1705-1706. *Sago in Basset Table. Hay. 1706-1707. Corbaccio in Volpone-Doodle in London Cuckolds-Gravedigger in Hamlet-Testimony in Sir Courtly Nice-Sulpitius in Caius Marius-Fumble in Fond Husband-Tom Shacklehead in Lancashire Witches-Moody in Sir Martin Marrall-Waspe in Bartholemew Fair. 1707-1708. Morose in Silent Woman-*Sir Solomon Sadlife in Double Gallant-Hecate. D. L. 1708. Polonius - Foresight -Sir David Dunce in Soldier's Fortune-Raison in Greenwich Park-Sir Rowland Rakehell in Love for MoneyJacomo in Libertine-Caliban. 1708-1709. Gripus in Amphitryon-Fernando in Fatal Marriage-Gomez in Spanish Fryar-Clodpate in Epsom Wells-Bluff in Old BatchelorSavil in Scornful Lady-Ananias in Alchemist--Mufti in Don Sebastian. Hay. 1709-1710. Sir Peter Pride in Amorous Widow-*Sir David Watchum in Man's Bewitched. D. L. 1710-1711. Ned Blunt in Rover-*Snuffle in Injured Love-Governour in Spanish Wives. 1711-1712. Old Jollyman in Madam Fickle. 1713-1714. Sir Godfrey Plus in Puritan. 1714-1715. *Sir John English in Country Lasses -*Squire Thomas in What d'ye call it. 1715-1716. *Vellum in Drummer - Palmer in Comical Revenge. 1723-1724. Gardiner in Henry 8th. 1728-1729. Lucas in Village Opera. 1730-1731. *Willy in Highland Fair. Hay. 1733-1734. *Dr. Mummy in Mother in Law -at D. L. Shallow in Henry 4th part 2d. Oct. 8. Provoked Wife13. Richard 3d. 16. As you like it-2d time. Nov. 11. Winter's Tale-first time-acted 5 times successively. = Dec. 29. Drummer. Sir George Truman = Ryan: Vellum Hippisley: Tinsel - Chapman: Coachman =Woodward: Lady Truman Mrs. Bellamy. (From B. M.) = = = Jan. 1. London Cuckolds. Ramble Ryan: Townly = Hale: Wiseacre Hippisley: Doodle Mullart: Dashwell Woodward: Loveday Chapman : Eugenia Mrs. Hale: Peggy Mrs. Vincent: Engine Mrs. Mullart: Jane Mrs. Kilby, and the Lady No Mrs. Pritchard. = = 4. At the particular desire of several persons of Quality. Relapse. Lord Foppington = Cibber Sen. : -on the nights when he performed, no other person's name was put in the bill. = 5. Conscious Lovers. Young Bevil Hale: Tom = Chapman Myrtle Ryan Sealand = Rosco: : = Cimberton Hippisley: Indiana Mrs. Horton : Phillis Mrs. Pritchard. = = 7. Relapse. Lord Foppington = Cibber Sen. 8. As you like it. Touchstone Chapman : Jaques = Ryan: Orlando Hale: Adam = Bridgewater: Amiens Roberts: Oliver Cashell: Duke Sen. = = = Stephens Duke Frederick Rosco: Rosalind = Mrs. Pritchard: Celia Mrs. Vincent. 9. Rover. Ryan. = Ned Blunt = Mullart: Willmore = = = = = 11. Old Batchelor. Heartwell Bridgewater: Bellmour Ryan: Fondlewife Hippisley: Sir Joseph Wittol-Woodward: Noll Bluff Rosco: Setter = Chapman: Lætitia Mrs. Horton: Belinda Mrs. Pritchard: Araminta Mrs. Hale :-at the bottom of the bill Mrs. Porter was advertised for Queen Elizabeth, but she did not play the part till Feb. 4th. 12. Country Wife. Horner Ryan: Pinchwife = Bridgewater: Sir Jasper Fidget Hippisley: Sparkish-Chapman : Harcourt Hale: Mrs. Pinchwife =Mrs. Pritchard: Lady Fidget Mrs. Mullart. = = = 13. Provoked Husband. Lord Townly Ryan: Sir Francis Wronghead = Hippisley Manly Bridgewater: Count Basset = Count Basset = Chapman: Lady Townly Mrs Pritchard. : = 14. Recruiting Officer. Plume = Ryan: Brazen= Chapman Balance = Bridgewater: Kite Rosco: 1st Recruit Hippisley: Sylvia Mrs. Pritchard. 15. Funeral. Lord Hardy Hale: Trim Chapman: Campley Woodward: Trusty Bridgewater: = Sable Hippisley: Puzzle Rosco: Lady Brumpton Mrs. Horton. 18. Relapse. Lord Foppington = Cibber Sen. 19. Double Gallant. Atall = Atall Chapman : Sir Solo = 20. Pilgrim. Pedro-Ryan: Alphonso Hippisley : Roderigo Bridgewater: Mad Taylor Woodward: Alinda Mrs. Vincent: Juletta Mrs. Pritchard. = = = 21. Winter's Tale. Leontes Stephens: Polixenes Ryan Florizel Hale: Camillo = Bridgewater: Antigonus = Rosco: Clown = = Rosco: Clown = Hippisley : Autolycus Chapman : Hermione = Mrs. Horton : Perdita Mrs. Hale: Paulina Mrs. Pritchard. = = = = 23. Way of the World. Mirabell Ryan: Fainall= Hale: Witwou'd = Chapman : Petulant Woodward: Sir Wilful Witwou'd Hippisley: Waitwell Rosco: Millamant Mrs. Horton: Mrs. Marwood Mrs. Pritchard Lady Wishfort Mrs. James: Foible Mrs. Kilby. = = 26. Strategem. Archer Ryan: Scrub = Hippisley Aimwell Hale: Foigard Rosco: Sullen = Bridgewater: Gibbet Chapman : Mrs. Sullen = Mrs. Horton: Cherry Mrs. Hale. = = 27. Love makes a Man. Clodio = Chapman : Don Lewis Hippisley: Carlos = Hale: Sancho= Woodward: Louisa Mrs. Horton. = 29. Merry Wives. Shallow Chapman : Slender =Woodward: Mrs. Quickly Mrs. Mullart:-see March 27 1740. = = Feb. 2. Oronooko. Oronooko Ryan: Aboan= Stephens Governor Bridgewater: Daniel Hippisley Imoinda Mrs. Horton: Widow Lackit= Mrs. Woodward: Charlot Weldon = Mrs. Pritchard: Lucy Weldon Mrs. Hale. = = 4. Albion Queens. Norfolk Ryan: Queen Mary - Mrs. Horton: Queen Elizabeth Mrs. Porter. = = 5. Rule a Wife. Leon = Bridgewater: Copper Captain = Ryan: Estifania = Mrs. Horton: Old Woman = Mr. Hippisley. 12. Cibber Sen. acted Shallow in Henry 4th. 15. Mrs. Porter's bt. Unhappy Favourite. Essex =Ryan: Southampton = Hale: Queen Elizabeth= Mrs. Porter: Rutland Mrs. Horton: Nottingham - Mrs. Pritchard. = 16. School boy. Master Johnny = Woodward: Major Rakish Hippisley: Young Rakish Hale. = 17. Miser. Lovegold = = Hippisley Ramilie = Chapman Mariana Mrs. Horton: Lappet- Mrs. Pritchard. = = = 18. Hamlet. Hamlet Ryan: Ghost Stephens: King Bridgewater: Laertes = Hale: = Horatio = Cashell: Polonius Hippisley: Osrick Woodward: 1st Gravedigger Rosco: Queen = = Mrs. Pritchard : Mrs. Horton Jacinta = Mrs. Kilby. 20. Henry 4th. Shallow-Cibber Sen. Gamester Young Valere Hale: Hector = = = = 22. James Dorante Hippisley: Marquis of Hazard Woodward: Lady Wealthy = = Mrs. Horton: Chapman was probably ill, as he did not play Lopez nor Hector. 24. Albion Queens-as before. 26. Cibber Sen. acted Sir Novelty Fashion 1st time for 12 years. 27. She wou'd if she cou'd. = Hippisley: Sir Joslin Jolly Ryan Freeman Hale: |