| Jean Le Clerc - Bible - 1701 - 650 pages
...him, How long doft thou make us to doubt ? If thou be the Chrift, tell us plainly. 25 Jefiis anfwered them, I told you, and ye believed not : the works that I do in my fathers name, they bear witnefs of me. 26 But ye believe not ; becaufe ye are not of my fhcep, as I... | |
| Thomas Chubb - 1732 - 888 pages
...long doeft thou make us to doubt ? if thou be the Chrijl ? tell us plainly, Jefus anfwered them, 1 told you, and ye believed not : the "works that I do in my Father s name, they bear witnefs of me. Verfe 37, 38. If I do not the works of my Father, believe me... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...jj] jgnoranr, p L . . Ifat. Ivi. 10. His WATCHMEN round about him, and faid unto him, How long doft thou make us to doubt ? If thou be the CHRIST, tell us plainly. 24. Then came the _, i/. Yea, they aie greedy Dogs which can never have enough, and they are Shepherds... | |
| John Tillotson - Sermons, English - 1757 - 496 pages
...works that I do, bear witnefs of " me, that the Father hath fent me." Chap. x. 25. ** JESUS anfwered them, I told you, and ye believed " not : the works that I do in my Father's namej " they bear witnefs of me." Ver. 37, 38. " If I do " not the works of my Father, believe me not... | |
| Thomas Hartley - Christianity - 1759 - 180 pages
...Chrift, tell us plainly. i. Chrift would be known by his Works. jefus thus anfwered them, ver. aj'. 1 told you, and ye believed not; the Works that I do in my Father's Name, they bear Witnefs of me. And ver. 37, 38. He faith ro them, If I do not the Works of my Father, believe me not;... | |
| Esq. J. Stephens - Christianity and other religions - 1777 - 396 pages
...Chrift, " tell us plainly." Jefus, anfwering them, faid, I have already told you, and ye believed me not. *' The works that I do in my Father's name, " they bear witnefs of me." " I and my Father " are one." — Then the Jews took up ftones again toftonehim; but... | |
| Isaac Mann (bp. of Cork and Ross) - 1783 - 456 pages
...him, How long doft thou make us to doubt ? If thou be the Chrift, tell 25 us plainly. Jefus anfwered them, I told you, and ye believed not : the works that I do in my Father's 26 name, they bear witnefs of me. But ye believe' not ; becaufe ye are not of my fheep, as I faid unto... | |
| Richard Watson (bp. of Llandaff) - 1785 - 534 pages
...and faid, " How long doft thou make us " doubt ? If thou be Chrift, tell us plainly. Jefus anfwered, I told " you, and ye BELIEVED not : the works that I do in my father's " name, they bear witnefs of me. But ye BELIEVED not, becaufe " ye are not of my fheep, as I told you." The BELIEVING... | |
| Richard Cumberland - Conduct of life - 1788 - 346 pages
...than make us to doubt ? If thou be the Chrift, tell us plainly: Jefus anfwered them, I told yoU, imd ye believed not; the works that I do in my father's name , they bear witncfs of me. In this paffage Chrift himfelf appeals to his works done in the name of God to witnefs... | |
| Nathaniel Lardner - Apologetics - 1788 - 702 pages
...tbou make us to doubt ! If tbou be the Cbriß, tell us plainly. Jefus anfivered them: I told y ou, and ye believed not. The works that I do in my Father's name bear witnefs of me. A very proper anfwer, certainly. And what follows to ver. 38. defcrves to be confulted.... | |
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