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of death. Although they are well acquainted with what Isaiah had wrote near four thousand years before, that there should come a time when the nations should learn war no more, yet, in perfect accordance with their infidelity about the truth of the Scriptures, attempt the sanguinary preparations, in open defiance of every better feeling, against all mercy, and the interdictions of heaven, and that, too, against the innocent saints.

But the words of the Lord are sure words, which are that the nations should learn war no more. For while they shall be gathering together their forces, with the view of attacking the saints in all places at once (as Haman devised to destroy the Jews at Babylon) but before they shall come nigh to the camp, ere they have felt the horrid pleasure of shedding human blood, or have learned the art of war, by experience, a blast of fire from God out of heaven shall descend with devouring fury, and destroy them. See Rev. 20, 9. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city; and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.

Thus having passed through the Twelfth Division, and having endeavoured to show the probable multiplication of mankind in the Millennium, and their great privileges and happiness, and why Satan is to be loosed a little season, and who they are that will compose the army of Gog and Magog, and why they are called so, and in what manner they will probably attempt their attack upon the saints, and of the overthrow of his army, we now pass to give an account of the resurrection of the wicked dead.


Embraces a view of the resurrection of the wicked dead after the Millennium, and endeavours a description of the phenomenon of the earth's dissolution by fire, and in what way the elements will probably act upon each other, when the great decomposition of the solar system shall be compelled to take place at the command of God.

But, O my soul, how great the dread display,
Of world's dissolving on that fiery day;
Of angels flying-and the great white throne,
To judge the wicked dead, comes hastening down;
And on the amazing pile of dazzling light,
Will sit the glorious Three in holy might :
But more apparent, Christ, in human form,
Shall in its centre rule the fiery storm;
And from the dreadful height, like ocean's roar,
His voice will sound, -I live for ever more!

Now has arrived that day and hour, of which it is said, No man knoweth, no not the angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Mark 13, 32. The true meaning of which is, the Son, separate from the Father, knoweth not the day nor the hour no more than any other mere man; but, in union with his Father, he knoweth both the day and the hour.

The Saviour often said, in the days of his flesh, of myself (abstract from God as mere man) I can do nothing. This remark was intended as an argument to show the Jews, that because he could do nothing of himself, as-a mere man, that therefore the works he did showed him to be one with the Father, as he said, I and my Father are one-which fact he desired to impress strongly upon the mind of the Jews; and so they understood him, for they said to him, Thou being a man makest thyself God, for he said he is the Son of God.

He, therefore, as God, the Word being one with God, the Father, knoweth all things, and needeth not that any man shall tell him what is in man. He, therefore, as God, not as mere man like one of us, knoweth both the day and the hour when the judgment day shall come; for he himself is the mighty Counsellor, the Everlasting Father, whose mystic union with the human nature surpasses the comprehension of all finite minds; but such is the fact, which challenges our faith and adoration.

Let those who will not recieve him as such, stumble on that stone, and be broken, and on whomsoever that stone shall fall shall be ground to powder, by the eternal pressure. of his wrath; for it is written, Kiss the Son lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little. Psalms 2, 12.

But who among mortal men, whose powers are frail,

shall be able to descrihe the terrible approaches of the great God, and our Saviour, to judge the world? So glorious and dreadful will be the appearance of his great white throne, and so fearful the phenomena that will begin to appear in the heavens, the earth and the sea, that all description must fall infinitely short of perfection.

Previous to the eruption of some great volcano, whose neighbour is the sea, the earth is felt to tremble, and the ocean is heard to roar, though there be no winds to move its bosom. A fearful stillness pervades the air-the fowls of heaven mark their flight with hesitancy, and the beasts roar for very fear-the sun is but dimly seen through the hazy sky, and meteors glare along the frighted concave, ere yet the twilight has

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clad the sunny beams with night's approach.

But now shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. Matth. 24, 30; for lo! the planets will begin to wander from their orbs, and dash one against the other; for now is lost the latent principle of the centrifugal power, which operates on all planets, and inclines them to fly off in straight lines into interminable space, which necessarily will give them a tremendous centripetal force towards the sun. That body being the centre or lowest point in the system, is therefore the centre of attraction to all the planets. Here, then, in their descent toward the sun, will be a horrible realization of the stars falling from heaven, and of the powers of the heavens being shaken; and long before they reach the sun, will dash one against

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the other, which, indeed, will be a wreck of matter and a crush of worlds on fire.

But now, ye saints, look up, for your redemption from earth draws nigh, when you shall feel the mighty change from terrestrial to celestial life, which, in the twinkling of an eye, shall translate you from a corporeal being to that of a heavenly and, more glorious


Hark! what sound is that which rolls along the amazed heavens, from Saturn's ring to where Mercury welters in the sunny beam? but scarce the sullen roar has died away, when louder still a dreadful thunder smites where hangs our earth amid the trembling air. "Tis Gabriel's voice-the archangel gives the alarm, when lo! as if the treasured thunders of ten thousand years were bursting from their iron vaults, and bellowing through all the works of God, the dread command, Awake, ye dead, and come to judgment.

Oh! how unlike is this to the first resurrection of the righteous dead, whose opening eyes were greeted with the blest vision of eternal day-whose ears were saluted with the sweet songs of angels, and whose persons were robed in radiant light, and shall shine like stars in the firmament for ever and ever.

But these awake to all the horrors of a lost estate. Their glaring eye-balls catch the doleful view on every hand, of wretches like themselves their ears the appalling sound of the trump of God their persons naked, and exposed to shame and everlasting contempt -all pale with horror, who fain would hide beneath some towering Alps.

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