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ART. I. 1. The Works of Sir Walter Raleigh, Kt. Now first Col-
lected. To which are prefixed the Lives of the Author by
Oldys and Birch.
2. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Raleigh; with some
Account of the Period in which he lived. By Mrs A.
T. Thomson.
3. The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh; founded on authentic,
and original Documents, some of them never before pub-
lished. With a vindication of his Character from the
attacks of Hume and other Writers. By Patrick Fraser
Tytler, Esq., F.R.S. and F.S.A.
4. Lives of the British Admirals. (Vol. 4th. Sir Walter
Raleigh.) By Robert Southey, LL.D.
5. The Court of King James the First. By Dr Godfrey
Goodman, Bishop of Gloucester. Now first published
from the original Manuscript, by John Brewer, M.A., of
Queen's College, Oxford,
II. The Art of Deer-Stalking: illustrated by a Narrative of a
Few Days' Sport in the Forest of Atholl. By William
Scrope, Esq., F.L.S., and Member of the Academy of San'
Luca, Rome,
III. 1. Naval History of C
War by France in 179. io
from the Declaration of
Accession of George IV.
By William James. Edited by Captain Chamier, R.N.
2. History of the Navy of the United States of America.
By J. Fenimore Cooper, Esq.,
IV. Poems by Mrs Boddington,
V. Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Edited
by the Executors of his Son,
VI. Physical Theory of Another Life. By the Author of
Natural History of Enthusiasm,'
VII. The Court and Camp of Runjeet Sing. By the Hon. W.
G. Osborne, Military Secretary to the Earl of Auckland,
Governor-General of India. With an Introductory Sketch
of the Origin and Rise of the Sihk State,
VIII. Speeches in the House of Commons on the Motion of Sir
J. Y. Buller, That her Majesty's Government, as at pre-
sent constituted, does not possess the confidence of this
List of New Publications,
ART. I. 1. Sketches of the Relations subsisting between the British
Government in India and the different Native States. By
Captain J. Sutherland.
2. Reports and Papers, Political, Geographical, and Com-
mercial, submitted to Government by Sir A. Burnes, Lieu-
tenant Leech, Dr Lord, and Lieutenant Wood, employed
on Missions in the years 1835-36-37, in Scinde, Affghanis-
tan, and the adjacent Countries. Printed by order of the
3. Correspondence relating to Persia and Affghanistan ;
being Papers laid before Parliament.
4. Personal Narrative of a Visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and
Affghanistan, and of a Residence at the Court of Dost
Mahomed; with Notices of Runjeet Singh, Khiva, and the
Russian Expedition. By G. T. Vigne, Esq. F.G.S.
5. The British Empire in the East. By Count Björns-
II. Zur Geschichte der Italienischen Poesie. (Contributions
to the History of Italian Poetry,)
III. A Journal written during an Excursion in Asia Minor. By
Charles Fellowes,
IV. The French Revolution. A History. By Thomas Car-
V. 1. Collier's New Facts regarding the Life of Shakspeare;
and New Anecdotes regarding the Works of Shakspeare.
2. Boaden on the Sonnets of Shakspeare.
3. Brown on the Autobiographical Poems of Shakspeare.
4. De Quincey's Life of Shakspeare; (Encyclopædia Bri-
tannica, 1840.)
411 V
1. Collier's History of English Dramatic Poetry.
2. Dyce's Editions of the Dramatic Works of George
Peele; and of Robert Greene.
3. Courtenay's Commentaries on the Historical Plays of
4. The Pictorial Edition of, the Works of Shakspeare;
edited by Charles Knight.
1. Mrs Jameson's Characteristics of Women.
2. Coleridge's Literary Remains.
3. Hallam's Literature of the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Se-
venteenth Centuries.
1. Tieck's Dramaturgische Blätter.
2. Horn's Shakspeare's Schauspiele Erläutert.
3. Ulrici Ueber Shakspeare's dramatische Kunst, und sein
Verhältniss zu Calderon und Goethe,
VI. Speech of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, Bart., in the House of Commons, on Sir J. Yarde Buller's Motion
on Want of Confidence in the Government,
VII. 1. Letter from Sydney.
2. Report of the Committee on the Disposal of Lands in the
British Colonies. Printed by order of the House of Com-
3. Instructions to the Colonial Lands and Emigration Com-
VIII. 1. Papers respecting the North American Boundary be- tween the British Provinces and the United States. Pre-
sented to Parliament.
2. Memoranda on the Contest in Spain. By Sir De Lacy
Evans, M.P.
3. Report on the Prussian Commercial Union. Presented
to Parliament.
4. An Examination of the Origin, Progress, and Tendency
of the Commercial and Political Confederation against Eng-
land and France, called the Prussian League. By William