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king of the south) could not stand; the Egyptian army was defeated."

And further, as corroborative proof that this Antiochus who then invaded Egypt, was Antiochus Epiphanes, the horn alluded to by Daniel, I shall give Dr. Clark's remarks on verse 21, of the 11th chap. And in his estate (i. e. a former king-Cassander probably) shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom; but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. This was Antiochus, surnamed Epiphanes, or the Illustrious. by the Syrian court. "They did not give him the honour of the kingdom. He was at Athens, on his way to Rome, when his predecessor died, and Heliodorus had declared himself king; so had several others But Antiochus came in peaceably, for he obtained the kingdom by flatteries. He flattered Eumenes, king of Pergamus, and Attalus his brother, and got their assistance. He flattered the Romans, and sent ambassadors to court their favour, and pay them the arrears of tribute. He flattered the Syrians, and gained their concurrence; and as he flattered the Syrians, so they flattered him, giving him the epithet of Epiphanes, the Illustrious. But that he was what the prophet callshim, a vile person, is fully evident, from what Polybius says of him, from Athenaeus, lib. v. "He was every man's companion: he resorted to the common shops, and prattled with the workmen: he frequented the common taverns, and ate and drank with the meanest fellows, singing debauched songs," &c. From which it is evident, this person is the same to whom both Da


niel and the Apocrypha alludes. By the one he is cal led Antiochus Epiphanes, plainly; and by the other, a vile person, who, by Clark, is said to be the same ; and, I add, is the little horn foreseen of Daniel.

But I resume the account given of him in Maccabees. See Apocrypha. "And after that Antiochus had smitten Egypt, he returned and went up against Israel and Jerusalem with a great multitude; and entered proudly into the sanctuary, and took away the golden altar, and all the vessels thereof. He took also the silver and the gold, and the precious vessels: also he took the hidden treasures which he found. And when he had taken all away, he went unto his own land, having made a great massacre, and spoke very proudly." But two years after, it appears that Antiochus returned again to Jerusalem, and burnt down a part of the city, carried many captives away, and possessed their cattle. And at the same time he built a strong wall round the city of David, with immense towers on it, and thereby made it a strong hold for himself. "And put therein a sinful nation, and fortified themselves therein." It appears that from this fort which they built, that they harassed and afflicted the people, who daily came to the temple to sacrifice. "Thus they shed innocent blood on every side of the sanctuary, and defiled it." At that time Antiochus wrote letters to his whole kingdom, that in their worship they should be one people, and also to the Jews, many of whom consented to the worship of idols. “He set up groves, and chapels of idols, and sacrificed swine's flesh and unclean beasts." He also set up an idol upon the very altar of God in the temple, and sacrificed to the idol there, and sprinkled the whole temple and altar with the broth of swine's flesh. See Clark on Daniel, chap. 11, 28.

From what I have advanced, it appears evident (at least to me) that the horn which arose nearest to Daniel's time, B. C. 550, was Antiochus Epiphanes, who commenced his reign about the year B. C. 300; bat soon after his end, the kingdom was lost in that of the Romans; who commenced their national existence B. C. 758, but at that time had become exceeding powerful. If, therefore, the prophet alluded to the time of Antiochus, who horribly polluted the Jewish sanctuary, we see clearly that the time to cleanse it, i. e. the Christian sanctuary, of which that at Jerusalem was the type, will be at the end of 2300 natural years, and will be completed at the end of the next century, in the year A. D. 2000. At that time also will be finished the 1260 years of the captive state of the Christian polluted sanctuary, who went into captivity about the year A. D. 740. At that period will the woman, who is the Christian church, now under the power of the beast, come forth from her hiding place, where she has been, is now, and will continue to be fed and preserved, till the end of 1260 years, from the face of the serpent, which is the old heathen worship of idols, from which she was rescued by the conversion of Constantine, and preserved in the wilderness state of the Roman Catholic church from heathen idolatry, though nothing more, since that time, than nominally Christian, which, however, preserves her from the more horrid face of the serpent, paganism.

At that time shall end the prophecying of the two witnesses. See Rev. 11, 3. And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they shall prophecy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. During which time the Gentiles are to tread under foot the holy city, i. e. the whole community of saints in those Catholic countries, who would gladly embrace the opportunity of listening to the voice of those witnesses, if they were not now shrouded in the smoke of the bottomless pit. But at the end of the forty-two months, at the end of the three days and a half, at the end of the twelve hundred and sixty years, at the end of a thousand two hundred and threescore days, at the end of a time, times and a half time, at the end of Daniel's two thousand three hundred daysshall the smoke of the bottomless pit be blown quite from the mental region of man's mind in all the globe, in the last year of the next century.

But long before that period, the gospel will have been received among all heathen nations.

Having now presented my reasons for believing the Millennium will commence at the end of six thousand years from the beginning of creation, I will sun them up in brief, and then pass to some remarks on the kingdom of the mountain, then close this division with a few reflections. My reasons for expecting it at that period, have consisted, 1st, in showing the sanctity and propriety of a Millennium. 2d. By exhibiting proofs that the ancient Jews, Rabbins, and prophets, as well as the Christian churches in all ages have expected it. 3d. By a compared view of the various kinds of Sabbaths, which I have shown as typifying a Millennium at a certain period. 4. By ascertaining the rise and fall of the papal horn. 5. By showing when and who it was that polluted the Jewish sanctuary, and when the time to cleanse it shall come, i. e. the Christian sanctuary, as I suppose the prophet meant, else he would not have set the time so distant as 2300 years. 6. That the four grand dispensations from Abraham consisting of a thousand years each, shall also end witł the next century; exactly corroborating their sublime symbol, which was a river, shown to Ezekiel by an angel, consisting of four equal measurements of a thousand cubits each, which is descriptive of the increase of a knowledge of God in his church in the earth, since the birth of Abraham till the Millennium. 7. By showing that at the end of the next century, the noted 1260 years, in which the saints were given into the power of the secular Roman church, shall end; and 8. That then the two witnesses shall finish their prophecying in sackcloth, and be caught up to heaven in the midst of a cloud. These are my reasons for believing the Millennium will commence at that period. There I see a termination of all those grand symbols upon which the expectation has been built, by both the ancient and modern church. But I will here remark, that the exaltation of the two witnesses, the Old and the New Testament, to heaven, may be understood to signify, that as the Holy Scriptures, the grand medium through which God has conversed with man, have been


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