the w point of the island: Lg. 105.18 E, Lt. 2.4 s. BANCALIS, a seaport of Asia, on the coast of Sumatra, where the Dutch have a settlement: Lg. 101.7 E, Lt. 0.35 N. BANCAPOOR, a town of Asia, Hindostan, in Bejapoor, and formerly a place of importance. The fort was dismantled by Tippoo in one of his campaigns against the Mahrattas. It is 6 m NE Shanoor. BANCOAT, or FORT-VICTORIA, a town and fortress of Asia, Hindostan, on the coast of Concan, with a good harbour, and a trade in salt. It was taken by the British in 1755, and stands near the mouth of the river Bancoot, 73 ms by E Bombay: Lg. 73.32 E, Lt. 17.56 N. BANCOK, a town of Asia, kingdom of Siam, with a fort. It is the principal place of trade, and the king is the chief merchant; for no other, without his permission, can export lead, tin, tutenague, elephant teeth, and japan wood. It is seated near the mouth of the Menan, 40 ms Siam. Lg. 100.48 E, Lt. 13.44 N. BANDA, the chief of the Banda, or Nutmeg islands, Asia, in the Indian-ocean. The group comprises this isle and 9 others, which are all high. The nutmeg tree grows principally on these islands; and they have been subject to the Dutch ever since 1609, when they expelled both the English and natives. They are all small, the largest being narrow and only 20 m in circuit. Banda was taken by the English in 1796, restored in 1802, taken again in 1810, and restored in 1814: Lg. 129.58 E, Lt. 4.36 s. BANDA, a town of Asia, Hindostan, in Allahabad, capital of the district of Bundelcund. It was recently a village, but is now become large and populous, with a grand mart and other public edifices. It is seated on the Cane, 90 m w Allahabad: Lg. 80.20 E, Lt. 25.30 . BANDER-CONGO, a seaport of Asia, Persia, on the gulf-of-Persia, 80 mw Gombroon: Lg. 55.8 E, Lt. 27.10 Ν. BANDON, a borough of Ireland, county Cork. It is a military station, and sends 1 M.P.; here are manufactures of cotton, camblets, ticking, &c. It is seated on the Bandon, 17 m sw Cork. BANDORA, a town of Asia, Hindostan, on the s side of the island of Salsette, which is separated from that of Bombay by a narrow channel. It is 6mx Bombay. BANFF, a county town, borough, and seaport of Scotland, county Banff, on the side of a hill, at the mouth of the Deveron, 45 m NNW Aberdeen, and 165 N by E Edinburg. The harbour is protected by a pier and battey: here are manufactures of thread, cotton, and stockings; and a great quantity of salmon is exported; P. 3711: Lg. 2.23 w, Lt. 57.40 N. BANFF, a county of Scotland, bounded on the N by the ocean, s and E by Aberdeenshire, and w by Elginshire. Its greatest length is 50 m, and its extent along the coast 22, but the mean breadth is not more than 16. It contains 649,600 acres, and is divided into 23 parishes. The s part is very mountainous, but the northern district is level and fertile. The principal rivers are the Deveron and Spey, which form a part of its E and w boundaries; P. 35,807 in 1801, and 48,604 in 1831. BANGALORE, a city of Asia, Hindostan, in Mysore. It has a strong fort, the bulwark of Mysore, toward Arcot: it was taken by the English in 1791, and restored the next year to Tippoo, who destroyed it, but it has since been renovated. The palace is composed of mud, yet not without some degree of magnificence; and there are two extensive gardens. The principal articles of trade are betel-nut, black-pepper, and sandal-wood; and the chief manufactures are silk and cotton-cloth, muslin, leather, and oil. It is 70 m NE Seringapatam. Lg. 77.38 E, Lt. 12.57 N. BANGOR, a city of Wales, county Carnarvon, with a market on Wednesday, at the end of the strait of Menai, 36 mw St. Asaph, and 245 NW London. It was once considerable, and defended by a castle; but is now a small place, though increased since a new harbour was made. The principal buildings are the cathedral and the bishop's palace; P. 4751: Lg. 4.12 w, Lt. 53.12 м. BANGOR, a borough and seaport of Ireland, county Down, on the s side of the bay of Carrickfergus, opposite the town of that name, and 11 m NE Belfast. BANGOR, a town of North America, United States, state Maine, Penobscot county, at the head of the navigation, on the w side of the Penobscot, 25 m N by E Belfast; P. 2868 in 1830. BANINOVITCHI, a town of East Russia, government Mohilef, between two small rivers and a lake, 68 m w Mohilef: Lg. 31.11 E, Lt. 54.47 N. BANJALUKA, a town of Europe, Turkey, in Bosnia, at the conflux of the Verbania with the Verbas, 70 m NW Serai, and 155 w Belgrade; P. 18,000: Lg. 18.5 E, Lt. 44.44 Ν. BANJERMASSIN, a kingdom of Asia, in the s part of Borneo, the capital of which is Negara. The country produces great quantities of pepper; also gold-dust, diamonds, canes, iron, birds-nests, wax, and dragonsblood. The chief town is Banjermassin, with a good harbour, near the mouth of the Banjer, where the Dutch have a factory: Lg. 114.50 E, Lt. 3.0 s., BANJOWANGY, a town of Asia, at the E end of Java, on the narrowest part of the strait of Bally. The fort stands on a river, which is separated from the sea by a narrow sand-bank that terminates half a mile below. The town is populous, the country well cultivated, and the climate healthy. Cattle are imported here from the opposite coast of Bally for the supply of ships. It is 130 m SE Sourabaya: Lg. 114.17 E, Lt. 8.7 s. BANKAPORE, a town and fort of Asia, Hindostan, in Mysore, on the Buddra, 41 m ESE Bednore. The chief produce of it is opium. BANKS-ISLAND, an island of Australasia, in the Pacific-ocean, about 100 m in circuit, lying on the E side of New-Zealand: Lg. 174.0 E, Lt. 43.30 s. BANKS-ISLAND, an island in the Pacificocean, near the w coast of North America, about 60 m long by 5: Lg. 130.0 w, Lt. 53.30 м. BANNOCKBURN, a village of Scotland, on the Bannock, 3 ms Stirling. It has manufactures of cotton-cloth and tartan, and an extensive colliery. This place is noted for a battle between Edward II and Robert Bruce, in 1314, in which the former was defeated. Here also James III, in 1487, was defeated by his rebellious subjects, wounded, and soon after murdered by a priest, who was called in to receive his confession. BANNOW, a borough and seaport of Ireland, county Wexford, on the E side of Bannow-bay, 20 m sw Wexford. BANTAM, a town of Asia, on the N coast of Java, capital of a province or kingdom of Bantam, at the w end of the island. It is divided into two parts by a river, and only fortified on the land side. The king resides in a kind of palace, within an old fort; and contiguous to it is the Dutch fort; but they are both now in ruins. Bantam, once populous and flourishing, and rich in pepper plantations, is now a poor place; the har bour being inaccessible to vessels of burden, and the climate more pestilential than that of Batavia. It has therefore been deserted by the European establishment for Sirang, an elevated and healthy station, 5 m further inland to the s of Bantam. It is 53 m w by x Batavia: Lg. 106.8 E, Lt. 6.2 s. BANTRY, a town of Ireland, county Cork, on the E side of Bantry-bay, which is one of the most capacious and secure harbours in the world: the town is small, with little trade, 40 m wsw Cork; P. 5109: Lg. 10.10 w, Lt. 51.26 N. BANWELL, a village of England, county Somerset, 4 m NNW Axbridge. Here was a monastery, founded by one of the Saxon princes, which was destroyed by the Danes. On its site an episcopal palace was erected, some remains of which are to be seen near the church; P. 1623. BANYA, a town of Austria, Hungary, famous for gold and silver mines of great produce, and where money is coined; it is 32 m ESE Szathonar. BAOUSK, a small town of Russia, government Courland, duchy Semigallia, between the Mouchi and the Nemen, which unite just below the castle, and form the Aa. The castle stands on elevated ground, and is called Baouskenbourg. It was taken from the Poles by the Swedes in 1625, retaken by Peter the Great of Russia in 1705, and restored to Poland. It was annexed to Russia in 1795. BAPAUME, a town of France, department Pas-de-Calais, 12 m se Arras. BAR, a small town of Russia, government Podolia, on the Cova; it has a stone castle on a high hill containing the college of the Jesuits. It was the place where the noted confederation was commenced in 1798: Lg. 28.40 E, Lt. 49.15 N. BAR, a town of Asia, Hindostan, Bahar, of considerable extent and trade, on the Ganges, 34 m ESE Patna. BAR, or BARROIS, a former duchy of France, lying on both sides the Meuse, between Lorraine and Champagne. It now forms the department of Meuse. BAR-LE-DUC, a town of France, capital of the department artment of Meuse, with a castle, on the side of a hill, by the river Orney, 30 m w Toul, and 138 E Paris. BAR-SUR-AUBE, a town of France, department Aube, famous for its wines, at the foot of a mountain, 18 m sw Joinville. BAR-SUR-SEINE, a town of France, department Aube, on the Seine, at the foot of a mountain, 20 m sw Bar-sur-Aube. BARA, one of the Hebrides of Scotland, to the s of South Uist, 12 m long by 4. It is mountainous, but the soil in many parts is fertile. Great quantities of cod and ling are caught on the coast; and shellfish, especially cockles, are found in abundance: on the NE side is a good harbour: Lg. 7.27 w, Lt. 57.2 N. BARABINSKAIA, a vast steppe of Asia, Russia, Siberia, government Tobolsk, extending between the Oby and Irtych, from mount Altay to the Tonia and Toura. Colonized in 1767. BARACOA, a town of North America, on the NE coast of the island of Cuba, with a good harbour for small vessels, 90 m ENE St. Jago de Cuba: Lg. 74.42 w, Lt. 10.30 N. BARAHAT, a town of Asia, Hindostan, in Gurwal, among the mountains, 56 m wNW Serinagur. BARANTCHINSKOI-ZANOD, Russia, go. vernment Perme, district Ecatherinbourg; government iron-works yielding from 25 to 60 per cent. profit. BARAQUICEMITO, a town of South America, Caraccas, province Como, on a river of the same name, 80 m E by N Truxillo. BARATAEVSKAIA, a German colony of Russia, government Saratof, district Volsk, on the left bank of the Volga, 58 m from Saratof: it contains 42 families, all Lutherans. BARBACOA, a town of South America, Colombia, province Popayan, on the Tolembi, 110 m sw Popayan. BARBACOA, a town of South America, Caraccas, province Maracaibo, on the E side of the lake Maracaibo, 130 m ssw Coro. BARBADOES, North America, WestIndies, the easternmost of the Caribbee islands, 25 m long by 12. The exports are sugar, rum, cotton, and ginger; and it has most of the fruits common to the climate. The sugar exported hence is finer than that of any other plantation; and it has a production, called Barbadoes tar, which exudes from crevices in the clay hills on the E coast, and is collected on the surface of water in holes dug for the purpose. This island always belonged to the British, who colonised it in 1624, and it remained private property till settled to the crown in 1663. It has suffered much from hurricanes; particularly from one in 1780, when 4326 of the inhabitants lost their lives. The capital is Bridgetown. BARBARA, or BERBERA, a town of Africa, in the kingdom of Adel, resorted to by caravans from a great distance in the interior. The principal exports are gumarabic, myrrh, and frankincense. It is seated near the mouth of the Hawash, 200 M NE Ançagurel: Lg. 46.25 E, Lt. 11.2 Ν. BARBAREEN, a village of Asia, in Ceylon, on the w const, 8 ms Caltura. It has a harbour for ship-boats, and a considerable manufacture of coir cordage and cables. BARBARY, a region of Africa, between the Atlantic-ocean, the Mediterranean-sea, and Egypt. ypt. It is 2200 m in length, and, in some places, 500 in breadth; containing the countries of Barca, Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, Fez, Marocco, Tafilet, and Biledulgerid. It was known to the ancients by the names of Mauritania, Numidia, Proper Africa, and Lybia, BARBEZIEUX, a town of France, des partment Charente, with a mineral spring, and a manufacture of linen cloth, 18 msw Angouleme, and 52 NNE Bourdeaux. BARBOURSVILLE, a town of North America, United States, state Kentucky, chief of Knox county, 100 m SSE Lexington, 533 Washington; P. 139 in 1830. BARBUDA, North America, in the WestIndies, one of the Caribbee-islands, 20 m long by 10. It has a good road for shipping, but no direct trade to Britain. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in raising corn, and breeding swine and sheep, for the use of the neighbouring islands. It is 35 m x Antigua; P. about 1,500: Lg. 61.46 w, Lt. 17.36 N. BARBY, a town of Prussia, province Sachsen, with an ancient castle, and an academical college, founded by the United Brethren in 1754. It is seated on the Elbe, 15 m SE Magdeburg; Lg. 12.13 E, Lt. 51.58 м. BARCA, a country of Africa, in Barbary, the ancient Cyrenaica, lying on the coast of the Mediterranean, between Tripeli and Egypt. The s part is a barren desert inhabited by wandering Arabs. The part along the coasts is fertile and well peopled. It belongs to the Turks, and is governed by a sangiac, dependant on the pacha of Tripoli. It has a town of the same name, on the seacoast, 12 m ÉNE Teukera, but Derna is the capital. BARCELLOS, a town of Portugal, province Entre-Douro-e-Minho, on the Cavedo, with a stone bridge, 36 m x Porto. It is large, with many good streets, but ill paved.LANDMANN'S Portugal. BARCELLOS, a town of South America, Portuguese-Guyana, the largest in the w portion of that province, and formerly the residence of its governor. It stands on the right bank of the Rio-Negro, 220 m Nw Rio-Negro, the present capital: Lg. 62.40 w, Lt. 1.20 s. BARCELONA, a fortified city of Spain, capital of province Cataluna, and a bishop's see. It is of an oblong form, defended by a considerable citadel on the E, and by a strong fort called Montjouic, which stands on a rocky mountain, a mile w of the town, is on the Mediterranean-sea, and has a mole for the security of ships. It is divided into the new and old town, by a wall and a ditch; and the sea having retired considerably, a whole quarter of the town now stands on the sands that were once the bottom of the harbour. It has a fine university, a cathedral with two lofty towers, a palace for the viceroy, a large exchange, an extensive cannon foundry, an arsenal of vast extent, and docks for the building of galleys. It has manufactures of silk, cotton, lace, and printed calicoes, curious works in glass, and its swords, knives, shoes, hats, and blankets, are in great reputation. In 1705 it was taken by the earl of Peterborough, after a siege of three weeks. In 1706 Philip V invested it with a numerous army, but was obliged to raise the siege. In 1714 it was taken by the French and Spaniards. It is 276 m E Madrid; P. 191,500: Lg. 2.9 E, Lt. 41.21 N. of the Barnaoul, which here falls into the Ob. It is the head-quarters of a considerable mining establishment, composed of about 400 official persons, with 1 company of dragoons and 3 of infantry. The streets are straight and wide, and the town contains 1000 houses and 3 churches. It has manufactures of time, bells, tiles, and looking glasses. BARCELONA, a city of South America, in Caraccas, capital of a district in the province Cumana, with a fort on a rock. The chief trade is in beeves and hogs, many of which are exported alive, and cargoes of jerked beef annually sent to Havannah. It stands on the left bank of the Nevery, near its mouth, 44 m wsw Cumana: Lg. 64.43 w, Lt. 10.12 N. BARCELONETTA, a neat town of Spain, in Cataluna, close to Barcelona. BARCELONETTE, a town of France, department Basses-Alps, seated on the Hubaye, 12 m SE Embrun; P. 3350. BARCELORE, a town of Asia, in Hindostan, on the coast of Canara, which had formerly a great trade with Arabia. It is 55m NNW Mangalore. BARDEWIECK, a town of Hannover, province Lüneburg, on the Elmenau, 5 m NW Lüneburg. BARDI, a town of Italy, in Parmesan, with a magnificent castle, 30 m sw Parma. BARDSTOWN, a county-town of North America, in the United States, state Kentucky, Nelson county, on the head waters of the Salt, 606 m Washington; P. 1625 in 1830. BARDT, a town of Prussia, province Pommern, with a castle and harbour, near the Baltic, 15 m w by N Stralsund. BAREGES, a village of France, depart. ment Haute-Pyrenees, much frequented on account of its mineral baths. It is seated in a valley, at the foot of the Pyrenees, 34 ms Tarbes. BAREH; see BARRIHUA. BAREILLY, a city of Asia, Hindostan, in Delhi, capital of a large and fertile district of its name, and of Rohilcund generally, on the united streams of the Jooah and Bunkra, 142 m NW Lucknow. The fort is large, but without bastions; the city is extensive and populous; the principal manufacture is brazen water-pots: Lg. 79.26 E, Lt. 28.22 N. BAREITH; see BAYREUTH. BARENDA, OrPERINDA; see PERRAINDA. BARENTON, a town of France, department Manche, 20 m ESE Avranches; P. 3120. BARFLEUR, a town of France, department Manche. It was ruined by the English in 1346, and the harbour is filled up with sand. The cape of that name is 12 mE Cherburg, and near it part of the French navy was destroyed by the English in 1692. It is 175 m NW Paris; P. 900: Lg. 1.10 w, Lt. 49.40 м. BARGOUZINE, a small town of Russia, chief of a district, government Irkoutsk, on the Bargouzine, 27 m from its mouth in lake Baïkal. It contains 1 church and a few hundreds of inhabitants. BARHAM DOWNS, a large plain in England, county Kent, between Canterbury and Dover. BARI, or TERRA-DI-BARI, province Italy, Naples, bounded on the N and NE by the gulf-of-Venice, SE by Otranto, sw by Basilicata, and NW by Capitanata. The soil is fertile; but there are many serpents and tarantulas. _ See TRANI. see. BARI, a fortified city of Italy, in Naples, capital of Terra-di-Bari, and an archbishop's It has a good harbour for small vessels, and the trade principally consists in wine, olives, and soap. It is seated on the gulf-of-Venice, 26 m E by s Trani: Lg. 17.0 E, Lt. 41.15 N. BARKING, a town of England, county Essex, with a market on Saturday; on the Roding, near the Thames, 7 mE London. It was celebrated for a magnificent nunnery, of which a gateway and part of the walls are still visible. It is chiefly inhabited by fishermen; P. 8036. BARLETTA, a seaport of Italy, Naples, province Bari, with a large stone pier, and a trade in corn, almonds, and salt. It is seated on the gulf-of-Venice, 25 m wsw Bari: Lg. 16.32 E, Lt. 41.19 м. BARMOUTH, a small seaport of Wales, the only one in Merionethshire, with a market on Tuesday and Friday; on the Maw, at its entrance into Cardigan-bay, 12 m's Harlech, and 222 Nw London. The houses are raised on terraces, consisting of eight tiers, cut on the side of a rocky mountain. It has a good trade in flannel and hose, and is much frequented in the bathing season; P. 1448: Lg. 4.10 w, Lt. 52.38 N. BARNSLEY, a town of England, county of West Yorkshire, near the Dearne, 19 m s Leeds, and 172 N by w London. It has a market on Wednesday, and considerable manufactures of sheetings, diapers, &c. and in the vicinity are bleaching grounds, iron works, and coal mines. It has a canal to the Calder and another to the Don; P. 10,330. Polling-place. BARNSTABLE, a town of North America, in the United States, state Massachusetts, capital of Barnstable county. The chief trade is in the fishery, and many of the farmers are occasionally seamen. It is seated on Bass-creek, on the s side of the peninsula of Cape Cod, 67 m SE Boston; P. 3975 in 1830: Lg. 70.16 w, Lt. 41.44 N. BARNSTAPLE, a seaport and borough of England, county Devon, on the Taw, 12 m E Barnstaple-bay, in the Bristol channel, 40 m NW Exeter, and 195 w by s London. It is governed by a mayor, with a market on Friday, and returns 2 M.P. It has manufactures of tammies, shalloons, baize, &c. and a variety of articles are exported; P. 6840: Lg. 4.5 w, Lt. 51.12 Ν. BAROACH; see BROACH. BARODA, a city of Asia, Hindostan, in Gujerat, capital of the Mahratta chief Guicowar, who divides with the British the largest and richest portion of the province. It is a large and wealthy town, intersected by two spacious streets, which cross at the market place, and divide it into four equal parts. It is situated near the Viswamitra, in a rich and well cultivated district, 33 m E Cambay; P. about 100,000 in 1818: Lg. 73.23 E, Lt. 22.21 N. BARQUISIMETO, a town of South America, in Caraccas, situated on an elevated plain, which produces abundance of cacao, and feeds many herds of cattle, 120 m wsw Caraccas. merce. BARRA, a town of South America, Brazil, in Pernambuco, and a place of some comIt stands on the Rio-Grande, at its conflux with the St. Francisco. It is 300 m NW St. Salvador: Lg. 42.10 w, Lt. 9.40 s. BARRACKPORE, a military cantonment in Asia, on the E bank of the Hoogly, 15 m from Calcutta. BARRAGON, bay of, South America, in the Plata, about 12 m below Buenos-Ayres. It is open and exposed, yet vessels, after unloading in the road of Buenos-Ayres, come here and wait their outward cargo. BARRAMAHAL, a district of Asia, in Southern Hindostan, forming the s point of the province of Salem. It was annexed to Mysore, by Hyder, but ceded to the British in 1792. It contains a part of the eastern Ghauts, and some level tracts, particularly toward Mysore. The chief town is Kistnaghery. BARRANCA, a village of Colombia, in South America, on the Magdalena, which serves as a port for the goods coming from the interior. It is 90 m NE Carthagena, 20 from Santa-Martha, and 18 from the sea. BARRAUX, a fortress of France, department Isere, on the Isere, 6 ms Chamberry. BARRE, a town of North America, in the United States, state Massachusetts, Worcester county, noted for its butter and cheese, 24 m Nw Worcester; P. 2503 in 1830. BARRHSUA, or BARREH, a town and fort of Asia, in Nepaul. To the N of it is a great forest, noted for excellent timber and numerous elephants. It stands near the s border of the country, on the Jumna, 80 m N Patna, and 95 s Catmandoo. BARRINGTON, a town of North America, in the United States, state New-Hampshire, Strafford county, 24 m NW Portsmouth. It contains alum works; P. 1895 in 1830. BARRINGTON-FORT, a town of North America, in the United States, state Georgia, on the side of the Alatamaha, 50 m wsw Sunbury. BARROW ISLAND, a low coral island in the Pacific-ocean, 14 m long by 14. It was discovered by Beechey, and is deserted: Lg. 139.03.39 w, Lt. 20.45.07 S. BEECHEY. BARROW-UPON-SOAR, a village of England, county Leicester, on the Soar, 2 m N Mountsorrel. It is famous for a very fine lime, in particular request for works in water, which is exported in large quantities; P. 6254. BARTHOLOMEW, a small island of Australasia, in the Pacific-ocean, one of the New-Hebrides: Lg. 167.18 E, Lt. 15.42 s. BARTON, 35 in England: -1st, a farm, county Berks; P. 14.-2nd, a parish, county Cumberland; P. 284. - 3rd, a town, county Chester; P. 168.-4th, a town, county Lancaster; P. 422.-5th, a town, county Lancaster, with considerable trade and manufactures, on the Irwell and Bridgewater canal, 6 m sw Manchester; P. 8976.-6th, a parish, county Nottingham; P. 379.7th, a parish, county Westmoreland; P. 1537.-8th, a parish, county North York; P. 499.-9th, a town, county North York; P. 468.-10th, a town, county North York; P. 104.-11th, Barton-in-the-Beans, a town, county Leicester; P. 163.-12th, Barton-Bendish, a parish, county Norfolk; P. 459.-13th, Barton-Blount, a parish, county Derby; P. 60. 14th, Barton |