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I am wishful to endure all things for the Lord's sake, and endure unto the end. This is a joyous day. I am glad to see the Ministers of the Lord and his people this day. Praise the Lord ! "

7. Rhoda Ungounga, a Leader and Chief, from Vavau, said, “I was ill yesterday, and feared I should not be able to attend this love-feast, and I prayed to the Lord about it; for I much wished to be present, lest I should suffer loss by it. And now I praise the Lord, who has heard me, and brought me here. This is a great day, and a good day to my soul. I am happy now. I was blessed at Hapai, on my way hither, and have found the word very good here: my soul has been made very happy. I do not fear to die. I love the Lord, and he loves me. He is with me. I thank him that I have come to Tonga at this time. I am nearly blind; but I bless the Lord I am happy in him. I believe I shall praise him for ever."

8. Jone Taubula, of Vavau, the Feejee Chief, said, "Friends, I rise to thank the Lord, and to speak of his work in my soul. I love the Lord, and praise the Lord, and will continue to praise him. I belong to Christ. I give up myself to him, and to his work. I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.' İ am his; let him do with me as he pleases."

In the evening I preached in English, expecting to depart on the morrow. This parting of the Mission families, who had been so long together, was not without feeling; which could not be wondered at, considering the trials of the way, and the untried scenes upon which they were about to enter. But they trust in the living God, and follow the Master who never deserts, nor fails to succour, his servants. While at Nukualofa, Mrs. Malvern and Mrs. Amos have been confined, under the maternal attentions of Mrs. Thomas. Both mothers and babes are doing well.

A copy of those parts of the Scriptures which are already in print in the Tonga language, was placed in my hands by the Chairman of the District, with the following inscription :

"To the Rev. Walter Lawry, General Superintendent of the New-Zealand Missions, &c., and the first Wesleyan Missionary in the Friendly Islands: Presented to him on the first official visit to his old station, after twenty-four years' absence, by his unworthy brother and fellow-labourer, JOHN THOMAS."

On leaving the Friendly Islands,— where my life was held in jeopardy, when,

in the prime of my days, I came to ascertain whether a door was open among them to receive the message of mercy at the hands of Missionaries, or whether they were disposed to murder them now as they had formerly murdered those of the London Society, sent out in the "Duff,"-I may set down a few of the impressions which this visit has made on my mind, while I have been observing everything in connexion with the natives and the Mission with the attention of deep interest and earnest solicitude.

In point of CIVILIZATION, their advance, at first, appears but small. The natives of Tonga are an idle people; and, as such, they must of necessity be, less or more, a degraded people. But at the same time, their love of ease, rather than of toil, arises from the wasting heat of their climate, which unfits them for labour, as labour is performed among us. They are not so strong as they are wellgrown and beautifully formed; and having such abundance of fruit on their luxuriant trees, their bays also and shores teeming with various fish, they have all that they need, and almost all that they desire; therefore they cannot, in their present state, have any adequate motive to endure wasting labour. Their soil is rich, and sends forth food with little culture.

What they need, to make them industrious, is education, and instruction in the useful arts, which will lead to new wants then they will not only desire books, but commerce also. They will begin to imitate those who are above them. This indeed, they have begun to do: the Chief men and Teachers wear an upper linen garment, in addition to their usual dress; the females often do the same. This will spread, and require them to get cocoa-nut oil, and the like; as they have already begun to do. Many tuns per year are being shipped off, for which they get calico and cutlery. Here is incipient commerce. They are certainly not merely keen, but greedy, traders. This arises partly from a desire to have our wares, partly from their ignorance of the relative value of their articles and ours, and partly from the foolish, and worse than foolish, things which they have picked up from foreign traffickers. They have been often duped and not unfrequently misled. In these matters they are spoiled children, which is a cause of grief and trouble to their Pastors. Their country has resources of wealth to a great extent: beef, pork, and poultry might be raised in abun

dance: cotton and sugar-cane thrive well here. To the cocoa-nut there is hardly any end cordage and shells are plentiful. Perhaps Divine Providence will favour New-Zealand and the Australian colonies with these islands as their West Indies.

The comparison which I have been able to make between the Heathen fortresses and the Christian villages, is greatly in favour of the latter. These have comforts about them, and an air of superiority which leaves the Pagan far behind.

They are now in a transition-state: their old habits are broken up, and their new state of things is only formed in embryo. Formerly they were ruled by terror the Chief dealt death to whom he would with the end of his club; a man who was found refractory was quickly despatched. But, now that they are freed from the reign of terror, it would be too much to expect that such an emancipation would not be abused. It is abused by certain young Chiefs, who are merely nominal Christians; and it is also abused by a few disorderly persons here and there: but order is rising out of disorder. A code of laws is under consideration; and I am to seek assistance from one of our Judges, on my return to New-Zealand. Governors are appointed at Vavau and Hapai, and courts of justice are set up. All this needs much to make it complete; but the matter is advancing as fast as such matters usually do, and the movement is in the right direction.

As to EDUCATION, I have no fear whatever. There are and will be some obstacles in the way; but the mass of Tonga children and adults are not merely willing to be at school, but they delight in learning. They have both leisure and capacity; and, being densely crowded in their colo, we need little more than a good system and a proper Teacher, and all will go on cheerfully. These we now possess; and the fields are white unto the harvest.

As to the success of our MISSION in the Friendly Islands, I am far from thinking that it is as great as it might have been, because I am familiar with some hinderances, which could not fail to check the great work of the Holy Spirit

among this people; while, on the other hand, I am bound to record my testimony, that a great work of God is manifest on every side, and that there is much more to cheer than to discourage those who labour among the Tongans. The spirit of the people is generally open and benevolent, cheerful and happy. In their devotional exercises, they are solemn and earnest, like men who think as well as feel. Their attendance is generally very good, fully equal to anything I have ever seen in the best days of Cornwall, when the Spirit was specially poured from on high. The morals of these islanders are greatly improved, not to say revolutionized. They were much given to lying and theft, to treachery and uncleanness. But now they are for the most part truthful and straightforward in what they say. I am not aware that they are a whit behind the New-Zealanders in their high sense of justice and integrity: a double-dealing man is pointed at by public consent, and impurity hides itself. I speak of the general state of public morals, when I say that I have never seen the wheat so free from chaff in any part of the world, as I have seen it in these islands. Of course, there are some scapegraces here as everywhere; but the Sabbath is observed as a holy day, consecrated to the Lord, and there is a conformity of heart and life to the Christianity of the New Testament, surpassing all that I have elsewhere seen, and such as it is truly gratifying to witness. In passing up and down among them, I often ask myself, "What but the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ could have produced such a change in this once deeply-polluted people?" Surely Acts of Parliament could not; counting beads and making crosses could not; baptismal regeneration and priestly assumption could not; the teaching of a Christless morality could not. No: the Author of this work is God; and the work is worthy of him: and those whom he has honoured as his agents in this mighty moral change of an entire people can change places with but few on earth, without being losers by the change.


They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."

(To be continued.)



We have more than ordinary pleasure in publishing the two following letters from our beloved Missionary, the Rev. William Shaw. To the first letter we annex the "Official Correspondence," relative to the singular transaction to which it refers. The whole reflects honour both on the Kaffir Chief, and on Sir H. G. Smith; and tends to confirm the hope that, after all the desolations of the recent war, our Missions in Kaffraria will yet, by God's blessing, revive and prosper.

Extract of a Letter from the Rev. William Shaw, dated Plaatberg,
Bechuana Country, May 8th, 1848.

I LEFT Graham's-Town about the 20th of March, on the journey to Natal; the necessity for taking which at this period I have already explained to you in former letters. As it was essential to make some arrangements relative to the resumption of our Border Stations, in what is now called British Kaffraria, I proceeded thither in the first instance, that the work might not be delayed by my long absence. Having arrived at Mount-Coke, I had the pleasure to meet Mr. Gladwin, who, with the Government Commissioner of Butterworth, had come down from the country beyond the Bashee, where they had been shut up during the late war. You will be gratified to learn that they had visited the Chief Krielie, who earnestly desired that the Butterworth Mission might be resumed; and of his own mind, without any suggestion from them, proposed to compensate the Mission and Mr. Fynn for the destruction of the Mission premises and Mr. Fynn's property, which, he stated, had been done without his orders, and contrary to his intentions, by some of his people, under the direction of a branch of his family connexions. He said he should regard the payment of compensation as an indispensable point, preparatory to the re-establishment of the Mission. His Excellency the Governor hav. ing deemed it expedient to direct that no question should be raised with the Kaffir Chiefs on the subject of compensation, it became necessary to refer Krielie's proposal to the decision of the Governor, through Colonel Mackinnon, the Chief Commissioner of British Kaffraria, who resides at King William's Town, near Mount-Coke. As I had previously refused a large number of cattle which had been offered as compensation for our losses at Butterworth, by the express desire of Sir P. Maitland, about the time he left this government, Colonel Mac

kinnon thought I would decline receiving compensation, now that it was offered by the Chief. My arrival was therefore very opportune, with reference to this question; and I immediately proceeded with Mr. Gladwin to King William's Town. After an interview with Colonel Mackinnon, in which I explained that we would receive the compensation which was now voluntarily offered by the Chief, although I had previously declined receiving the cattle offered to me, they having been captured in war by the troops, which, as affecting the views and plans of a Missionary Society, I considered, made a great difference in the two cases; the Chief Commissioner desired me to communicate my views on the subject in a letter to His Excellency, Sir H. Smith, which should accompany his Dispatch on this question.

Accordingly, I immediately wrote a short letter to the Governor, giving my reasons why I thought it desirable that in this instance His Excellency should permit the Chief to make compensation. Since my arrival in the Bechuana country, I have learned that my views, and the recommendation of Colonel Mackinnon, prevailed with His Excellency, who issued the necessary instructions; and I hope, therefore, when, on my return from Natal to Graham's-Town, I shall visit Butterworth, the cattle to be paid by the Chief will be ready for my acceptance; in which case I will direct them to be sold to the best advantage; and of course the General Treasurers will be credited with the amount arising from the sale.

Mr. Gladwin estimated the loss of the Society at £600; which is, however, less, by, perhaps, £150, than the actual loss; but he acted judiciously in not stating it at its highest amount, since £600 will be a sufficiently heavy tine for the Amagcaleka Kaffirs to pay: at least

sufficient to teach them hereafter to respect the property of the Missionary Society, so as to render it comparatively safe, in case of any future commotions in the land.

That you may fully understand this business, I inclose a copy of the official correspondence, which has appeared in the Government Gazette, together with Sir H. Smith's Message to Krielie, which I think you will read with interest, as showing the decided tone he assumes in favour of Missions, and the spread of Christianity and civilization in Kaffraria.

Mr. Impey accompanies me on this journey to Natal; and as he is to take charge of the Mount-Coke station, we selected a new site for this Mission; the late site on the Buffalo River having been selected by the Governor for a military fort and station. Our new station is distant from it about three

miles; and, in the new arrangements,
will be admirably situated with regard
to our work amongst that portion of the
Kaffir nation, who are now become our
We also made some
preparatory arrangements for the erection
of a small chapel at King William's
Town, the capital of British Kaffraria,
and which is likely to grow into a town
and garrison of great importance. It is
distant about seven miles from Mount-

Leaving British Kaffraria, we travelled round the north-east side of the Amatela Mountains, by way of the Moravian Institution of Shiloh, to Haslope-Hills, where I also made some needful arrangements for the future prosecution of this Mission,-the settlement of the Chief Kama in its neighbourhood,-and other matters connected with our stations at the western extremity of the Tembookie country.


(From the Cape-Town THE following correspondence is published by order of Her Majesty's High Commissioner :

King William's Town,
March 19th, 1848.
His Excellency the High Commis-

SIR, I have the honour to report, that Vonya and Matawana, Counsellors of Kreili, arrived here on the 17th instant, with a message from that Chief, to the effect that he was desirous of making compensation to the Missionary, the Rev. Mr. Gladwin, and to the Government Agent, Mr. W. Fynn, who were stationed at Butterworth, previous to the last war, (in 1846,) for the destruction of their property at that place.

Vonya is the Counsellor who has been employed by Kreili in all communications with us since your Excellency's arrival, and may be regarded as the faithful interpreter of his sentiments.

Previous to returning an answer to Kreili on this subject, I felt it to be my duty to ascertain trom the messengers :—

First. Whether Kreili distinctly understood that no demand had been made on him by your Excellency at the meeting on the 7th January, or subsequently at his interview with me, for compensation for the destruction of this property?

Secondly. Whether this offer was perfectly spontaneous on Kreili's part, or

Government Gazelte.)

whether it arose from any communication which he had had with, or any sugges tion which had been made to him by, Mr. Gladwin er Mr. Fynn?

Thirdly. Whether he was aware of the value of the property, and was prepared to make compensation to so large an amount? (Mr. Gladwin states the losses incurred by the Mission at £600, and Mr. Fynn estimates his loss at £150.)

Fourthly. In what way he proposed to collect the tribute, and whether by coercion? That the Government would allow of no eating up, or of any force being used, either as regards his own people, or the Fingoes located near Butterworth.

The messengers stated in answer, "That Kreili perfectly understood that no demand had been made on him: That the offer was spontaneous on his part, and suggested itself to him on his hearing that your Excellency had alluded, at the meeting on the 7th January, to the destruction of this property; and that it arose from his wish to show that he had not sanctioned it himself: That it had not been suggested to him by Mr. Gladwin, or Mr. Fynn: That he himself mentioned it to them, but that they told him that the compensation would not be accepted without the sanction of the Government; and that he (Kreili) must himself apply to me for permission to

make it That Kreili was aware of the value of the property destroyed, and was prepared to make full compensation for it: That he would use no violence in so doing; but that he would assemble his people, a great many of whom were concerned in the destruction of this property, and would by persuasion induce them to give up cattle sufficient to raise the required sum: That his own brothers were those who were principally to blame That he perfectly understood that the Government would sanction no violence or eating up to procure the compensation."

I desired the messengers to return to Kreili, and inform him, That I would make your Excellency acquainted with his offer, and would send him an answer, either by messenger or through Mr. Fynn, on his return to Kreili's country: That, in the mean time, no attempt must be made by him to collect any tribute for the purpose of compensation.

Whatever view your Excellency may take of this offer, and whether or not your Excellency may be disposed to allow compensation to be made by any Chief, who may of his own free will offer it, for the destruction of the property of the Missionaries or Government Agents during the war, I am persuaded that your Excellency will regard this offer of Kreili's as an unequivocal proof of his contrition for the part he took in the war, and of his desire to preserve peaceful relations with us for the future.

I have contented myself with referring the matter entirely to your Excellency's decision, and shall await instructions before I make any further communication to Kreili on the subject.

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March 26th, 1848. Colonel Mackinnon, &c., &c., &c.

SIR, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th instant, reporting the message from Kreili, and his desire to indemnify the Mission and Mr. Fynn for the losses his people so wantonly occasioned them, by burning the Mission, and destroying Mr. Fynn the resident's property. Your queries to Kreili's messengers are very judicious; and I enclose a written message to Kreili. I have too much confidence in your discretion to dictate the measures you are to adopt in conveying

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THE Inkosi Inkolu, Smith, has received from his brother, Colonel Mackinnon, his son Kreili's message, desiring to indemnify the losses many of his wicked people occasioned the Mission and Mr. Fynn. Butterworth was, by bad men, destroyed, burnt, and pillaged; the property of these good men who went among Kreili's people to preach the word of Almighty God, and to make Kreili and his people to be Christians and civilized like their brothers, the English; and Fynn was the great friend of Kreili. For such wicked acts my son Kreili, of his own accord and good-will, and with a strong feeling of repentance, now comes forward to repair the evil, by paying for the losses occasioned. The sum is very large, £600 to the Mission, and £150 to Mr. Fynn. This has been fully explained to my son Kreili, who has promised to 66 99 eat up no one, but to collect a portion of cattle from each of his people who were connected with these wicked acts of demolition of that house placed among them for their good.

My son Kreili! twelve years ago I was your great friend, and as I grieved to hear you had been led away by bad advice into a wicked war, so do I now rejoice to see you repentant to man, and, I hope, to God. This reparation my son so wisely desires to make, to show his people the wrong they have done, and his and their repentance, is, I hope, a great step towards my son becoming at once a "Christian." I pray you, therefore, to go to your Missionary, and say he must make you worship God as he, and I your

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