9. Venice Preserved. Jaffier Ross: Pierre = Smith, 1st time: Belvidera - Mrs. Ward. 24. For bt. of Ross. Romeo and Juliet, with Florizel and Perdita. Florizel (with new Songs) = Mattocks: Autolicus Shuter: Perdita (with Songs) = Miss Brent:-this piece seems to have been turned into an Opera to suit the prevailing taste of this theatre-Comus, Jovial Crew, and Beggar's Opera, were frequently acted. = 25. Mrs. Hamilton's bt. Rule a Wife. Leon= Sparks Copper Captain Smith, 1st time: Cacafogo is omitted: Juan Hull: Estifania Mrs. Hamilton: Margarita Mrs. Vincent: Altea = Mrs. Pitt-with Contrivances. Rovewell Mattocks: Arethusa Mrs. Storer:-1st time for 8 years. 26. Shuter's bt. Not acted 20 years, (never acted at C. G.) Wife's Relief. Riot Smith: Volatil = Dyer: Sir Tristram Cash is omitted: Young Cash Shuter: Arabella Mrs. Hamilton: Cynthia Mrs. Elmy-with Cheats of Scapin. 30. Smith's bt. Richard 3d = = = = Smith, 1st time : Henry 6th = Gibson: Richmond = Clarke: Buckingham Sparks Queen Mrs. Hamilton: Lady Anne Mrs. Vincent: Duchess of York Mrs. Elmy:with a Farce, called the English Tars in America. Macfinin (an Irish volunteer) = Shuter: Indian King Wignell: Princess Sachema = Mrs. Lee: Black Lady Miss Sledge:-acted but once-an English = Captain had been sent to America with 200 men under his command-he was forced by a storm to land on an Island-he rescues a White Lady from 3 Frenchmen-her mother was an English woman who had married the Indian King-the King had adopted her as his daughter-the King gives the Captain the command of his troops, and promises him the Princess if he should succeed in defeating the French-Macfinin marries the Black Lady-this is a poor piece-it is attributed to G. A. Stevens-it was printed in 1767 as French Flogged, or British Sailors in America— it seems to have been acted in that year as the names of Miss Dawson and Miss Smith stand to the female characters-Stevens acted one of the sailors, and Davies the English Captain. = April 1. Miss Macklin's bt. Careless Husband. Lord Foppington = Macklin : Sir Charles Easy: Ross: Lord Morelove Hull: Lady Betty Modish = Miss Macklin, 1st time: Lady Easy Mrs. Elmy: Lady Graveairs Mrs. Vincent: Edging = Mrs. Green-with Love a-la-Mode-last time this season. 2. Clarke's bt. Macbeth Ross: Macduff = = Clarke Banquo = Sparks Lady Macbeth Mrs. Hamilton Lady Macduff Mrs. Barrington :-with Lying Valet, by Shuter. = 3. For bt. of Sparks. Comus = Sparks :-with Love a-la-Mode. = 6. Dyer's bt. Suspicious Husband. Ranger Dyer: Strictland Sparks: Frankly Ross: Bellamy Clarke Jack Meggot is omitted: Clarinda= Mrs. Hamilton: Jacintha Miss Macklin : Mrs. Strictland Mrs. Barrington: Lucetta Mrs. Pitt. = 7. For Ryan's Widow. Provoked Husband. = = = 10. For bt. of Barrington, and Mrs. Lampe. Romeo and Juliet. Romeo Ross: Capulet Sparks: Friar Lawrence Hull: Juliet Young Gentlewoman, being her 1st appearance: (as a woman)— Lady Capulet Mrs. Barrington: Nurse Mrs. Pitt: -the person who made her 1st appearance in Juliet was Miss Hallam-afterwards Mrs. Mattocks-she was niece to Mrs. Barrington, who brought her up. 13. Mrs. Elmy acted Jane Shore for her bt. 16. Mrs. Vincent's bt. Wife's Relief, with Florizel and Perdita. King-Hull. 17. Wit without Money. 20. Dunstall's bt. Wonder. Don Pedro-Dunstall. 21. For bt. of Costollo, Mrs. Pitt, and Stede. Cleone. Cleone Mrs. Ward, 1st time : -with Englishman in Paris. Buck (for that night only) Foote Subtle Costollo: Lucinda Miss Macklin: Mrs. Subtle = Mrs. Pitt. = 23. For bt. of Mattocks and Hull. Jovial Crew. Springlove = Hull: -with Thomas and Sally. 27. Loves makes a Man. May 11. Oronooko. 15. Acted but once for 20 years, (acted Feb. 10 1748) Rule a Wife. Copper Captain Smith. 21. Richard 3d Smith, 3d time. = 25. Macbeth, and Rape of Proserpine-last play. (Bills from B. M.) Previously to the opening of the theatre for the ensuing season, Rich wished to have engaged Wilkinson for 3 years certain, and hinted that he would be the making of him by larning him to act; Wilkinson would only engage for 10 weeks; Rich was offended, but put 5 Guineas into Wilkinson's hand at parting -Rich was ill qualified for his situation, but he seems to have done many friendly good-tempered things. ACTOR AND ROSCIAD. ACTOR. The Gentleman's Magazine for April 1760 contains an extract from the Actor just published-a 4th Edition was printed in 1764-this poem was written by Lloyd, and is inferiour only to the Rosciad; it is particularly worth the attention of performers. Lloyd insists much on the necessity of an Actor feeling his part, and illustrates his position by the following lines "Once on the stage in Rome's declining days "Ere persecution dropp'd her iron rod, "And men still wag'd an impious war with God, "A martyr dying 'midst insulting foes. "Resign'd with patience to religion's laws Tell me from whence Lloyd got this story-" Et "eris mihi magnus Apollo." Lloyd objects to the Ghost of Banquo making his appearance, and says "The King alone should form the phantom "there, "And talk and tremble at the vacant chair." Lloyd was the son of Dr. Lloyd under-master of Westminster, and at one time Usher in the school himself when by his want of economy he had brought himself into prison, he observed to a friend that the confinement was irksome, but not so bad as being Usher at Westminster-he was the intimate friend of Bonnel Thornton, Colman and Churchill, and is highly spoken of in the Rosciad. ROSCIAD. Churchill's never-to-be-forgotten Poem was published in March 1761, or rather stole into the world, |