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smart under the exactions of the French, not withstanding their incorporation with Westphalia. The principal places are garrisoned with French troops, and this is made the pretence for renewing the war-contribution for three months longer.


The accounts from Messina to the 25tli of June, represent the enemy's preparations for the invasion of Sicily as being complèted, and that though several of their gun-boats and convoys from Naples and Salerno, with artillery and warlike stores, had been de stroyed, yet their small craft, to the number of 500, was secured by formidable batteries along the coaft of Calabria.

The last accounts from our squadron employed on the coast of Calabria, state that we had been invariably successful in taking or destroying all the armed vessels or gunboats of the enemy that our flotilla engaged. The French have evacuated the Island of Fanu, to the northward of Corfu, which had been taken possession of by Captain Griffiths,

of the Leonidas.

The necessary measures have been taken for the blockade of the canal of Corfu, and from this time all the measures authorized by the laws of nations, and the respective trea ties between his Majesty and the different neutral powers, will be adopted and executed with respect to all vessels which may attempt to violate the said blockade.


A great battle is daily expected on the frontiers of Portugal between the English and Portuguese armies under Lord Wellington, and the grand French army under Marshals Massena, Ney, and others.

King Joseph was, on the 26th ult. in the neighbourhood of Valencia, with an army of 30,000 men, with which he intended to form the siege of Tarragona.

The Regency of Portugal, through British mediation, has purchased a two-years peace of the Dey of Algiers for 900,000 dollars. This piratical prince declared war against France on the 29th of May.

In consequence of the interception of cou riers with dispatches by the peasantry, orders had been issued by king Joseph for the erection of a number of forts, at stated distances, on the great road leading from Madrid to Bayonne.


Paris, Aug 7: His Majesty issued on the 5th August, at the palace of Trianon, the following decree :

Art. I. The duties upon the importation of the under-mentioned goods and merchandize are settled as follows.-By metrical quintal: the cottons of Brazil, Cayenne, Surinam, Demetary, and Georgia, long staple, 800 francs; Levant cottons, imported by sea, 600 francs; the same by land, through the offices at Co

logne, Coblentz, Mayence, and Strasburgh, 300 francs; cottons from all other places, those from Naples excepted, 600 francs; those from Naples, the old duties; raw sugar, 300 francs; clayed or loaf sugar, 400 francs; hyson teas, 900 francs; green teas, 600 francs; all other teas, 150 francs; indigo, 900 francs; cocoa, 1000 francs; cochineal, 2000 francs; write pepper, 500 francs; black ditto, 400 francs; common cinnamon; 1400 francs; fine ditto, 2000 francs; cloves, 600 francs; nutmegs, 2000 francs; mahogany, 50 francs; Pernambucco wood, 120 francs; Campeachy ditto, 80 francs; dye woods, ground, 100 francs.

Art. II. When the custom-house officers suspect that the declarations concerning the species or qualities are false, they shall send specimens to the director-general of our customs, who is to cause them to be examined by commissaries who have a knowledge of these branches, attached to the ministry of the interior; and who, in every such exami nation, shall be assisted by two manufacturers or merchants, chosen by the minister of the interior. If it shall appear that the decla rations are false, all the merchandize shall be seized and confiscated. Letter from the French Minister of Foreign Re lations, to Mr. Armstrong, the American Am bassador. Paris, Aug. 5, 1810. SLR.I have laid before his Majesty the Emperor and King, the act of Congress of the 1st of May, extracted from the paper of the United States, which you had transmitted to this act, and all other acts of the United me. His Majesty could have wished that, States that may concern France, had been always officially notified to him. The Emperor applauded the general embargo laid by the United States on all their vessels, because that measure, if it has been prejudicial to France, contained, at least, nothing offensive to her honour. It has caused her to lose her

colonies of Guadaloupe, Martinique, and Cayenne. The emperor did not complain of it. He made this sacrifice to the principle which determined the Americans to impose the embargo, and which inspired them with the noble resolution of interdicting themselves the use of the sea, rather than submit to the laws of those who wish to become its tyrants. The act of the 1st of March removed the embargo, and substituted for it a measure which must have been particularly. injurious to the interests of France. That act, with which the emperor was not acquainted for a considerable time after, interdicted to American vessels the commerce of France, whilst it authorised a trade with Spain, Naples, and Holland, that is to say, with countries under French influence, and denounced confiscation against all French vessels that should enter the ports of America. Reprisal was a matter of right, and commanded by the dignity of France, a cir. cumstance upon which it was impossible to


make any compromise. The sequestration of all the American vessels in France, was the necessary result of the measures taken by Congress.

At present the Congress treads back its steps. It revokes the act of the 1st of March. The ports of America are open to French commerce, and France is no longer interdicted to the Americans. In short, the Congress engages to oppose such of the belligerent powers as shall refuse to recognize the rights of neutrals. In this new state of things, I am authorized to declare to you, sir, that the decrees of Berlin and Milan are revoked, and that, from the 1st of November, they will cease to be in force, it being understood that in consequence of this declaration the English shall revoke their Orders in Council, and renounce the new principles of blockade which they have attempted to establish; or that the United States, conformably to the act which you have just communicated, shall cause their rights to be respected by the English. It is with the most particular satisfaction that I inform you of this resolution of the emperor. His Majesty loves the Americans. Their prosperity, and their commerce, enter into the views of his policy. The independence of America is one of the principal titles of the glory of France. Since that epoch the emperor has felt a pleasure in aggrandizing the United States; and in all circumstances, whatever can contribute to the independence, the prosperity, and the liberty of the Americans, will be regarded by the emperor as conform able to the interests of his empire.

Letters from the English prisoners in France, gives a most distressing account of the cruel treatment of those confined in the Castle of Birche.


The city of Amsterdam has sent a deputation to Paris, to present to his Imperial Majesty the homage of its inhabitants.

The ex-king of Holland has quitted the Westphalian territory, and proceeded to Toplitz, in Bohemia, where, it is said, he will remain during the bathing season. His el des son has been removed to Paris.

The dock yards of Antwerp and the Scheldt ae abundantly supplied with ship timber from the interior of Germany, vast quantities of which have been brought thither at an immense expense.


Accounts have been received from the British resident at Bussorah, communicating that a large body of troups had passed Suez in their progress to Medina, where they are intended to be stationed for the pro ection of that place and neighbourhood, against the irruptions of the Wahabees. Another division, appointed to join the expedition between Pied and Tima, was intercepted and obliged to retreat. These freebooters have lately appointed some Tur

shfficers who revolted from the Pacha of

Bagdat, to places of trust and command in their armies. They have likewise been joined by several French engineers from Persia.

The last intelligence received respecting Meer Khan, stated that his force had been reduced by sickness and want, and that the natives, owing to the cruelty and rapaciousness of his troops, had become hostile to him.


Intelligence is received of a spirit of independance having manifested itself at Buenos Ayres, and that some political changes has, in consequence, taken place The Viceroy is cut of power, and a new government is establish. ed, consisting of a Junta of seven persons, of which Saavedra, the commander in chief of the troops, is president. The Junta dispatched messengers to the large towns in the interior, in order to unite with them in determi ning the basis of a new government.

Official Document.-The provisional Junta of government of the provinces of Rio de ta Plata, in the name of king Ferdinand the Seventh, communicates the following order, re, specting the mode of conducting public business: 1. The Junta will meet daily in the Royal Fort, where the president will reside,

and business will be transa ted from nine in the morning till two in the evening, and from five till eight at night. 2. All the concerns of the Treasury will be conducted there in the offices of the respective department 3. The department of Secreta y of State is under the direction of Dr. D. Juan Jose Passo, and that of War under the direction of Dr. D. Mariano Moreno. 4 In the decrees on subjects relating to the capital, on inferior matters, and in certain cases where great dispa ch is required, the signatures of the president, authenticated by his secretary, will be sufficient. 5. In matters that are decided by the Junta, the presi dent and ten members will form a quorum, but in affairs of high import to the govern ment, every meinber must concur in the measure. 6. In statements and official papers, addressed to the whole Junta, the members are to be styled their Excellencies, but no such distinction is to be paid to the members individually. 7. The military are to pay the same honours to the Junta as before to the Viceroys, and on other occasions they are to take the same rank. 8. The president is to receive the same compliments as is bestowed upon the Junta in a body, and on all occasions and circumstances. 9. Matters relating to the disposal of places are to be laid before the Junta as before to the Viceroys, without prejudice to the alterations necessary from the alteration of affairs in the Peninsula 10. Each citizen is allowed to send to each member, or the whole Junta, and to state what he thinks conducive to the cause of public happiness and security.

D. MORIANO MORENO, Secretary. Buenos Ayres, May 28, 1810. An insurrection at Quito had been suppress ed; and the old government, to strike terror


into the mal-contents, ordered 39 persons to be executed, among whom were four marquisses and counts, eight ecclesiastics, fourteen lawyers, and the president, the marquis of Selva Alegre.

The people of Mexico have raised a contribution of four millions of dollars, for, the support of the war against France.


A Dispatch of which the following is an extract, has been received from Lieut eant General Viscount Wellington, dated Alverca, July 25, 1810.

The cavalry attached to General Craufurd's advanced guard remained in the villages near the fort of La Conception till the 21st instant, when the enemy obliged it to retire towards Almeida, and the fort La Conception was destroyed From the 21st till yesterday morn ing, brigadier-general Craufurd continued to occupy a position near Almeida, with his left within 800 yards of the fort, and his right ex ending towards Junca. The enemy at tacked him in this position yesterday morning, shortly after daylight, with a very large body, of infantry and cavalry, and the brigadier-gemera retired across the bridge over the Coa. In this operation, I am sorry to say that the troops under his command suffered considerable loss. The enemy afterwards made three efforts to storm the bridge over the Coa, in all of which they were repulsed. I am informed that throughout this trying day, the command. ing officers of the 43d, 52d, and 95th regiments, lieutenant-colonel Beckwith, lieutenant-colonel, Barclay, and lieutenant-colonel Hull, and all the officers and soldiers of these excellent regiments distinguished themselves. In lieutenant-colonel Hull, who was killed, his Majesty has lost an able and deserving, officer. Brigadier-general Craufurd has also noticed the steadiness of the 3d regiment of Portuguese Chasseurs, under the command of hieutenant-colonel Elder, Since yesterday the Enemy have made no movement. Copy of General Craufurd's Report, inclosed in Lord. Wellington's Dispatch of the 25th of July. Carvelbal, July 25, 1810..

MY LORD. I have the honour to report to your lordship, that yesterday morning the szemy advanced to attack the light division with between 3 and 4000 cavalry, a considerable number of guns, and a large body of infantry. On the first appearance of the heads of their columns, the cavalry and brigade of artillery attached to the division advanced to support the picquets, and captain Ress, with four guns, was for some time engaged with those attached to the enemy's Cavalry, which were of much larger calibre. As the immense superiority of the enemy's furce displayed itself, we fell back gradually towards the fortress, upon the right of which the infantry of the division was posted, having its left in some inclosures near the windmill, about 800, yards from the place, and its right 3

to the Coa, in a very broken and extensive. position, which it was absolutely necessary to occupy, in order to cover the passage of the cavalry and artillery through the long defile. leading to the bridge. After this was effected, the infantry retired by degrees, and in as good. order as it is possible in ground so extremely intricate. A position close in front of the bridge was maintained as long as was necessa ry, to give time for the troops which had passed to take up one behind the river; and the bridge was afterwards defended with the greatest.gallantry, though I am sorry to say. with considerable loss, by the 43d and part of the 95th regiment. Towards the afternoon the firing ceased; and after it was dark, I withdrew the troops from the Coa, and retired to this place. The troops behaved, with the greatest gallantry.

To Lord Viscount Wellington, St.

Those returned as prisoners and missing were taken in a charge of the enemy's cavalry just after our cavalry and guns had began to retire.

Names of Officers Killed, Wounded, and Missing. Killea,-43d foot, lieutenant colonel E. Hull, captain E. Cameron, and lieutenant J. Nison. 95th foot, lieutenant D. M'Leod.

Wounded.-Staff, lieutenant Shaw, 43 re giment, aid de camp to brigadier-general R. Craufurd, slightly. 14th light dragoons, lieutenant Blatchford, severely. 1st battalion of the 43d regiment, captains P. Destion, T. Lloyd, and W. F. P. Napier, slightly; captain J. W. Hall, severely; lieutenant G. John stone, slightly; lieutenant J. P. Hopkins, se verely; lieutenant H. Hancot, slightly; lieu-. tenants J. M'Dearmaid,, J. Stevenson, and R. Frederick, severe.y. 528 ditto, Major H. Ridewood, slightly; captain R. Campbell, ditto.. 95th ditto, captain J. Creagh, and S. Mitchell,, severely, since dead; 1st lieutenant; H. C., Smith, slightly; 1st lieutenants, M. Pratt, P. Riley, A. Coane, and T. Smith, severely; 24 lieutenant G. Simmons, ditto.

Missing-1st battalion 95th regiment, lieu. tenant J. G. M'Cullock, taken prisoner. Return of the number of the Killed, Wounded, and Missing, of a division of the Army under the command of bis Excellency Lieutenant-General 'Lord Viscount Wellington, K.B in Action with the French Army near Almeida, on the 24th of July, 1810.


Head-quarters, Alverca, July 25, 1810, Staff-1 staff, wounded. Royal Horse Artil lery, 2 horses, killed; 2 horses, wounded; 2 rank and file, missing. 14th light dragoons, 1 serjeant, killed; 1 lieutenant, I rank and file, 4 horses, wounded. 16th light dragoons, 3 horses wounded. 1st hussars, king's German legion, 1 horse, killed; 2 rank and file, 3 horses wounded. 1st battalion 43 foot, 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 13 rank and file, killed; 4 c tains, 6 lieutenants, 8 serjeants, 77 14. file, wounded; 1 drummer, 14 rank a missing. 1st battalion 524 foot, 1:

file, killed; 1 major, 1 captain, wounded; 3 Tank and file missing. 1st battalion 95th foot, 1 lieutenant, 11 rank and file, killed; 2 captains, 5 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 1 serjeant, 54 rank and file, wounded; 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 52 rank and file missing. 1st battalion Portuguese casadores, 2 rank and file, killed; 7 rank and file, wounded; 7 rank and file, missing; 3d ditto, 2 rank and file, killed; 1 serjeant, 23 rank and file, wounded; 2 rank and file, missing.

Totol.1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 3 serjeants, 29 rank and file, 3 horses, killed; 1 staff, 1 major, 7 captains, 12 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 10 serjeants, 164 sank and file, 12 horses, wounded; lieute pant, 1 serjeant, 1 drummer, 80 rank and fle, missing. One officer of the Portuguese casadores wounded, rank and name not ascertained.

C. STEWART, Brig. Gen. and Adj.-Gen. Dispatch from Lieut.-Gen. Lord Vis. Wellington to the Earl of Liverpool; dated Alverca, 11th of July, 1810.

The enemy passed the Agara in force on the morning of the 4th inst. and obliged Brig. Gen. Craufurd to fall back with his advanced guard to the neighbourhood of the fort of La Conception, which had been occupied by a part of the third division of infantry. In making this movement, captain Krauckenburg and cornet Cordeman, at the head of a small body of the 1st hussars, had an opportunity of distinguishing themselves by making a gallant charge upon a superior body of the enemy. Upon mentioning the 1st hussars, it is but justice to inform your lordship, that they have been with the advanced guard throughout the winter, and have performed their duty in the most satisfactory manner. The 3d battalion of Portuguese chasseurs, under lieutenant-colonel Elder, had also an opportunity of shewing their steadiness during this movement of the advanced guard, and the skirmishing of the enemy which attended it. The 1st hussars had five men and three horses wounded, and the 16th light dragoons three horses killed.

Alverca, July 11, Since I wrote to your lordship, this day I have received a report that Ciudad Rodrigo surrendered to the enemy yesterday evening. There was a large practicable breach in the place, and the enemy had made preparations for a storm; when marshal Ney having offered terms of capitulation, the garrison surrendered. The enemy took up their ground before this place on the 26th of April; they invested it completely on the 11th June, and

opened their fire upon it on the 24th June; and, adverting to the nature and position of the place, to the deficiency and detects of its works, to the advantages which the enemy had in their attack upon it, and to the num bers and formidable equipment by which it was attacked, I consider the defence of Ciudad Rodrigo to have been most honourable to the governor, Don Andres Hervasti, and its garrison; and to have been equally creditable to the arms of Spain with the celebrated defence of other places by which this nation has been illustrated during the existing contest for its independence. There was an affair between our piquets and those of the enemy this morning, in which the enemy lost two officers and thirty-one men, and twenty-nine horses pri soners. We have had the misfortune to lose lieutenant-colonel Talbot, and eight men of the 14th light dragoons killed, and twentyeight men wounded.

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INCIDENTS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, IN AND NEAR LONDON : With Biographical Memoirs of distinguished Characters recently deceased.

THE premises of Mr. Gillet, printer, in Salisbury-court, Fleet street, were early on Sunday morning, the 29th of July, destroyed by fire, together with the dwelling-house of Mr. Swan, printer, adjoining. Some houses at the back of these buildings in Crown-court and Hanging sword-alley, were also much damaged, as was the late house of the Vac. cine Institution. It is remarkable, that the premises of Mr. Gillet, on the same spot, were destroyed about four years ago; and the present hire is supposed to have been occasion ed by some incendiary throwing combustibles into the ware room, the window of which had been left open to dry the sheets, as the flames were first observed to issue from thence, though neither fire nor candle had been for some weeks introduced into it, and it had that very evening been inspected by Mr. Gillet himself.


At the seat of Sir Robert Preston, bart. at Woodford, Lieut.-general Sir David Baird, bart. K. B. to Miss Preston Campbell, of Fenton and Lochlane, in the county of Perta

At Woodford, Michael Henry Percival, to Miss Flower, eldest daughter of Sir Charles F. bart.

At Mary le-bone Church, the Rev. Richard Hartley, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to Jane, daughter of N. Bishop, esq. of Gloucester-place, New-road.

At Chelsea Church, Mr. J. T. Nottige, of Barking, to Miss Louisa Robinson, of Cheyne. Tow, Chelsea.

At St. Ann's, Thomas Canham, esq. of the Middle Temple, to Miss Swainson, of Frith-street.

At Hadley, Mr. James Boyd, jun. of Welbeck-street, Cavendish-square, to Miss Ogilvy, daughter of David Ogilvy, esq. of Cock, Middlesex.

At Mary-ie-bone Church, the Rev. Ed. ward Whitby, to Mary, daughter of the late Benjamin Way, esq. of Denham-place, Bucks.

At St. George's, Hanover-square, Lieut.colonel Pierce, of the Madras establishment, to Miss Lester.

At Finchley, Mr. C. B. Jones, of St. John's street, to Miss M. A. Verrals, of East End, Finchley.

At St. Clement Danes, John Deacon, esq. of Bishopsgate street, to Miss Inwood, or the Strand.

Robert Panthen, jun. esq. of the Inner Temple, 10 Miss Rosina Burrell.

At Hornsey, Peter Tetrode, esq. of Harlingen, North Holland, to Mrs. Oyze, of Muswell-hill.

At Northfleet, Benjamin Sharpe, esq. of Fleet street, banker, to Ann, eldest daughter MONTHLY MAG, No. 203.

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At Folkstone, James Colquhoun, esq. to Catharine Deacon, daughter of James Deacon, esq. of James-street, Westminster.

At St George's, Hanover-square, Evelyn John Shirley, esq of Eatington, to Miss Stanhope, only daughter of Arthur S. esq

The Rev. John Cholmeley, second son of the late M. Cholmeley, Easton, Lincolnshire, and brother to Sir Montague Cholmeley, bart. to Selina Eliza, third daughter of R. Pullen, esq. of Great Winchester-street.

At St. George's, Hanover square, James Staveley, esq. of Gray's Inn, to Ann Ewbank, daughter of the late John Abraham, esq. of Tottenham.

At Woolwich, Captain J. E. Jones, of the royal artillery, to Luisa, daugliter of the late William Smith, esq treasurer of his Majesty's Ordnance.

Ac St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, Miss Ann Collins, of Belton-street, Long Acre, to Mr. N. Kinton, of Lamb's Conduit-street.

At St. Pancras Church, Andrew Trevor, esq. surgeon of the 3 foot, to Harriet, youngest daughter of Charles Benny, esq. of Howland arreet.

At S. George's, Hanover square, Richard Curran, esq. eldest son of the Right Honour able John P. Curran, master of the rolls in Ireland, to Miss Wysel, of York place.

At St. Mary le-bone Church, Mr. Robert Newman, to Miss Laws, both of Oxford. street.

At St. Mary's, Newington, J. Hanbury, jun. of Bartlett's-buildings, Holborn, to Miss Sarah Fuller Langton, eldest daughter of Richard Langton, esq. banker, of Lombard



At Hillingdon, at the house of her uncle, Lacey Primatt, esq. Miss Maud.

At Highgate-grove, Miss Ann Minshaw, 13. At Pentonville, Isabella Anna, wife of Mr. George Moxon, and only daughter of W. Mann, esq. late of Syleham, Suffolk, 20.

In the Strand, Mrs. Goodwin, wife of Mr. G. bookseller.

At Staines, Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins, relict of John Davis P. esq. 69.

In Great Prescot-ssreet, Goodman's-fields, Edmund Horrex, esq.

At Upper Ground, Christchurch, Blackfriars, Mr. G. Farquharson, formerly a jeweller and silversmith, in the Strand, 74.

At Putney, Mrs. Pettiward, relict of the late Rev. Dr. P. 86.

At Islington, Daniel Sebbon, esq. 82.

At Harmsworth, Lieut. Col. Hall, late of the 75th regiment, and quarter mas er-general of his Majesty's troops in India, 57.

In Bedford row, Wm. Blake, esq. banker.


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