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erected in a better style of architecture, and richly decorated within with gildings, carved work, and painting without, entirely covered with sculptured animals.The five most venerated pagodas of India, viz. that of JAGGERNAUT - that of BENARES that of MATTRA - that of TRIPETTY- and that of SERINGHAM, successively and minutely described from TAVERNIER and others. An affecting story relative to the first defilement of Seringham by European armies. The amazing revenues which these and other pagodas antiently enjoyed — 40,000 souls supported by the revenues of SERINGHAM alone. A more accurate survey of their internal sculptures, and a description of the monstrous idols adored in them.EGYPT and INDIA seemed to have assembled in these pagodas the animals deemed more peculiarly sacred in each country — as, for instance, the MEMPHIAN BULL-the RAM, sacred to JUPITER and the GOAT, to PAN-are seen blended with the APE of RAMA-the RHINOCEROS-and the ELEPHANT.

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An extensive disquisition is now entered into on that disputed point, whether INDIA or EGYPT were the elder empire; and which nation first imparted. its rites of superstition to the other? The opinion of KIRCHER, relative to the settling in India of the Egyptian priests, driven from their country by the ravages of CAMBYSES, first considered. The opinion of KEMPFER, in regard to the great Indian saint, BUDDHA SAKIA, (in other words, the



god ВOODH)—the opinion of both those antiquarians highly probable, and apparently supported by that of Sir W. JONES, given in the Asiatic Researches, on the subject of BoоDH- and on the great resemblance subsisting both in the name and the worship of the Egyptian Isis and OSIRIS and the Indian EsWARA and ISA.- The result of SIR WILLIAM's inquiry concerning a colony of priests supposed to have settled at TIRHOOT, in North BAHAR on the whole, favourable to such a supposition. Mr CHAMBERS's account of the ruins of Mavalipuram of the SoмMONACODOM, or stone-deity of the SIAMESE- and the superstition of ВOODн. Additional evidence of an early and familiar intercourse subsisting between the EGY PTIANS and INDIANS adduced.-The structure of their temples similar in point of massy solidity, magnitude, and extent. A cursory comparison of a few of the principal structures of each country, preparatory to a more extensive parallel. striking circumstances of national resemblance enumerated; as, first, in their mutual veneration of the sacred LOTOs. A description of that flower from Herodotus, and a late traveller, M. Savary. Secondly, in their early cultivation of the SUGARCANE. Thirdly, in their antient, and once universal, diet, having consisted of VEGETABLES. Fourthly, in their mutually possessing a SACRED SACERDOTAL LANGUAGE, called in India the DEVINAGARI.-Fifthly, in the division of the people into TRIBES or CASTS.. -Sixthly in the numerous

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ABLUTIONS practised by both people. And, finally in their universal reverence of the cow and the SERPENT.The temples of Egypt, and their symbolical decorations, largely described from the most authentic and recent travellers.

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The author, in the fourth and fifth volumes, investigates THE MORE PURE AND SUBLIME Theology of India, descended traditionally down to them from the venerable patriarchs, of which the following are the principal outlines:- A REVELATION was vouchsafed by his Creator to man, in a state of innocence in Paradise, concerning his nature, his will, and of the mode by which he would be worshipped. The Deity, not a solitary, occult, and inaccessible, being, but perpetually present with his creatures. and in all his works.The antient doctrine of DIVINE EMANATIONS adduced in proof of this assertion - that doctrine, the probable source of all idolatry, since it was God himself that was first adored in the SUN, the FIRE, and other elements remains of this

purer primitive theology remarkably apparent amidst a thousand superstitions in India. - General division of the Hindoos into four grand tribes, or caststhe tribe of BRAHMA- the tribe of KEHTREE the tribe of BICE the tribe of SooDER pure doctrines of Vyasa contained in the Vedas.The Brahmins alone permitted to read the VEDAS

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those Vedas explained to have been originally only three, and denominated the REIG Veda→→ the YAJUSI Veda-and the SAMAN Veda.

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- All three

three comprised under the name RIGYAJUHSÁMA

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and the fourth, or ATHARVA VEDA, proved from internal evidence to be far more modern.The English, more than any other European nations, have contributed to remove the veil that antiently obscured the genuine religion of Brahma, inculcated in the Vedas, the Geeta, and other Sanscreet theological treatises. An attempt of the Emperor Akber to penetrate that veil. The affecting story of FEIZI, and his Brahmin preceptor. An account of the Sanscreet language, extracted from Sir William Jones and Mr Halhed. - The author next enters upon the discussion of the PAGAN TRIADS OF DEITY, and particularly of the character and functions of BRAHMA, VEESHNU, and SEEVA, the grand Indian triad, of whom an accurate engraving forms the frontispiece of these volumes. Any comparison of the Indian and Christian TRINITY an insult to the latter, from the immense disparity of the respective characters. An extensive survey is now taken of the doctrine of the CHRISTIAN TRINITY.. That doctrine delivered down from the antient Patriarchs, and diffused over the East, during the migration and dispersion of their Hebrew posterity-demonstrated to be plainly revealed in the Old Testament, and to have been believed and taught by the JEWISH RABBI, long previous to the birth of PLATO and the coming of CHRIST. The true origin of that rancour and contempt with which the Jews are inflamed against the MESSIAH unfolded.

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unfolded. Some objections, urged by sceptical opponents againt the TRINITY, answered. The Jews pay less deference to the WRITTEN than to the ORAL LAW, which they assert to have been delivered to Moses on Sinai.-An historical account of the celebrated code of the Jewish traditions' collected by Rabbi JUDAH, THE HOLY, and called THE MISNA. Of the two TALMUDS of JERUSALEM and BABYLON and of the two TARGUMS of ONKELOS and JONATHAN.-The former TARGUM the most concise and pure paraphrase the latter more diffuse, and supposed to have been interpolated. — A progressive view taken of the passages in Scripture, establishing some a PLURALITY, and others so express upon the PERSONAL AGENCY and DIVINE ATTRIBUTES of the MIMRA, or LOGOs, and the RUACH HAKKODESH, or HOLY SPIRIT, as plainly to evince a TRINITY of divine HYPOSTASES subsisting in the Godhead. The preceding quotations illustrated, in regard to the OLD Testament, by a variety of extracts from the TARGUMS, and corroborated, in regard to the New, by an exhibition of similar sentiments and passages in the writings of PHILOJUDEUS, JOSEPHUS, and others.-The symbols of the Jews, illustrative of this doctrine, considered; but particularly the CHERUBIM-with an engra ving of the CHERUBIM.-The sentiments of the antient Rabbies exhibited. The manner in which the High Priest gave his solemn benediction to the people described, and the form in which he dis


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