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22. Careless Husband. Lord Foppington = Macklin-see March 20 1742.

Dec. 8. Love makes a Man. Clodio = Garrick : Elvira Mrs. Pritchard.

15. For the bt. of the daughter of the late Mr. Ben Johnson. Recruiting Officer. Plume = Garrick with Devil to Pay. Nell Mrs. Clive.




22. Strategem. Archer Garrick 1st time: Scrub - Macklin : Aimwell Delane: Boniface Morgan: Foigard = Yates: Gibbet Neale : Mrs. Sullen = Mrs. Woffington: Cherry Mrs. Ridout: Dorinda = Mrs. Mills-Garrick's performance was capital, the scenes where he particularly excelled were those with Cherry-when he delivered Lady Howd'ye's message, and the picture scene with Mrs. Sullen. (Dramatic Censor.)

(These bills from Mr. Field.)

Jan 3. Richard 3d Garrick: Duke of York = Miss Macklin : Queen Mrs. Pritchard.

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10. Richard 3d. Lord Mayor Taswell: Queen - Mrs. Roberts.

11. Spanish Fryar. Torrismond Delane: Gomez Macklin : Elvira = Mrs. Clive: Dominic and the Queen are omitted.

13. Garrick's bt. Hamlet Garrick.


21. Merchant of Venice with a Prologue on Shakspeare and his writings to be spoken by Garrick; and an Epilogue on Shakspeare's women's characters by Mrs. Woffington-for the benefit of the author of the Prologue and Epilogue.

24. Recruiting Officer. Plume Garrick.


27. Rival Queens. Clytus by a Gentleman his 1st appearance on any stage: Alexander Delane: Rox

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ana Mrs. Roberts: with Devil to Pay. Nell Mrs. Pritchard.

28. Twin Rivals. Elder Wou'dbe = Delane:

Teague Macklin Subtleman Arthur.


Feb. 2. Never acted there, Dragon of Wantley. Moore Sullivan: Margery = Mrs. Lampe: Mauxa


linda Miss Young, being their 1st appearance there.


4. Cato. Cato - Delane: Syphax = Turbutt. 10. Henry 4th. Falstaff Falstaff Berry: Hotspur = Whittingham 1st appearance on any stage: Francis = Yates: Carriers = Morgan and Arthur: Kate = Mrs. Mills:-rest omitted.

15. Mrs. Macklin acted Mrs. Peachum.

17. Never acted, Wedding Day. Millamour = Garrick Stedfast Macklin : Heartfort = Delane: Old Mutable = Taswell: Young Mutable = Neale : Brazen (servant to Millamour) Yates: Clarinda = Mrs. Pritchard: Charlotte (daughter to Stedfast) = Mrs. Woffington: Mrs. Useful (a procuress) = = Mrs. Macklin Lucina Miss Bennet: Mrs. Plotwell (her friend) = Mrs. Cross-acted 6 times-Millamour had seduced, and deserted Lucina-he is in love with Clarinda-she is in love with him, but as she has no hope that he will marry her, she consents to marry Stedfast-Mrs. Useful persuades Clarinda to make Millamour a visit-on the approach of Stedfast, Clarinda nearly faints-Millamour pretends to be a physician-Brazen says that Clarinda was ready to drop down at the door, and that he brought her in for assistance-in the last act, Clarinda pretends to be ill, in order to avoid the usual conclusion of a Wedding Day-Stedfast sends for Millamour as a physician-Clarinda acknowledges to Millamour that she

still loves him, but protests that she will never forfeit her honour-Clarinda turns out to be the daughter of Stedfast and Mrs. Plotwell--Stedfast gives her to Millamour-Lucina determines to go into a convent -in the underplot, Heartfort is in love with Charlotte-Stedfast insists that she should marry Young Mutable-Young Mutable does not care a farthing for her she likes Millamour, but gives her hand to Heartfort-Fielding has introduced some very happy expressions into this C.-but on the whole it is an indifferent play-the marriage of a father with his daughter, tho' it is not consummated, is a disgusting circumstance-too much in the Edipus way for a Comedy-Mrs. Useful is a very good character-the Prologue has considerable merit - Macklin says Garrick had so long a part in the play, that he had not time to get the Prologue by heart, and that therefore he was obliged to address the audience.




March 3. Garrick's bt. Jane Shore. Hastings Garrick 1st time: Shore Delane: Gloster is omitted: Belmour Mills: Jane Shore Mrs. Pritchard: Alicia Mrs. Roberts: with Lying Valet. Sharp Garrick Kitty Pry Mrs. Clive with a new Epilogue written and spoken by Garrick--the stage will be formed into side boxes and 7 rows of the pit will be railed into boxes-we have no account of Garrick's performance in Hastings.


7. Rehearsal with Old Man taught Wisdom. Coupee = Yates.

8. Mrs. Clive's bt. Comus Delane: Sabrina = Miss Edwards 1st time with Lying Valet. Sharp (with Epilogue) = Garrick.

10. Spanish Fryar. Dominic Berry.





14. Delane's bt. Venice Preserved. Jaffier-Delane: Pierre Garrick: Belvidera Mrs. Pritchard. 15. Mrs. Pritchard's bt. Jane Shore :-with Lying Valet. Sharp Yates: Kitty Pry Mrs. Pritchard. 17. Mrs. Woffington's bt. Constant Couple. Sir Harry Wildair Garrick 1st time: Lady Lurewell = Mrs. Woffington:-with Lying Valet Yates : Kitty Pry Mrs. Pritchard.



19. Constant Couple. Sir Harry Wildair Garrick Lady Lurewell Mrs. Clive :-neither Davies, nor Murphy, says a syllable of Garrick in Sir Harry Wildair-Wilkinson says he failed.


21. Macklin's bt. Alchemist. Abel Drugger = Garrick 1st time: Face Macklin : Subtle Mills: Sir Epicure Mammon = Berry: Dol Common = Mrs. Macklin with School boy by Garrick-he acted the School boy the next night.


24. For bt. of Mrs. Roberts. Not acted 4 years, Fair Penitent. Lothario Garrick: Horatio = Delane Sciolto Berry: Altamont Mills: Calista= Mrs. Roberts: Lavinia = Mrs. Mills.

26. Garrick acted Sir Harry Wildair the 3d time. 31. Garrick acted Abel Drugger 2d time:-Theophilus Cibber had been famous for this character, but he introduced so much absurd grimace, and so many ridiculous tricks, that tho' the Galleries laughed and clapped their hands, the judicious part of the audience was displeased: Garrick represented the tobacco boy in the truest comic style; the moment he came upon the stage he discovered the most awkward simplicity, and through the whole part strictly observed the modesty of nature; there was no grimace, no starting, no gesticulation; he seemed to be a new

man, and convinced those who had seen him in Lear and Richard that there was nothing in human life that such a genius was not able to represent. (Murphy and Davies.)

A large print of Garrick, Burton and Palmer in the characters of Abel Drugger, Subtle and Face (Act 2. Scene 6) was published Jan. 12 1771-it was engraved from a picture by Zoffany.

April 1-2 and 3. No bills.

7. For bt. of Pierson Treasurer. Country Wife. Pinchwifea Gentleman from Dublin theatre: Sir Jasper Fidget Macklin: Sparkish Neale: Harcourt Blakes: Mrs. Pinchwife Mrs. Clive: Lady Fidget Mrs. Pritchard.




8. Garrick acted Abel Drugger, the Manuscript says 2d time-if this be correct the play must have been changed March 31.

14. Comus with School boy by Garrick, positively the last time he will perform the character this


15. Neale's bt. Merchant of Venice, and What d'ye call it. Timothy Peascod = Neale.

18. Havard acted Horatio F. P. for his bt.

29. Whittingham's bt. Distressed Mother. Orestes =Delane: Pyrrhus = Whittingham :-Whittingham totally failed-see Victor's letters.

30. Rehearsal. Bayes = Garrick last time this



May 3. Richard 3d = Garrick Lady Anne Mrs. Woffington.

5. Cato. Portius Havard: Marcus



6. Raftor's bt. Rehearsal. Bayes

-Raftor was Mrs. Clive's brother.

Blakes. Mrs. Clive:

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