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shone in his full splendour; the waters tumbled with noble vehemence; and through the spray which they threw around them, a distinct rainbow was formed on the surface of the stream below, into which they were precipitated. The surrounding scenery, with its agreeable diversification of mountains and valleys, vineyards and hamlets, illumined by the rays of the meridian sun, added greatly to the effects of the spectacle; and, though the prevailing character of it was grandeur, yet the mind was soothed, as well as struck, in beholding it; and the complacency of the beautiful agreeably relieved the excitement of the sublime. But I have neither time nor inclination, in my present circumstances, for critical description. I trust, I viewed both the whole, and the details, with a religious eye they suggested to me many combinations, which, if fanciful, were at least edifying; and I retired from the scene, not without a hope, that what had gratified my curiosity had also elevated my devotion."


"THIS Cape forms the most northerly point of the Continent of Europe, and may be regarded as one of the sublimest wonders of nature. It is situated within the Arctic Circle, in seventy-one degrees, ten minutes, north latitude. It has been accurately described by a late voyager, from whose account the following particulars are extracted.

"In approaching the Cape, a little before midnight, its rocks at first appeared to be nearly of an equal height, until they terminated in a perpendicular peak; but, on a nearer view, those within were found to be much higher than those of the extreme peak, or point. Their general appearance was highly picturesque: The sea, breaking against this immoveable rampart, which had withstood its fury from the remotest ages, bellowed, and formed a thick border of white froth. This spectacle, equally beautiful and terrific, was illumined by the midnight sun; and the shade which covered the western side of the rocks rendered their

aspect still more tremendous. The height of these rocks could not be ascertained; but here every thing was on so grand a scale, that a point of comparison could not be afforded by any ordinary known objects.

"On landing, the party discovered a grotto, formed of rocks, the surface of which had been washed smooth by the waves, and having within a spring of fresh water. The only accessible spot in the vicinity was a hill, some hundred paces in circumference, surrounded by enormous crags. From the summit of this hill, turning towards the sea, they perceived to the right a prodigious mountain, attached to the Cape, and rearing its sterile mass to the skies. To the left, a neck of land, covered with less elevated rocks, against which the surges dashed with violence, closed the bay, and admitted but a limited view of the ocean. To see as far as possible into the interior, our navigators climbed almost to the summit of the mountain, where a most singular landscape presented itself to the view. A lake in the foreground had an elevation of at least ninety feet above the level of the sea; and on the top of an adjacent but less lofty mountain, was another lake. The view was terminated by peaked rocks, checkered by patches of snow.

"At midnight the sun still remained several degrees above the horizon, and continued to ascend higher and higher till noon, when, having again descended, it passed the north, without dipping below the horizon. This phenomenon, which is as extraordinary to the inhabitants of the torrid and temperate zones, as snow is to the inhabitants of the torrid zone, could not be viewed without a particular interest. Two months of continued day-light, during which space the sun never sets, seem to place the traveller in a new state of existence; while the effect on the inhabitants of these regions is singular. During the time the sun is perpetually above the horizon, they rise at ten in the morning, dine at five or six in the evening, and go to bed at one. But during the winter season, when, from the beginning of December unto the end of January, the sun never rises, they sleep

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above half of the twenty-four hours, and employ the other half in sitting over the fire, all business being at an end, and a constant darkness prevailing.

"The cause of this phenomenon, as it affects the northern and southern regions of the earth, may be readily understood. The sun always illumines half the earth at once, and shines on every side ninety degrees from the place where he is vertical. When he is vertical over the equator, or equidistant from both poles, he shines as far as each pole; and this happens in spring and autumn. But, as he declines to the north in summer, he shines beyond the north pole, and all the countries near that pole turn round in perpetual sunshine: he, at the same time, leaves the south pole an equal number of degrees, and those parts turn round in darkness. The effect is contrary at each pole in our winter, the sun then declining southward of the equator.

"About three miles from the North Cape lies Masö, the northernmost part of Norwegian Lapland. It is formed of a very fine bay, in which ships may winter with the greatest security."


"ON approaching the majestic ruins of this vast amphitheatre, the most stupendous work of the kind which antiquity can boast, a sweet and gently-moving astonishment is the first sensation which seizes the beholder; and soon afterwards the grand spectacle swims before him like a cloud. To give an adequate idea of this sublime building, is a task to which the pen is unequal; it must be seen to be duly appreciated. It is upwards of 1600 feet in circumference, and of such an elevation that it has been justly observed by a writer, AMMIANUS, the human eye scarcely measures its height.' Nearly the one half of the external circuit still remains, consisting of four tiers of arcades, adorned with columns of four orders, the Doric, Ionian, Corinthian, and Composite. Its extent may, as well as its elevation, be estimated by the number of specta

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