Glo. My lord of Winchester, I know your mind; Buck. Why should he then protect our sovereign, The peers agreed; and Henry was well pleas'd, 25 To change two dukedoms fora duke'sfairdaughter. I cannot blame them all: What is't to them? 'Tis thine they give away, and not their own. Pirates may make cheappennyworthoftheirpillage, And purchase friends, and give to courtezans, While as the silly owner of the goods And all together, with the duke of Suffolk, - 30 Still revelling, like lords, 'till all be gone: Car. We'll quickly hoise duke Humphrey from his seat. This weighty busi business not brook delay; [Exit. I'll to the duke of Suffolk presently. Som. Cousin of Buckingham, though Hum phrey's pride, And greatness of his place, be grief to us, Despight duke Humphrey, or the cardinal. [Exeunt Buckingham and Somerset. Weeps over them, and wrings his hapless hands, 35 Ready to starve, and dares not touch his own. 40 As did the fatal brand Althea burnt Sal. Pride went before, ambition follows him. And therefore I will take the Nevils' parts, I never saw but Humphrey duke of Gloster And make a shew of love to proud duke Hum Did bear him like a noble gentleman. phrey, Oft have I seen the haughty cardinal And, when I spy advantage, claim the crown, More like a soldier, than a man o' the church, 50 For that's the golden mark I seek to hit: As stout, and proud, as he were lord of all, Nor shall proud Lancaster usurp my right, Swear like a ruffian, and demean himself Nor hold the sceptre in his childish fist, Unlike the ruler of a common weal. Nor wear the diadem upon his head, Warwick my son, the comfort of my age! Whose church-like humour fits not for a crown. Thy deeds, thy plainness, and thy house-keeping, 55 Then, York, be still a while, 'till time do serves And in my standard bear the arms of York, SCENE II. The Duke of Gloster's House. Enter Duke Humphrey and his wife Eleanor. corn, Elean. What, what, my lord! are you so choleric Glo. Nay, be not angry, I am pleas'd again. Mes. Mylordprotector, 'tis his highness'pleasure, Elean. Yes, my good lord, I'll follow presently. [Exit Gloster. Follow I must, I cannot go before, While Gloster bears this base and humble mind. 15 Were I a man, a duke, and next of blood, 20 I would remove these tedious stumbling-blocks, Elean. Why droops my lord, like over-ripen'd 10 Glo. I go. --Come, Nell, thou wilt ride with us? Hanging the head at Ceres' plenteous load? Why doth the great duke Humphreyknit hisbrows, As frowning at the favours of the world? Why are thine eyes fix'd to the sullen earth, Gazing on that which seems to dim thy sight? What see'st thou there? king Henry's diadem, Inchas'd with all the honours of the world? If so, gaze on, and grovel on thy face, Until thy head be circled with the same. Put forth thy hand, reach at the glorious gold :What, is't too short? I'll lengthen it with mine: And, having both together heav'd it up, We'll both together lift our heads to heaven; And never more abase our sight so low As to vouchsafe one glance unto the ground. Glo. O Nell, sweet Nell, if thou dost love thy Banish the canker of ambitious thoughts: And may that thought, when I imagine ill Against my king and nep nephew, virtuous Henry, 30 Be my last breathing in this mortal world! My troublous dream this night doth make me sad. Elean. What dream'd my lord? tell me, and I'll requite it [lord, With sweet rehearsal of my morning's dream. Glo. Methought, this staff, mine office-badge in court, 25 35 Enter Hume. Hume. Jesu preserve your royal majesty! Your grace's title shall be multiply'd. Elean. What say'st thou, man? hast thou as With Margery Jourdain, the cunning witch; A spirit rais'd from depth of under ground, Was broke in twain; by whom, I have forgot, [set, 40 When from Saint Albans we do make return, [Exit Eleanor. Hume. Hume must make merry with the dutchess' gold; Marry, and shall. But, how now, Sir John Hume? But list to me, my Humphrey, my sweet duke: In the cathedral church of Westminster, And in that chair where kings and queens are 50 The business asketh silent secrecy. crown'd; Where Henry, and dame Margaret, kneel'dtome, Glo. Nay, Eleanor, then must I chide outright: Whereas is the same as where. Dame Eleanor gives gold, to bring the witch: 55 And from the great and new-made duke of Suffolk; 60 They say, A crafty knave does need no broker2; • This is a proverbial expression. Well, so it stands: And thus, I fear, at last, SCENΕ ΙΙΙ. An Apartment in the Palace. Enter three or four Petitioners, Peter, the Armourer's Man, being one. Away, base cullions! - Suffolk, let them go. 5 Is this the govrenment of Britain's isle, 1 Pet. My masters, let's stand close; my lord 10 And must be made a subject to a duke? protector will come this way by-and-by, and then we may deliver our supplications in the quill2. 2 Pet. Marry, the Lord protect him, for he's a good man! Jesu bless him! Enter Suffolk, and Queen. 1 Pet. Here a' comes, methinks, and the queen with him: I'll be the first, sure. 2 Pet. Come back, fool; this is the duke of Suffolk, and not my lord protector. I tell thee, Poole, when in the city Tours 15 In courage, courtship, and proportion: To number Ave-Maries on his beads: Suf. How now, fellow? wouldst any thing 20 His study is his tilt-yard, and his loves with me? 1 Pet. I pray, my lord, pardon me! I took ye for my lord protector. Are brazen images of canoniz'd saints. 2. Mar. For my lord protector! are your sup- 1 Pet. Mine is, an't please your grace, against John Goodman, my lord cardinal's man, for keeping my house, and lands, and wife and all, from me. Suf. Thy wife too? that is some wrong, indeed. What's your's! what's here! [reads.] Against the duke of Suffolk for enclosing the commons of Melford.-How now, sir knave? 30 Suf. Madam, be patient: as I was cause Theimperiouschurchman; Somerset, Buckingham, Suf. And he of these, that can do most of all, 2 Pet. Alas, sir, I am but a poor petitioner of 35 Cannot do more in England than the Nevils: our whole township. Peter. Against my master, Thomas Horner, for saying, That the duke of York was rightful heir to the crown. Salisbury and Warwick are no simple peers. As that proud dame, the lord protector's wife. 2. Mar. What say'st thou? Did the duke of 40 She sweeps it through the court with troops of York say, he was rightful heir to the crown? Peter. That my mistress was? No, forsooth: my master said, That he was; and that the king was an usurper. ladies, More like an empress, thanduke Humphrey's wife; Suf. Who is there? -Take this fellow in, and 45 And in her heart she scorns our poverty: tected 2 Shall I not live to be aveng'd on her? ' i. e. happen. Mr. Steevens thinks, that the phrase in the quill, or in quill, implies no more than our written or penn'd supplications. Mr. Tollet supposes it may mean, with great exactness and observance of form, or with the utmost punctilio of ceremony; that it seems to be taken from part of the dress of our ancestors, whose ruffs were quilled; and that while these were worn, it might be the, vogue to say, such a thing is in the quill, i. e. in the reigning mode of taste, as it has been since customary to use the similar phrase of a thing being in print, to express the same circumstance of exactness. Another critic and commentator, however, conjectures, that this may be supposed to have been a phrase formerly in use, and the same with the French en quille, which is said of a man when he stands upright upon his feet without stirring from the place. The proper sense of quille in French is a nine-pin, and in some parts of England nine-pins are still called cayls. Quelle in the old British language also signifies any piece of wood set upright. That That she will light to listen to their lays, Yet must we join with him, and with the lords, To them enter King Henry, Duke Humphrey, Car- K. Henry. For my part, noble lords, I care Or Somerset, or York, all's one to me. [France, [no, Elean. Was't I? yea, I it was, proud French woman: her will. Could I come near your beauty with my nails, I'd set my ten commandments in your face. 5 K. Henry. Sweet aunt, be quiet; 'twas against [in time; Elean. Against her will!-Good king, look to't She'll hamper thee, and dandle thee like a baby : Tho' in this place most master wears no breeches, 10 She shall not strike dame Eleanor unreveng'd. [Exit Eleanor. Buck. Lord cardinal, I will follow Eleanor, Re-enter Duke Humphrey. Then let him be deny'd the regentship. War. The cardinal's not my better in the field. Warwick. War. Warwick may live to be the best of all. I say, my sovereign, York is meetest man Sal. Peace, son; and shew some reason, 30 That York is most unmeet of any man. Why Somerset should be preferr'd in this. [so. York. I'll tell thee, Suffolk, why I am unmeet. To give his censure: these are no women's 35 Without discharge, money, or furniture, matters. [grace 2. Mar. If he be old enough, what needs your To be protector of his excellence? Glo. Madam, I am protector of the realm; Suf. Resign it then, and leave thine insolence. 'Till France be won into the Dauphin's hands. War. That can I witness; and a fouler fact 40 Did never traitor in the land commit. 45 Are lank and lean with thy extortions. [attire, And left thee to the mercy of the law. [France, peace? Enter Horner the Armourer, and his Man Peter, me: What are these? Suf. Please it your majesty, this is the man York, 2. Mar. Thy sale of offices, and towns in 55 Was rightful heir unto the English crown; And that your majesty was an usurper. If they were known, as the suspect is great,Would make thee quickly hop without thy head. [Exit Gloster. The Queen drops her fan. Give me my fan: What, minion! can you not? [Gives the Dutchess a box on the ear. 60 witness, I am falsely accus'd by the villain. I cry you mercy, madam; Was it you? K. Henry. Say, man, were these thy words? Arm. An't shall please your majesty, I never said nor thought any such matter: God is my Peter. By these ten bones, my lord, [holding up 1i. e. the complaint of Peter the armourer's man against his master, for saying that York was the rightful king. 2 i. e. judgement or opinion. his hands] he did speak them to me in the garret one night, as we were scouring my lord of York's armour. Boling. Patience, good laly; wizards know their times: York. Base dunghill villain, and mechanical, I'll have thy head for this thy traitor's speech:- 5 The time when scritch-owls cry, and ban-dogs2 Deep night, dark night, the silent' of the night, I do beseech your royal majesty, howl, Let him have all the rigour of the law. Arm. Alas, my lord, hang me, if ever I spake the words. My accuser is my prentice; and when When spirits walk, and ghosts break up theirgraves, vow upon his knees he would be even with me: I have good witness of this; therefore, I beseech your majesty, do not cast away an honest man for a villain's accusation. I did correct him for his fault the other day, he did 10 We will make fast within a hallow'd verge. [Here they perform the ceremonies, and make the circle; Bolingbroke, or Southvel reads, Conjuro te, &c. It thunders and lightens terribly; then the spirit riseth. Spirit. Adsum. By the eternal God, whose name and power K.Henry. Uncle, what shall we say to this in law? 15 heart! Glo. Sirrah, or you must fight, or else be hang'd. the day come? and done! Boling. First, of the king. What shall of him be[Reading out of a paper. 25 Spirit. The duke yet lives, that Henry shall depose; But him out-live, and die a violent death. [As the spirit speaks, they write the answer. Safer shall he be upon the sandy plains, Of combat shall be the last of the next month. - 35 Have done, for more I hardly can endure. [lake: Come, Somerset, we'll see thee sent away. Beldame, I think, we watch'd you at an inch.- Are deep indebted for this piece of pains; Boling. I have heard her reported to be a woman of an invincible spirit: But it shall be con-50 venient, master Hume, that you be by her aloft, while we be busy below; and so, I pray you, go in God's name, and leave us [Exit Hume]. Mother Jourdain, be you prostrate, and grovel on the earth: John Southwel, read you; and let us to 55 And kept asunder: -You, madain, shall with Silent for silence. Mr. Steevens says, that the etymology of the word ban-dogs is unsettled. They seem, however, to have been designed by poets to signify some terrific beings whose office it was to make night hideous. 3 i. e. rewarded. Pp York. |