And they lived and reign'd with Christ a thousand years. Rev. xx
"The time of rest, the promis'd Sabbath comes- Six thousand years of sorrow have well nigh Fulfill'd their tardy and disastrous course." - Cowpa
BE it remembered, that on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the fifty-first year of the Independence of the United States of America, A. D. 1827, Josiah Priest of the said district, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author in the words following, to wit: "A view of the expected Christian Millennium, which is promised in the Holy Scriptures,
and is believed to be nigh its commencement, and must transpire before the conflagration of the heavens and the earth; embellished with a chart of the dispensations from Abraham to the end of time. And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.---Rev. xx. 4.
The time of rest, the promis'd Sabbath comes- Six thousand years of sorrow have well nigh Fulfill'd their tardy and disastrous course. Cowper
In conformity to the act of the congress of the United States, entitled " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned;" and also, to the act entitled "An act supplementary to an act entitled ' An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving and etching historical and other prints."
R. R. LANSING, Clerk of the district court of the United States for the northern district of New-York.
ist. An account of the term Millennium, its import and meaning,
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2d. Shall show that such a period was expected, by the pro- phets, the Jewish Rabbins, and doctors, as the grand ultimo of the Messiah's reign on earth-and is now in expectan- cy, by the churches, according to the scripture promises, 3d. Shall give a view of the wonderful signs of the times which preceded the great deluge and the birth of Christ: a curious and interesting account of Herod the Great, who put to death the infants of Jerusalem. Also a minute de- scription of the Ark, and of the animals saved in it-prov- ing it amply sufficient to contain all the scriptures state it did, 53
4th. Shall exhibit the signs of our own times which clearly indicate the Millennium nigh at hand, but must be prece- ded, by one of its effects, of the power of the great God; such as man has not witnessed since the world began,
5th. Shall represent the probable state of the wicked part of mankind, just previous to the Millennium; in which divi- sion will be given an account of Rome pagan and Rome papal, which subjects are signified in the 13th and 17th chapters of Revelations,
6th. The way and manner considered, in which God will pro- bably remove the wicked from the earth, that the Millenni- um may commence, for they shall not see that glorious sun arise, nor enter that land of promise,
7th. Will show when the Millennium will come, by a view of the ancient Jewish Sabbaths, an exhibition of which is ex- ceedingly interesting, in reference to that day. And as analagous to the same point, shall present a view of natural and supernatural periodical recurrences. And shall give an illustration of the three visions in the book of Daniel as far as they refer to the time when the sanctuary shall be clean- sed, or when the Millennium shall arrive,
8th. An account of the first resurrection, and the subsequent happiness of all people; with which will be connected ar- guments to prove that all moral and natural evil shall cease a thousand years from the earth; and that it was the origi- nal intention of the Creator to clothe our first parents, whether they stood or fell,
Oth Division embraces a position that man when he fell, lost his extraordinary power or government over the animal kingdom, and became exposed to their natural fury, but in the Millennium shall recover his government again, 10th Division contains arguments to prove, that neither the disposition nor death of the animal creation was affected by man's fall into sin, as is believed by many, but the true reason of their death is assigned,
11th. The sentiment which embraces the opinion, that all the animal creation shall arise from the dead, to be remunera- ted for their suffernigs, which by some is said to be occa- sioned by the sin of man, refuted,
12th Division exhibits a view of the vast multiplication of mankind during the Millennium, and of their political state : also who they are who will attempt to make war upon the camp of the saints, called Gog and Magog, and why Sa- tan must be loosed for a little season after the Millennium is passed by: and in what manner it is likely they will at- tempt their attack of the saints,
13th Division embraces a view of the resurrection of the wicked dead after the Millennium, and their miserable con- dition; and endeavours a description of the earth's dissolu- tion, and in what manner the elements will operate on each other, so that a general conflagration may take place, and what shall be its final end,
14th Division embraces a view of the promised new creation, which is to succeed the destruction of this system. "And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold I make all things new." Rev. xxi. 5,
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