4 'That God is great, we often have By glad experience found: And seen how he, with wondrous power, Above all gods is crown'd.
5 For he, with unresisted strength, Performs his sov'reign will, In heaven and earth, and wat'ry stores That earth's deep caverns fill.
6 Their just returns of thanks to GOD
Let grateful Israel pay; Nor let anointed Aaron's race
To bless the LORD delay.
7 Their sense of his unbounded love Let Levi's house express;
And let all those who fear the LORD, His Name for ever bless.
8 Let all with thanks his wondrous works In Sion's courts proclaim; Let them in Salem, where he dwells, Exalt his holy Name.
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3 By his almighty hand Amazing works are wrought; The heavens by his command Were to perfection brought: For GOD &c.
4 He spread the ocean round About the spacious land; And bade the rising ground Above the waters stand: For GOD &c.
5 By him the heavens display Their num'rous hosts of light, The sun to rule by day, The moon and stars, by night: For GOD &c.
6 He, in our depth of woes, On us with favor thought; And from our cruel foes In peace and safety brought: For GOD &c.
7 He does the food supply On which all creatures live: To GOD, who reigns on high, Eternal praises give: For God will prove Our constant friend; His boundless love Shall never end.
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From the cxxxvii. Psalın of David.
1 WHEN we, our weary limbs to rest, Sat down by proud Euphrates' stream, We wept, with doleful thoughts oppress'd, And Sion was our mornful theme.
2 Our harps, that, when with joy we sung Were wont their tuneful parts to bear, With silent strings neglected hung On willow trees that wither'd there.
30 Salem, our once happy seat, When I of thee forgetful prove, Let then my trembling hand forget The speaking strings with art to move!
4 If I to mention thee forbear, Perpetual silence be my doom; Or if my chiefest joy compare With thee, Jerusalem, my home!
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Thy praise I will proclaim; Before the mighty I will sing, And bless thy holy Name. 2 I'll worship at thy sacred seat, And, with thy love inspired, The praises of thy truth repeat, O'er all thy works admired. 3 Thou graciously inclin'dst thine ear, When I to thee did cry;
And, when my soul was press'd with fear Didst inward strength supply.
4 For God, although enthroned on high, Does thence the poor respect; The proud, far off, his scornful eye Beholds with just neglect.
5 Though I with troubles am oppress'd, He shall my foes disarm, Relievd my soul when most distress'd, And keep me safe from harm.
6 The LORD, whose mercies ever last, Shall fix my happy state; And mindful of his favors past, Shall his own work complete.
4 From thy all-seeing Spirit, LORD, What hiding-place does earth afford? O where can i thy influence shun, Or whither from thy presence run? 5 If up to heaven I take my flight, 'T is there thou dwell'st enthroned in light; If to the world unseen, my GOD, There also hast thou thine abode.
6 If I the morning's wings could gain, And fly beyond the western main; E'en there, in earth's remotest land, I still should find thy guiding hand.
7 Or, should I try to shun thy sight Beneath the sable wings of night, One glance from thee, one piercing ray, Would kindle darkness into day.
8 'The veil of night is no disguise,
12 Nor at thy strict tribunal bring Thy servant to be tried; For in thy sight no living man Can e'er be justified.
3 To thee my hands in humble prayer I fervently stretch out; My soul for thy refreshment thirsts, Like land oppress'd with drought. 4 Hear me with speed, my spirit fails; Thy face no longer hide, Lest I become forlorn, like them 'That in the grave reside.
5 Thy kindness early let me hear, Whose trust on thee depends; Teach me the way where I should go, My soul to thee ascends.
6 Do thou, O LORD, from all my foes Preserve and set me free;
No screen from thy all-searching eyes; Through midnight shades thou find'st thy A safe retreat, a hiding-place,
As in the blazing noon of day.
9 Thou know'st the texture of my heart, My reins and every vital part: I'll praise thee, from whose hands I came A work of such a wondrous frame.
10 Let me acknowledge too, O GOD, That since this maze of life I trod, Thy thoughts of love to me surmount The power of numbers to recount. 11 Far sooner could I reckon o'er The sauds upon the ocean's shore; Each morn, revising what I 've done, I find th' account but new begun. 12 Search, try. O God, my thoughts and If mischief lurk in any part; Correct me where I go astray, And guide me in thy perfect way.
From the cxli. Psalm of David.
1 LORD, in thy sight, O let my prayer Like morning incense rise; My lifted hands accepted be As ev'ning sacrifice.
2 From hasty language curb my tongue,
And let a constant guard Still keep the portal of my lips
With wary silence barr'd.
3 From wicked men's designs and deeds
My heart and hands restrain; Ner let me share their evil works,
Or their unrighteous gain.
4 Let upright men reprove my faults, And I shall think them kind;
Like healing oil upon my head
I their reproof shall find.
My soul implores from thee.
7 Thou art my GOD, thy righteous will Instruct me to obey;
Let thy good spirit lead and keep My soul in thy right way.
8 O, for the sake of thy great Name, Revive my drooping heart; For thy truth's sake, to me distress'd Thy saving health impart.
1 LORD, what's in man. that thou should'st Of him such tender care to take? [love What in his offspring could thee move Such great account of him to inake? 2 Tine life of man does quickly fade, His thoughts but empty are and vain, His days are like a flying shade, Of whose short stay no signs remain. 3 To thee, almighty King of kings, In new-made hymns my voice I'll raise; And instruments of many strings Shall help me to adore and praise.
1 THEE I will bless, my God and King,
Thy endless praise proclaim;
This tribute daily I will bring,
And ever bless thy Name.
2 Thou, LORD, beyond compare art great,
And highly to be praised; Thy majesty, with boundless height, Above our knowledge raised.
3 Renown'd for mighty acts, thy fame To future time extends;
From age to age thy glorious Name Successively descends.
1 LORD, hear my prayer, and to my cry 4 Whilst I thy glory, and renown,
Thy wonted audience lend;
In thy accustom'd faith and truth
And wondrous works express,
The world with me thy might shall own,
And thy great power confess.
1 THE LORD does them support that fall, And makes the prostrate rise; For his kind aid all creatures call,
Who timely food supplies.
2 Whate'er their various wants require With open hand he gives; And so fulfils the just desire Of every thing that lives. 3 How holy is the LORD, how just, How righteous all his ways! How nigh to him, who with firm trust For his assistance prays!
4 He grants the full desires of those Who him with fear adore; And will their troubles soon compose, When they his aid implore.
5 The LORD preserves all those with care Whom grateful love employs; But sinners, who his vengeance dare, In justice he destroys.
6 My time to come, in praises spent, Shall still advance his fame; And all mankind, with one consent, For ever bless his Name.
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13 They shall talk of all thy glory, On thy might and greatness dwell, Speak of thy dread acts the story, And thy deeds of wonder tell. 4 Nor shall fail from mem'ry's treasur Works by love and mercy wrought; Works of love surpassing measure, Works of mercy passing thought. 5 Fult of kindness and compassion, Slow to anger, vast in love, GOD is good to all creation;
All his works his goodness prove. 6 All thy works, O LORD, shall bless the Thee shall all thy saints adore; King supreme shall they confess thee, Aud proclaim thy sov'reign power. 7 They thy might, all might excelling, Shall to all mankind make known, And the brightness of thy dwelling, And the glories of thy throne. 8 Ever, GOD of endless praises, Shall thy royal might remain; Everinore thy brightness blazes, Ever lasts thy righteous reign. 9 Them that fall the LORD protecteťa, He sustains the bow'd and bent; Every eye from thee expecteth,
Fix'd on thee, its nourishment. 10 Thou to all, great God of nature, Giv'st in season due their food; Spread'st thy hand, and every creature Satisfiest still with good.
11 GOD is just in all he doeth, Kind is he in all his ways; He his ready presence showeth, When a faithful servant prays. 12 Who sincerely seek and fear him, He to them their wish will give; When they call, the LORD will hear them,
He will hear them, and relieve. 13 From JEHOVAH all who prize him Shall his saving health enjoy; All the wicked, who despise him, He will in their sin destroy. 14 Still JEHOVAH, thee confessing, Shall my tongue thy praise proclaim; And may all mankind with blessing Ever hail thy holy Name. PSALM 119.
From the cxlvi. Psalm of David.
10 PRAISE the LORD, and thou, my soul, For ever bless his Name: His wondrous love, while life shall last, My constant praise shall claim. 2 On princes, on the sons of men, Let none for aid rely; They cannot help, they turn to dust, And all their counsels die.
3 Then happy he, who Jacob's GOD For his protector takes; Who still, with well-placed hope, the LORD His constant refuge makes.
4 The LORD, who made both heaven and 2 His holy city God will build,
And all that they contain,
Will never quit his steadfast truth,
Nor make his promise vain.
5 The poor, oppress'd, from all their wrongs
Are eased by his decree;
He gives the hungry needful food,
And sets the prisoners free.
6 By him the blind receive their sight,
The weak and fall'n he rears; With kind regard and tender love
He for the righteous cares.
7 The strangers he preserves from harm, The orphan kindly treats; Defends the widow, and the wiles Of wicked men defeats.
8 The God that does in Sion dwell 13 our eternal King: From age to age his reign endures; Let all his praises sing.
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And thoughts, all vanish in an hour, Nor can they make their promise good. 3 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel's GOD: he made the sky,
And earth, and seas, with ali their train; He saves th' oppress'd, he feeds the poor; His truth for ever stands secure,
And none shall find his promise vain. 4 The LORD gives eye-sight to the blind, The LORD supports the sinking mind,
He sends the righteous strength and peace, He helps the stranger in distress, The widow, and the fatherless,
And to the prisoner grants release. 5 Gon shall the wicked overturn, On them his wrath shall ever burn, Sinners shall perish in their ways; Sion! the GOD thy sons adore, He, he is king for evermore;
The LORD thy God for ever praise! PSALM 121.
From the cxlvii. Psalm of David,
Though levell'd with the ground; Bring back his people, though dispersed Through all the nations round. 3 He kindly heals the broken hearts, And all their wounds does close; He tells the number of the stars, Their several names he knows.
4 Great is the LORD, and great his power, His wisdom has no bound;
The meek he raises, and throws down
The wicked to the ground.
5 To GOD the LORD, a hymn of praise With grateful voices sing;
To songs of triumph tune the harp, And strike each warbling string.
6 He covers heaven with clouds, and thence Refreshing rain bestows,
And on the mountains, through his care, The grass in plenty grows.
7 His care the beasts that loosely range With timely food supplies; He feeds the ravens' tender brood, And stops their hungry cries. 8 The LORD to him that fears his name His, tender love extends; To him that on his boundless grace With steadfast hope depends. 9 Let Sion and Jerusalem
To GOD their praise address; Whose strength secures their lasting gates, Who does their children bless.
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1 JEHOVAH speaks: swift from the skies To earth the sov'reign mandate flies; The elements confess their LORD, With prompt obedience to his word: 2 The thick descending flakes of snow O'er earth a fleecy mantle throw; And glittering frost o'er all the plains Binds nature fast in icy chains.
3 He speaks: the ice and snow obey, And nature's fetters melt away';
Softly the vernal breezes blow, And murm'ring waters freely flow. 4 But nobler works his grace record: To Israel he reveals his word; To them, his chosen flock, alone, He makes his sacred precepts known. 5 Such bliss no heathen nation shares, His oracles are only theirs: Let Israel then their voices raise, And bless their GOD in songs of praise.
1 O PRAISE the LORD with hymns of joy, 1 YE boundless realms of joy,
And celebrate his fame;
For pleasant, good, and comely 't is
To praise his holy Name.
Exalt your Maker's fame; His praise your song employ Above the starry frame:
Your voices raise, Ye Cherubim And Seraphim,
To sing his praise.
2 Thou moon, that rul'st the night, And sun, that guid'st the day, Ye glitt'ring stars of light,
To him your homage pay: His praise deciare, Ye heavens above, And clouds that move In liquid air.
$ Let them adore the LORD, And praise his holy Name, By whose almighty word They all from nothing came; And all shall last, From changes free; His firm decree
Stands ever fast.
4 Let earth her tribute pay: Praise him ye dreadful whales, And fish that through the sea Glide swift with glitt'ring scales Fire, hail, and snow, And misty air, And winds that where He bids them blow.
5 By hills and mountains, all In grateful concert join'd; By cedars stately tall, And trees for fruit design'd; By every beast, And creeping thing, And fowl of wing,
His name be blest.
6 Let all of highest birth, With those of humbler name, And judges of the earth, His matchless praise proclaim. In this design, Let youths with maids, And hoary heads
With children, join.
7 United zeal be shown His wondrous fame to raise, Whose glorious Name alone Deserves our endless praise: Earth's utmost ends His power obey; His glorious sway
The sky transcends.
8 His chosen saints to grace, He sets them up on high; And favors Israel's race, Who still to him are nigh.
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From the cxlix, Psalm of David.
1 O PRAISE ye the LORD, Prepare your glad voice His praise in the great Assembly to sing: In their great Creator Let Israel rejoice; And children of Sion Be glad in their King.
2 Let them his great Name Extol in their songs, With hearts well attuned His praises express: Who always takes pleasure To hear their glad tongues, And waits with salvation The humble to bless.
3 With glory adorn'd, His people shall sing To GOD, who their heads With safety doth shield; Such honor and triumph His favor shall bring: O therefore, for ever All praise to hun yield'
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From the cl. Psalm of David.
1 O PRAISE the LORD in that blest placc From whence his goodness largely tows: Praise him in heaven, where he his tace, Unveil'd, in perfect glory shows.
2 Praise him for all the mighty acts Which he in our behalf has done; His kindness this return exacts,
With which our praise should equal run.
3 Let the shrill trumpet's warlike voice Make rocks and hills his praise rebound Praise him with harp's melodious noise And gentle psalt ry's silver sound.
4 Let them who joyful hynns compose, To cymbals set their songs of praise; To well-tuned cymbals, and to those That loudly sound on solemn days.
5 let all, that vital breath enjoy, The breath he does to them afford In just returns of praise employ: Let every creature praise the LORD!
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