| Charles Lee Lewes - Actors - 1805 - 234 pages
...the English Roscius. October igth, 1741. GOODMAN'S FiftDs. At the late Theatre, in Goodman'sfields, this day, will be performed a Concert of Vocal and...Places for the Boxes to be taken at the Fleece Tavern, next the Theatre. NB Between the two parts of the Concert, will be presented, an Historical Play, called,... | |
| 1819 - 382 pages
...smuggled into the presence of his countrymen. " fitmdmans Fields, Oct. IMh, 1741. At the Theatre, hi Goodman's Fields, this day will be performed, a Concert...Instrumental Music, divided into two parts. — Tickets at 3, 2, and 1 shilling. Places for the boxes to be taken at the Fleece Tavern, next the Theatre. NB Between... | |
| 1819 - 384 pages
...shewing how he was smuggled into the presence of hi» countrymen. « Goodman Field*, Oct. I9tk, 1741. At the Theatre, in Goodman's Fields, this day will...Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, divided into tiro parts. — Tickets at 3, 2, and 1 shilling. Places for the boxes to be taken at the Fleece Tavern,... | |
| Theater - 1824 - 460 pages
...the bill which announced GARRICK'S first appearance in London : "Goodman's Fields, Oct. 19th, 1741. " At the Theatre in Goodman's Fields, this day, will...instrumental music, divided into two parts; tickets at 3, 2, and 1 shilling. Places for the boxes to be taken at the Fleece Tavern, next the theatre. —... | |
| William Oxberry - Theater - 1824 - 398 pages
...on the London stage. October 19th, 1741, Goodman's-fields. At the late theatre in Goodman's-fields, this day will be performed a Concert of vocal and...Places for the Boxes, to be taken at the Fleece Tavern, next Use theatre. .-* «. ...... .. - . • •. *«nt.... • •*•.. f*l* >* If ,,.!.. ,,**•*.*... | |
| Tobias Merton (pseud) - 1824 - 480 pages
...Garrick's debut at the theatre in Goodman's Fields : Ocf. 19, 1741. Goodman's Fields. At the Theatre, Goodman's Fields, this day will be performed, A Concert...Instrumental Music, Divided into Two Parts. Tickets, 3s. 2s. and Is. . Places for the Boxes to be taken at the Fleece Tavern, near the Theatre. NB Between... | |
| Tobias Merton - 1824 - 488 pages
...Garrick's debut at the theatre in Goodman's Fields : Oct. 19, 1741. Goodman's Fields. At the Theatre, Goodman's Fields, this day will be performed, A Concert...Instrumental Music, Divided into Two Parts. Tickets, 3s. 2s. and Is. Places for the Boxes to be taken at the Fleece Tavern, near the Theatre. NB Between... | |
| Richard Ryan - Actors - 1825 - 374 pages
...1741. "GOODMAN'S FIELDS. At the late Theatre in Goodman's Fields, this Day will be performed, A Conceit of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Divided into Two...Tickets at Three, Two, and One Shilling. Places for the Bexes to be taken at the Fleece Tavern, near the Theatre. NB Between the Two Parts of the Concert,... | |
| William Hone - Days - 1830 - 868 pages
...Mr. Garrick. , I am, Sir, yours truly, ' II. B. , , October 19, 1741. GOODMAN'S FIELDS. At the late Theatre in Goodman's Fields, this day •will be performed...One Shilling. Places for the boxes to be taken at i lie Fleece Tavern, near the Theatre. NB Between the two parts of the Concert will be presented an... | |
| John Thomas Smith - Great Britain - 1845 - 326 pages
...announcements : — 6th of May, 1766. ME. HOUGHTON AND MR. MITCHELL'S NIGHT. AT FINCH'S GROTTO Garden, This Day, will be performed a Concert of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL Music. SINGING as usual. NB For that Night only, the Band will be enlarged. Tickets to be had at the Bar of... | |
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