayer, Dost always bend thy list'ning ear, To thee shall all mankind repair, And at thy gracious throne appear. 3 Our sins, though numberless, in vain To stop thy flowing mercy try; Whilst thou o'erlook'st the guilty stain, And washest out the crimson dye. 4 Blest is the man, who near thee placed. Within thy sacred dwelling lives! 'T is there abundantly we taste The vast delights thy temple gives. PART II. L. M. 1 LORD! from thy unexhausted store, 2 On rising ridges down it pours, |