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AFFGHANISTAN, review of works on, 327. See India, British.
American Navy, history of, 120-gallant conduct of its officers and men
during the Tripolitan War, 131. See Navy.

Ariosto founded his Orlando Furioso on the Orlando Innamorato of Boi-
ardo, 385, 386-spirit of his poetry, 387-389-style of, 389, 390.
Asia Minor, geography of, very imperfectly known, 396-full of
records of past greatness, 397-399— omissions made by travellers,
401-ancient roadways, 400, 401- Smyrna, 401, 402— Assos in
Mysia, 403-intervening country between Mysia and Bithynia, 403,
404-province of Bithynia, 404, 405-Nicæa, 405-sculptured rock
of Yasilichia, 406-Sagalassus, ib.-Selge, 407-Perga, 408-Xan-
thus, 408, 409-Tlos, 409, 410.

Auckland, Lord, his Indian policy, 332-address to, from Hindoos of
Calcutta, 336-promptitude and vigour with which his views have
been carried out, 353.

Austria, trade with, before and after the treaty, 569.
Australia, colonization of, 517-534. See Colonization.


Bentinck, Lord William, his Indian policy, 332.

Boddington's, Mrs, Poems-truth and felicity with which her prose
writings are characterised, 171, 172-extracts from them, 172-174—
her poetry not so good as her prose, neither does it display a high
imagination, 174-quotations, 175-178-her attempts at song writing
not successful, 178.

Boiardo, author of Orlando Innamorato, 381, 382-Ranke's criticism
of, 382-385-resemblance between and Ariosto, 385, 386-his writ-
ings not in accordance with the spirit of his age and country, 386, 387.
Bolingbroke, Lord—his name ranks among the highest as a statesman and
orator, 203-205-his classical and literary acquirements most exten-
sive, 205-profound moralist, and well acquainted with the nature and
habits of the mind, 205-the models on which he appears to have
formed his style, 206-208-passages quoted from his works, to illus-
trate his oratorical powers, 208, 209 appearance and manner when
speaking, 209, 210-character as a public man considered, 210, 211—
used all his influence to restore the Stuart family, 211, 212-impeached,
and fled to France, and was appointed Secretary of State to the Pre-
tender, 212, 213-his principles and conduct examined, 213, 216—
allowed to return to England, 216-his idea of a Patriot King,' 216-
227—the private life and personal qualities of, considered, 217-219.

Boundary line between the Canadas and United States, 583-592. See
United States.

Britain, Great-foreign policy of, 545-careless indifference manifested
by the British public towards foreign affairs, ib.attributed to con-
tracted education, and to a spirit of reserve and pride in the national
character, 545-547-Parliamentary proceedings conducted with ex-
treme party spirit, 547-state of European affairs in 1830 at accession
of Earl Grey's government, 548, 551, and 553-position and character
of Lord Londonderry, 548-policy of Mr Canning, 548-550-Duke of
Wellington's administration, 550, 551-alliance with France, 553-
555-settlement of Belgium, 555, 556-confidence of the great Euro-
pean powers in Grey's administration, 556, 557-policy of the Tory
party, 557-happy influence of the policy of the Whigs on foreigners
558, 559-course pursued by the Melbourne administration and by
the Tories with regard to the affairs of the Peninsula, 559-Quadruple
treaty between England, France, Spain, and Portugal, 560, 561—
conduct of the Spanish legion raised in England considered, 561-
567-commercial treaties: that with Austria, 567-569-Prussian
League: beneficial influence of, 570-576-British trade with, 574—
treaties relating to the suppression of the slave-trade, 576-578—
our relations with the United States: Boundary question, 578, 579,
and 583-592-influence of Great Britain on the colonies, 579, 580—
export and import trade with the United States, 581, 582 - mutual
ties and advantages which united the States and this country, 582—
affairs of the East, 592—our relations with China, 592, 593-Buenos
Ayres, 593.

British Navy, history of the, 120-difficulties it lay under during the
war in procuring a sufficient number of hands to man the vessels,
139, 140. See Navy.


Canning-foreign policy of, 549-550.

Carlyle, Thomas, on the French Revolution, 411-style of, 411, 412-
modes of discussing the French Revolution, 412-415-merits of his
writings, that they are suggestive, 415, 416-his theory that hunger
is the great mover of revolution, criticised, 416, 417-utility of free
institutions, 417, 418-his book more a set of lectures, illustrative of
the men than of the history, 418, 419-fatalism of his views, 420-is
a hero worshipper, 421-Mirabeau and Dumont, 421-424-what in-
fluence has the Revolution had on civilisation and intellect? 424-who
were the agents in the execution of the Revolution? 424, 425-notions
of right and wrong, 425, 426-Robespierre's influence and character,
427-432-picturesqueness of his style one. great attraction, 432-con-
temporary relations and eyewitnesses not to be much depended upon
for the proof of any occurrence, 434-instanced in the massacres of
September, 1792, 435, 436—in the destruction of the Vengeur, 436
-and the affair of Valmy, in the memorable campaign of September
1792, 436-440-trial of Louis XVI. quoted, 440-444-closing scenes
of the Revolution quoted, 444, 445.

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