7. Abel Drugger Garrick :-last time this season. 9. Old Batchelor. Fondlewife-Macklin. 11. Love for Love. Angelica = Mrs. Pritchard. 26. Garrick acted Archer-last bill. (These bills from B. M.) Garrick acted Richard 3d.-Oct. 15-23-28. Nov. 5-10-11. Dec. 20. Jan. 10-19. Feb. 14. April 16. Chamont.-Oct. 22. Dec. 11. April 20. Archer.-Dec. 23-28-31. Jan. 12-26. Feb. 7-8. March 1. April 13. Clodio.-Jan. 25. Hastings.-March 15. April 9-12-19. Pierre.-April 6. May 13. Abel Drugger.-April 21. C. G. 1742-1743. Sept. 22. Othello Quin: Desdemona Mrs. Cibber her first appearance there :-acted on 24th and 27th. 29. Conscious Lovers. Young Bevil = Quin : Indiana Mrs. Cibber:-see Jan. 5 1742. = Oct. 1. Venice Preserved. Jaffier Ryan: Pierre = Quin : Priuli = Bridgewater: Renault = Chapman : Antonio Hippisley: Belvidera Mrs. Cibber :acted several times. = = = = 4. Orphan. Castalio Hale: Chamont Quin : Polydore Ryan: Acasto Stephens: Chaplain = Chapman Page Miss Morrison: Monimia Mrs. Cibber-with, never acted there, Old Man taught Wisdom. Miss Lucy Miss Hippisley her first appearance there :-see C. G. March 18 1735. = 6. Old Batchelor. Heartwell Quin: Fondlewife Hippisley: Sir Joseph Wittol Woodward: Bluff Rosco: Lætitia Mrs. Cibber: BelindaMrs. Horton. = = 8. Macbeth. Macbeth Quin: 1st Witch-Hippisley:-see May 5 1742. 11. Spanish Fryar. Dominic Quin: Torrismond = Hale: Gomez = Hippisley: Queen Mrs. Horton: Elvira Mrs. Cibber. = 13 and 14. Richard 3d = Quin: Henry 6th = Bridgewater: Richmond Hale: Tressel Chapman: Buckingham = Cashell: Prince Edward = Miss Hippisley: Queen Mrs. Horton: Lady Anne - Mrs. Cibber:-on 13th Garrick acted Richard at D. L. 15. Volpone. Volpone Quin : Mosca Ryan: Corbaccio Hippisley: Corvino Rosco: Voltore= Bridgewater: Lady Wou'dbe Mrs. Horton: Celia - Mrs. Cibber. 16. Love's last Shift. Sir Novelty Woodward : Narcissa Mrs. Horton: Amanda Mrs. Cibber. 18. Cato. Cato Quin: Portius = Ryan: Sempronius -Cashell: Juba Hale: Syphax = Gibson : = = 19. Double Dealer. Maskwell Quin: Brisk= Woodward: Lady Touchwood Mrs. Woodward : -see March 16 1742. 21. Fair Penitent. Horatio = Quin: Lothario= Ryan: Sciolto Rosco: Calista Mrs. Cibber. = = 25. Henry 4th. Falstaff Quin: Hotspur = Hale King Stephens: Prince of Wales Ryan : Francis Hippisley: Carriers Chapman and Woodward: Kate Mrs. Hale. = = = 26. Henry 4th, part 2d. Falstaff Quin: Pistol Woodward. 27. Merry Wives of Windsor. Falstaff Quin : Ford Ryan Sir Hugh Hippisley: Page = = = = Cashell: Slender Woodward: Shallow Chapman : Robin Miss Morrison: Mrs. Ford - Mrs. Horton: Mrs. Page Mrs. Bellamy. = = 28. Way of the World. Petulant Woodward. 29. London Cuckolds and Necromancer. Nov. 3. Provoked Wife. Sir John Brute = Quin : Constant Hale: Heartfree Ryan: Razor = Chapman Lady Fanciful Mrs. Vincent: Lady Brute Mrs. Cibber. = 4. Tamerlane = Ryan: Bajazet Quin: Moneses Hale: Arpasia Mrs. Horton. 8. Miser. Lovegold Hippisley: Ramilie= = man: Lappet-Miss Hippisley. 10. Quin acted Ghost in Hamlet. -Chap 13. Oronooko. Aboan Quin: Imoinda = Mrs. Cibber:-see Feb. 2 1742. 15. Country Wife. Pinchwife Quin: Mrs. Pinchwife Mrs. Cibber:-see Jan. 12 1742. = 20. Julius Cæsar revived. Brutus = Quin: Antony = Hale: Cassius Ryan: Julius Cæsar = Bridgewater: Plebeians Hippisley, Chapman, Woodward, &c. Portia Mrs. Horton: Calphurnia = Mrs. Woodward. = 22. Relapse. Miss Hoyden Miss Hippisley :see April 24 1742. = = -: 25. Not acted 9 years, Measure for Measure. Duke Quin: Lucio Chapman : Angelo Cashell : Claudio Ryan: Escalus Rosco: Clown Hippisley: Isabella Mrs. Cibber: Mariana Mrs. Hale: Bawd Mrs. Marten. = 29. Distressed Mother. Orestes Ryan: Pyrrhus Quin: Andromache = Mrs. Cibber: Hermione= Mrs. Horton. Dec. 7. Pilgrim. Juletta Miss Hippisley. = = = 15. King Lear Quin: Edgar Ryan: Bastard = Hale: Kent Rosco: Gloster Bridgewater: Gentleman Usher Woodward: Cordelia = Mrs. Cibber. 21. Royal Merchant. Clause Quin :—with Rape of Proserpine. Harlequin Harlequin Woodward: Clodpole = Hippisley. = 22. Rover. Ned Blunt Chapman: Angellica = Mrs. Horton. (These bills from Mr. Field.) Jan. 5. Not acted 10 years, Siege of Damascus. Phocyas Ryan: Caled Quin: Eumenes Rosco: = == Abudah Hale: Daran Cashell: Eudocia = Mrs. Cibber-acted 10 times successively. = 18. Not acted 10 years, Plain Dealer. Manly= Quin Jerry Blackacre Woodward: Novel = Chapman: Lord Plausible Hippisley: Freeman Hale : Vernish Cashell: Major Oldfox is omitted: Fidelia - Mrs. Stevens: Widow Blackacre-Mrs. Woodward: Olivia Mrs. Horton. = = Feb. 14. By command of the Prince and Princess of Wales - for Mrs. Porter's bt.-Albion Queens. Queen Elizabeth Mrs. Porter, being the last time of her appearing on the stage: Queen Mary = Mrs. Horton :-No person to be admitted without tickets, which may be had, and places taken of Mr. Page at the stage door; and for the better accommodation of the Ladies, the stage will be enclosed and formed into an Amphitheatre, where servants will be allowed to keep places, and in that part of the pit, which will be railed in, and added to the front boxes. March 17. Ryan's bt. Venice Preserved, with Toyshop. Master = Chapman : Fumble = Hippisley: Beau Woodward. 21. Mrs. Horton acted Lady Townly for her bt. April 9. Bridgewater's bt. Theodosius = Ryan: Varanes Hale: Marcian is omitted: Athanais= Mrs. Horton: Pulcheria Mrs. Woodward. = 11. Woodward acted Lucio for his bt. 26. Duke and no Duke. Trappolin Chapman : Puritan Hippisley: Flametta Mrs. Hale. = May 4. Fair Quaker, with School boy by Woodward. |