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12. Othello. Roderigo Woodward: Desdemona =Mrs. Pritchard.

4. Measure for Measure. Isabella Mrs. Pritchard.


18. Conscious Lovers. Indiana Mrs. Horton : Phillis Mrs. Clive.


19. By Command of the Duke.

For the benefit of Mrs. Saunders many years a Comedian at the Theatre Royal.

Julius Cæsar and Devil to Pay.

Mrs. Saunders humbly hopes that those Ladies and Gentlemen, who intend her the favour of their company, will excuse her not waiting on them, she not having been able to go out of her house these 18 months for Mrs. Saunders see D. L. 1720-1721.

20. Merry Wives. Shallow Chapman : Slender - Woodward.





24. Not acted there before, Henry 8th. King= Quin: Wolsey Ryan: Suffolk Stephens: Campeius = Chapman Gardiner Hippisley: Lord Sands Woodward: Queen Katharine Mrs. Pritchard: Anne Bullen Mrs. Stevens:- with the ceremony of the Coronation-acted about 7 times. 28. Beggar's Opera. Lucy Mrs. Pritchard :Mrs. Dunstall was gone to D. L.

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Feb. 1. Æsop. Hortensia Mrs. Horton.


3. Siege of Damascus. Eudocia Mrs. Pritchard. 7. Fair Penitent. Calista Mrs. Pritchard. 23. Distressed Mother. Andromache = Mrs. Pritchard.



28. Not acted 10 years, Squire of Alsatia. Squire = Chapman : Sir William Belfond Philips from Dublin: Lolpoop Hippisley: Mrs. Termagant= Mrs. Pritchard: Lucia Miss Hippisley Mrs. Hackum Mr. Stoppelear :-rest omitted.


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March 3. Never acted there, Comus.

Comus = Quin Brothers Ryan and Cashell: Lady = Mrs. Pritchard: Euphrosyne Mrs. Clive.



8. Ryan's bt. Not acted 3 years, Abra-Mulé. Pyrrhus Ryan: Solyman Quin: Mahomet is omitted: Abra-Mulé Mrs. Pritchard.

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12. Quin's bt. Not acted 20 years, (acted April 24 1732) Don Sebastian. Don Sebastian = Ryan: Dorax Quin: Antonio Chapman: Mufti Hippisley: Almeyda= Mrs. Pritchard: Morayma Mrs. Clive-acted 4 times.





13. Mrs. Clive's bt. Never acted there, Merchant of Venice. Shylock Rosco: Anthonio Quin : Bassanio is omitted: Gratiano = Ryan: Launcelot = Chapman Lorenzo Beard: Portia Mrs. Clive : Nerissa Mrs. Pritchard: Jessica Miss Edwards, being her first attempt on any stage :-this must be understood in a speaking character-she had sung at Mrs. Clive's benefit March 8 1743 D. L.


Quin :

28. Beard's bt. Old Batchelor. Heartwell Lætitia Mrs. Horton: Belinda = Mrs. Clive :with Damon and Phillida by Beard and Mrs. Clive: -this bill seems odd, but it is probably correct, as Mrs. Horton appears to have gotten possession of Lætitia Nov. 21, before Mrs. Clive was engagedsee C. G. May 3 1745.

29. Mrs. Horton's bt. Fair Penitent. Lothario by the Gentleman formerly Patentee of D. L. :-Calista Mrs. Horton.

30. Hippisley's bt. Conscious Lovers, with Lying Valet. Sharp Miss Hippisley 1st time: Kitty Pry - Mrs. Pritchard.


31. Hamlet Sheridan being his 1st appearance


on the English Stage: Queen Mrs. Pritchard :rest as before.

April 2. Mrs. Pritchard's bt. Othello Quin : Desdemona = Mrs. Pritchard.

3. Sheridan acted Hamlet.

5. Sheridan acted Richard the 3d.


10. Provoked Husband. Lord Townly Sheridan: Manly=Quin: Lady Townly=Mrs. Pritchard.

13. Macbeth = Sheridan: Lady Macbeth Mrs. Pritchard.

18. Sheridan's bt. Julius Cæsar. Brutus = Sheridan, his last appearance this season.

19. For bt. of Mr. and Mrs. Hale. Henry 5th= Hale: Fluellin = Hippisley: Pistol Woodward : = Archbishop Chapman: Princess Mrs. Hale.


21. Busy Body. Miranda Mrs. Clive.



May 1. For bt. of Philips. Macbeth Sheridan : (by particular desire) Lady Macbeth Mrs. Pritchard: -with Flora. Hob- Philips: Sir Thomas Testy: Hippisley Flora Mrs. Vincent: Betty Miss Hippisley.

7. Love's last Shift. Loveless = Ryan: Snap

Sir Novelty
Sir Novelty



Woodward :

Chapman: Narcissa =

Mrs. Clive: Amanda Mrs. Pritchard.

21. Don Sebastian. Muley Moluch

Cashell : Benducar Bridgewater: Johayma= Mrs. Mullart.


30. Last play. (Bills from B. M.)

HAY. 1744.

Macklin during the time that he was excluded from D. L. collected together a company of unfledged performers, and undertook to instruct them in the science of acting-he opened the Hay. Feb. 6thMacklin, from the impatience of his temper and the general harshness of his manner, was ill qualified for a theatrical instructor, but he made amends by the justness and propriety of his precepts-the principal part of his method seemed to be, in breaking his pupils from those artificial habits of speaking, which for some time past had been conceived to belong to the stage; it was his manner to check all the cant and cadence of Tragedy; he would bid his pupils first speak the passage as they would in common life, if they had occasion to pronounce the same words; and then giving them more force, but preserving the same accent, to deliver them on the stage.

His return to D. L. prevented his persisting in his plan at this time, but he resumed it more than once afterwards. (Kirkman and Cooke.)


Feb. 6. At the new Theatre in the Hay.-a Concert, and after it, Othello. Othello a Gentleman: (Foote) Ludovico Gentleman: (Hill) being their first appearance on the stage: Iago - Macklin :-the character of Othello will be new dressed after the custom of his country-No money will be taken at the doors, nor any person admitted, but by printed tickets, which will be delivered by Mr. Macklin at his house in Bow Street C. G.

13-20 and 23. Othello was repeated.

March 2. Othello by a set of Gentlemen for their diversion, being the last time of their performing that play.

April 6. Relapse. Lord Foppington, with an Epilogue, by the Gentleman who lately acted Othello : Loveless Macklin: Berinthia Mrs. Macklin : Miss Hoyden Miss Minors.


20. For bt. of Miss Talbot. Miser. Lovegold= Macklin : Lappet Mrs. Macklin : Mariana= Miss Talbot-with Mock Doctor. Gregory and Dorcas =Mr. and Mrs. Macklin. 23. Recruiting Officer.

May 10. Miser.

June 29. Hamlet

Ghost Macklin Vaughan Queen 2 and 3.

Plume = Bransby.
Harriet Miss Minors.


Gentleman 1st appearance : Gravediggers = Macklin and Mrs. Macklin :-repeated July

(June 8. At May Fair. Recruiting Officer. Plume = Mrs. Charke.) (Bills from B. M.)

Cooke in his Memoirs of Foote says-" How a "man so exclusively comic as Foote, should think of "such a part as Othello for his first appearance, "would be matter of surprise, did we not consider, "that the prevailing passion of most of our stage "candidates points to the lover and the hero *


"the audience received him with every degree of "indulgence, and many of the first distinction cheered him, from personal and family knowledge, but his performance on the whole was found too imperfect "for either public or private patronage-Macklin "said it was little better than a total failure, as "neither his figure, voice, nor manners corresponded

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