A The Palm Bearers worship God in his Temple or in the Holy of Holies. Ch. VII.9.17. Millennium New J Restitution of all things. Acts III. 21. Earthquake at the great Day of the Lord.) come out of the (great Tribulation. 2. zange prociaaths Tall or Danyon почу от Holies This double Line represents the end of Daniels 1335 Years, which ar New Heavens and Earth. Isaiah SEAL Published for the Author by Mess Cade DISSERTATION ON THE SEALS AND TRUMPETS OF THE Apocalypse, AND THE PROPHETICAL PERIOD OF TWELVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY YEARS. BY WILLIAM CUNINGHAME, ESQ. " SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED. HON, CORRECTED AND EN CALIFORNIA. " AND WHAT I SAY UNTO YOU, I SAY UNTO ALL:-WATCH." London: PRINTED FOR T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, STRAND; J. HATCHARD, EDINBURGH: AND OGLE, GLASGOW. 1817. THE following are the circumstances which gave rise to the volume now submitted to the public. I was for some years engaged in a controversy with Mr. Faber, carried on through the medium of a respectable periodical work, upon the subject of the commencement and end of the twelve hundred and sixty years, and some other points connected with the study of prophecy. Since the close of the above controversy, I have frequently been advised to re-publish my papers in a separate volume. But to this it seemed to me that there were strong objections, as it would be impossible for any reader to understand what I had written, without seeing likewise the papers of my respectable opponent. Being sensible, however, of the great practical importance of the inquiry into the true era of the above prophetical period, I was desirous of laying before the public the substance of what I had written on the subject. But I felt the strength of the following remarks, which I met with some years ago, in a review of Archdeacon Woodhouse's Translation of the Apocalypse: "It is "comparatively easy to give, to interpretations of "detached parts of the Apocalypse, an appearance of "truth, which would totally vanish, were they con" sidered in connection with the general frame of the " book. We will not say that the only fair method, " but we must say that by much the fairest method, " of interpreting the prophecies of the Revelation, " is to compose a continued comment upon the book. "The reader then feels that he is in some degree " put in a condition to judge for himself; the consequence, at any rate, is either a readier detection " of error, or a more perfect conviction, if the " interpretation be satisfactory.”* Influenced by a sense of the justice of the above observations, and having for twelve years turned my attention to the study of prophecy, I therefore determined to aim at giving a connected view of the whole prophecies of the seals and trumpets of the Apocalypse, so far as they appear to have been accomplished; and to embody in it the substance of my argument respecting the twelve hundred and sixty years; but in such a way as to divest that argument of the shape and appearance of controversy. In what manner the above design has been executed, the public will decide. I could have wished that more time had been devoted to the execution of my purpose; but being much engaged in secular affairs of various kinds, I had not a choice in this respect. What is now submitted to the public, with the exception of the Preface, some of the Notes, * Christian Observer, vol. v. p. 557, for 1806. |