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the bill Mrs. Miller expressed her hopes that as the play was entirely for the benefit of herself and her children, the performance would be permitted without interruption.

28 and 29. Garrick acted Brute for the 2d and 3d time.

Dec. 3. All for Love is obliged to be deferred till farther notice.

11. Delane acted Oronooko.

13. Sheridan's bt. Hamlet Sheridan -as his bt. was not appointed till last Friday, he humbly hopes that such Ladies and Gentlemen, as he shall omit to wait upon, will impute it rather to a want of time, than to a want of respect and knowledge of his duty.


18. Recruiting Officer. Plume Mills, his 1st appearance on this stage this season :-see Hay. Dec. 11 1744.


19. Merchant of Venice. Shylock = Macklin, his 1st appearance these 2 years: Anthonio Delane: Bassanio Havard: Gratiano Mills: Launcelot = Neale Lorenzo Lowe: Tubal Taswell Portia = Mrs. Woffington: Jessica Mrs. Ridout: Nerissa = Mrs. Bennett :-Macklin spoke an occasional Prologue.


"From scheming, pelting, famine, and despair,
"Behold to grace restor❜d an exil'd Play'r :
"Your sanction yet his fortune must complete,
"And give him privilege to laugh and eat.
"No revolution plots are mine, again

"You see, thank Heaven, the quietest of men.

"Once warn'd, I meddle not with state affairs, "But play my part, retire, and say my pray'rs.” &c. (Cooke.)

The Prologue is said to have been received with. universal applause-it was repeated on the 20th, when Macklin acted Shylock.

It is not easy to ascertain the precise time at which Fleetwood sold his interest in the Patent-he was certainly Manager in Nov. 1744, and Lacy in Sept. 1745-it seems most probable that Fleetwood was still Patentee, but was become so indifferent to the concerns of the theatre, as no longer to oppose Macklin's return.

26. Committee. Teague Macklin.



The Part of Indiana to be perform'd

Beville, Jun. by Mr. DELANE,
Sir John Beville by Mr. WINSTONE,
Myrtle by Mr. MILLS,

Mr. Sealand by Mr. BRIDGES,
Cimberton by Mr. TASWELL,

Humphry by Mr. Turbutt, Mrs. Sealand by Mrs. Cross,

Lucinda by Mrs. Ridout,

Isabella by Mrs. Bennet,

Tom by Mr. MACKLIN, And the part of Phyllis to be perform'd By Mrs. WOFFINGTON.


In Act II. Singing by Mr. LOWE.

End of Act IV. a Grand Dance by

Mr. MUILMENT, and others.

To which will be added, a Pantomime Entertainment call'd

The Character of Harlequin by Mr. YATES,
Colombine by Mrs. MANN.

Sig. LEONARDI, Signora BETTINI, &c.
Boxes 5s. Pit 3s. First Gallery 2s. Upper Gallery 1s.

N.B. Those Gentlemen or Ladies who don't choose to stay the Entertainment, are desir'd to take a Ticket at the Door; on the Delivery of which (if before the Entertainment begins) their advanc'd Money will be return'd.



The part of Scrub (by particular Desire) to be perform'd


(Being the First Time of his appearing in that Character.)

N.B. This is one of the regular bills, not one of those cut out from a newspaper-it was given to me, in the most obliging manner, by the Countess of Egmont.

29. Strategem. Scrub Garrick, 1st time: Archer = Giffard: Foigard = Yates.

31. Garrick acted Scrub 2d time-his biographers are silent as to the merit of his performance in this character.

Jan. 3. Garrick acted Scrub 3d time.

4. Twin Rivals. Elder Wou'dbe Delane: Younger Wou'dbe Mills: Subtleman Blakes : Teague Macklin Aurelia Mrs. Ridout :-rest omitted.

5. Hamlet. 1st Gravedigger = Macklin.

7. Provoked Husband. Squire Richard Yates. 8. Macklin acted Ben and Mock Doctor.

10. Alchemist. Abel Drugger = Garrick: Face = Macklin Sir Epicure Mammon Berry: Subtle = Mills: Kastril = Yates: Dapper = Green: Dol Common Mrs. Cross.

14. Comus Delane: Lady Mrs. Cibber.


17. Constant Couple, with a new Opera called the Temple of Dulness-the Editor of the B. D. says that this Opera contained the Humours of Signor Capochio and Signora Dorinna-the Humours of Capochio and Dorinna were doubtless borrowed from Theobald's Happy Captive-the account which Theobald gives of himself in the dedication of that Opera, deserves the attention of any future editor of the B. D.

19. Strategem.


Archer Garrick: Scrub =


21. Recruiting Officer. Plume Garrick: Brazen -Macklin.

25. Macbeth Garrick : 1st Witch Macklin.



26. Careless Husband. Sir Charles Easy Mills: Lord Foppington - Macklin : Lord Morelove = Delane Lady Betty Modish

Lady Easy Mrs. Mills: Edging


29. Love for Love.

Mrs. Woffington :


Miss Bradshaw.

Miss Prue

Miss Minors.

31. Spanish Fryar.

Gomez = Macklin :—with,


not acted 6 years, Rosamond. King Lowe: Queen Rosamond Miss Young:-acted

Mrs. Arne

several times.

Feb. 2. Orphan. Page - Miss Macklin.



6. Provoked Wife. Sir John Brute = Garrick : Lady Brute = Mrs. Cibber: Belinda Mrs. Woffington :—this is a striking instance of Mrs. Woffington's good nature.

7. Fair Penitent. Lothario Garrick Horatio Delane :-at this time the plays were advertised, at three shillings and sixpence each night or advertisement, in the General Advertiser.


11. Double Gallant. Atall Giffard: Lady Dainty Mrs. Elmy: Lady Sadlife Mrs. Woffington-with, never performed, Picture, or Cuckold in Conceit. Dotterel Collins: Per-Cent (father to Celia) = Taswell Heartly (in love with Celia) Lowe: John Broad (his servant) = Turbutt: Mrs. Dotterel Mrs. Bennett: Celia (in love with Heartly) = Miss Budgell: Phillis (her maid)= Miss Bradshaw : -this is a posthumous C. in one long act by Miller, it is taken from Moliere, and seems to have been acted but once, as another Farce was acted for the 7 following nights-it deserved a better fate.

12. Richard 3d = Garrick :--this play was often

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