NEW WORKS, PRINTED FOR MARCH 1830, LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, & GREEN, LONDON. DR. LARDNER'S CABINET CYCLOPÆDIA. Pub- Volumes published. I. IV. HISTORY OF SCOTLAND, in 2 Vols. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. II. HISTORY OF MARITIME AND INLAND DISCOVERY, in 2 Vols. Vol. I. Volumes to be published. April 1. A TREATISE ON MECHANICS. 1 Vol. with Plates. By Capt. H. Kater, May 1. THE LIVES OF EMINENT BRITISH LAWYERS, 1 Vol. By H. Roscoe, Esq. July 1. HISTORY OF ENGLAND, in 3 Vols. By the Right Hon. Sir James Mackintosh, M.P. Vol. I. TRAVELS in RUSSIA, and a Residence at St. Petersburgh The HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES of BRISTOL CA- CONVERSATIONS upon COMPARATIVE CHRONO- LOGY and GENERAL HISTORY, from the Creation of the World to the Birth "We can bear the highest testimony to its merits. No research seems to have been spared, SIR ETHELBERT, or the Dissolution of Monasteries. The ANNUAL BIOGRAPHY and OBITUARY, for the CONTENTS: Sir William Hoste, the Countess of Derby, Lieut. Col. 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