DEDICATION. TO THE RIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVIDS. MY LORD, I TRUST you will excuse the liberty I take in inscribing to you a new edition of my Letters from Scotland. That none of these letters were addressed to your Lordship, is a circumstance for which I take great shame to myself, after the very kind manner in which you spoke to me on that 26 x 3 8 4 head, the day I left you-may I be permitted to add, after the long experience I have had of your Lordship's concern and attachment, in several years of professional attendance, and, since that was laid aside, of private intercourse and friendship. I must not attempt to deny, that there are some things in these Letters which are not exactly what I should have judged proper for your Lordship's eye;-but your Lordship is aware that they were written without the smallest notion of being printed. I hope the effect of the whole correspondence may be agreeable to you, and I well know the gentle and forgiving nature of your disposition. Above all, I should be highly flattered to learn that the account I have given of the State of Religion in Scotland, had interested and pleased you. The truly liberal and apostolic zeal with which your Lordship has so long been labouring to serve my countrymen in their |