Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders“The core of information that the clinician should possess” -- From the Preface Doody's Core Titles for 2021! Like its highly acclaimed predecessors, the Fifth Edition of this classic effectively integrates the essentials of renal and electrolyte physiology with the common clinical disorders of acid-base and electrolyte balance. FEATURES: NEW IN THIS EDITION: |
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... secretion from the cell into the lumen across the luminal mem- brane . 161 Organic Cation Secretion The mechanism by which these processes may occur can be illustrated from studies with organic cations , examples of which include ...
... secrete HCO3 . With H secretion by the H + -ATPase pump , Cl appears to be passively cosecreted to maintain electroneutrality.25 The gradient for CI secretion and therefore the ability to secrete H + may be enhanced when the tubular ...
Burton David Rose, Theodore W. Post. Distal K✶ secretion , nanomol / min 0.50 0.40- 0.30 아 0.20 High - K * diet Control diet Figure 12-11 Combined effects of dietary intake and distal tubular flow rate on distal K✶ secretion . ( From ...
Introduction to Renal Function | 3 |
Renal Circulation and Glomerular Filtration Rate | 21 |
Proximal Tubule | 71 |
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