Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders“The core of information that the clinician should possess” -- From the Preface Doody's Core Titles for 2021! Like its highly acclaimed predecessors, the Fifth Edition of this classic effectively integrates the essentials of renal and electrolyte physiology with the common clinical disorders of acid-base and electrolyte balance. FEATURES: NEW IN THIS EDITION: |
From inside the book
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Burton David Rose, Theodore W. Post. Insulin Insulin promotes the entry of K + into skeletal muscle and the liver , 25.26 again by increasing Na + -K + -ATPase activity . 1.27 This property , which is independent of any effect on glucose ...
Burton David Rose, Theodore W. Post. Insulin Insulin acts to correct the hyperglycemia , to diminish ketone production ( by diminishing both lipolysis and glucagon secretion ) , and perhaps to augment ketone utilization . The major ...
... Insulin and Glucose Increasing the availability of insulin lowers the plasma K + concentration by driv- ing K✶ into cells . 58,124,252 This effect is mediated by increased activity of the Na + - K + -ATPase pump , particularly the a ...
Introduction to Renal Function | 3 |
Renal Circulation and Glomerular Filtration Rate | 21 |
Proximal Tubule | 71 |
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