Seven Thunders Part TwoIn later life, Ronald Ware heard the voice of the Lord telling him to write a book about the seven thunders, the reply mentioned in the tenth chapter of the Book of Revelation. This book is the result of Ronald's obedience to the high calling and contains a message for the day and time in which we are now living. He does reveal why these things must take place in the near future. In addition, he attempts to show others God's one plan for a refuge as revealed in the scriptures. Ronald Ware, born 1938 in the Grays Harbor area of Washington and lost his father in an accident before his fifth birthday. His mother, with five children to care for and an eldest son serving in Europe, moved from that poverty stricken area to Everett and then to Bellingham Washington. Ronald was able to earn a little in the summertime in the fields of Whatcom County but eventually dropped out of school to seek full time employment. He came to be a fisherman spending much of his time on the water. When on shore, he was a regular customer of the taverns. Finally, he came to realize his life was traveling a dead end road. In remembrance of his religious upbringing, he began to seek answers to his problems and did find it. He repented of his former life of sin and became a new person in Christ Jesus. |
From inside the book
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Introduction | vii |
Volume | 10 |
Living in Fear | 23 |
Called to be a Messenger | 38 |
Four Horses of Apocalypse | 46 |
The Great Flood | 61 |
Where Judgment Must Begin | 68 |
The Four Beasts of Daniel | 72 |
Easter or the Lords Passover | 123 |
Sabbath to Sunday | 138 |
A Warning to Christians | 148 |
Study in Isaiah | 168 |
The Last Supper | 181 |
Two Different Plans | 189 |
Identifying Strange Woman | 204 |
The Leopard with Big Feet | 218 |
The Little Horn | 83 |
Changing of the Times | 88 |
Counting Days to the Cross | 97 |
Only Sign would be Given | 111 |
The Scarlet Coloured Beast | 233 |
Destruction of the Whore | 243 |
First Look into My Future | 257 |
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Common terms and phrases
able angel apostle Paul aware baptized beast become begin behold believe Bible blood book of Revelation born born again Christians chapter Christians church claim commandments death disciples doctrine earth eleventh horn faith Father flesh given gospel gospel of John gospel of Matthew happened hath heart heaven Hebrews Holy Ghost Holy Spirit important inform instructions Isaiah Israel Jerusalem John King kingdom knew live look Lord Jesus Christ Lord's Malachi Martin Matthew meaning mind missiles mother of Jesus once Pagan passover Perhaps Peter pray promise prophets realize receive the baptism receive the gift religious repent Revelation Roman Empire Roman religion sabbath day saith salvation say unto scriptures seven thunders sins speak in tongues Sunday sure tell ten commandments thee things thou truth understand upper room verse voice woman worship