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whereby it might be cooled. The proper degree of heat, therefore, being retained, dissolves the saccharine properties of the mait in the most effectual


MR. WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR'S, and MR. THOMAS OSLER'S (BIRMINGHAM), for a new Method of Manufacturing Glass or Paste Drops.

This invention is thus set forth in the specification: "The drop being formed according to the usual methods, the part intended to receive the metallic loop, or piece of metal with which such loop is intended to be made, is re-melted, or so far softened by heat as to admit of the metallic hoop or piece of metal with which it is intended to be made being pressed or worked into it; and the said metallic loop or piece of metal is then carefully inserted in the drop, by means of a pair of pincers, or other proper tool. Or the loop, by being previously inserted in the mould or die, may be fixed in the act of moulding or forming the drop; though we prefer the former method, as being most secure. Any metal may be employed; but we prefer silver or copper. A small notch or groove, is also frequently cut in that part of the loop to be inserted in the glass; but this is not essential."

Machine for Thrashing Corn, &c.

It will be difficult to give any clear account of this machine without the aid of drawings; the reader, therefore, must be referred to the specification for an explication of the principle, while we observe that the thrashing-wheel, with its beaters, are carried in a cast-iron frame. Besides this, there are feeding rollers that take in the unthrashed grain: there are also a cast-iron receiving-box, and a cast-iron bar for delivering the straw; likewise a cast-iron bridge bar to carry the horizontal shaft, made to fit both sides of the large frame, so that the machine may be fixed on any side of the barn doors; two whorls, for driving the feeding rollers with a cross bolt; a wire riddle, to separate the grain from the straw; a board with hinges to prevent the grain from flying forward; a tilt ring, covered with boards, to keep the dust froin the man that feeds the machine. The dimensions and proportions of the several parts are given in the specification, to enable workmen to construct a ma chine of the kind,

Warning-watch upon a new Construc


The inside of the movement is not dif ferent from that of a common watch, excepting a barrel, which is fixed with two Screws on the under side of the top plate, as near to the main spring as pos sible. The arbour of the side barrel, made in the same manner as a clock watch, has a brass wheel with sixty teeth, with a steel wheel fixed to it; this wheel has thirty-three teeth, cut like a ratchet, which cause the hammer to act. This hammer placed between the main and warning barrels and the side of the hammer, strikes on a beli-spring, which bell-spring is fixed with two screws on the pillar plate. The spring in the warn ing-barrel is wound up five turns, which occasions the hammer to give 165 knocks on the bell-spring. Opposite the hammer is a pinion with six teeth, which act in the arbour-wheel. This pinion is planted on one side of the upper plate, and on the other in a bar on the back of the pillar. On the side pinion is a wheel with forty-five teeth, which wheel acts in a pinion with six teeth planted in the bar on one side; and on the pillar plate for the other, on the said pinion is a wheel with twenty teeth, like a rachet, which acts in a pallet planted in the pillar plate on one side, and in a bar on the other, which form all the warning parts. The motion part, though the same as that in a common watch, is accurately described: so also is the outside of the watch. After which the patentee makes a variety of observations to show the su periority of his invention above the methods already in use; part of which we shall describe as interesting to the general reader.

"A mechanism," says Mr. B. " performing the part of a monitor, by reminding us of any hour at which we may wish to wake in the morning, or any ap pointment we may have to attend in the course of the day, is incontestably one of the most convenient and most useful objects that can be wished: indeed, to many people it is of absolute necessity. The utility of such an invention had long since been justly appreciated, and an attempt was made to put the idea into practice, by introducing a kind of me chanism called a waker, at first into table-clocks, and afterwards likewise into watches.

"The alarm-watches, hitherto known,


put those that wore them to much incon venience. 1. In the winding them up; because the mechanism which put the alarm in motion performed its action every twelve hours, consequently the alarm could not be set longer than twelve hours before-hand. As many people are in the habit of winding up their watches in the morning, and may not have occasion for the alarm till the next day, they were of course under the necessity of winding up again the alarm motion at night. 2. In setting them to time; because on the most ancient alarmwatches there was a double dial-plate, which went round, and always moved with the hour-hand: it was marked with the twelve figures, and the hour-hand had a small tail, to which the user turned that hour on the smaller dial-plate at which he wished the alarm to perform. On the more modern ones they have set aside the dial-plate, and placed a hand that does not go round with the hourhand, but is moved to the hour at which it is wished the alarm should act, where it remains fixed until the hour-hand reaches it, when the alarm goes off. From this it is evident that they could neither be wound up nor brought to act at pleasure." Having enumerated various other defects and imperfections, he adds, "the newly-invented warning watch does away all these defects; both the movement and the warning motion can be wound up together, and the latter as long before-hand as you please. To set it to the hour you wish, there is no need of opening the case, nor of touching the hand, which obviates the necessity


of making the warning-hand so stout as in the old alarm-watches: indeed, it may be made very taper and light. The interior construction of the watch also is extremely simple, there being but one additional wheel with its barrel to an or dinary movement; consequently, the wheels altogether are not crowded for want of space. The detent is the principal object, as has been seen in the old alarm-watches; that now introduced is an entire new invention, and affects the movement of the watch in no way whatever: so long as the warning-band is not set, there is no communication between that part and the movement. The warning-hand is fixed on in the same manner as the hands of the hour and minutes, and the motion-wheels are placed similar to those of an ordinary watch. In the modern alarm-watches fault has been found with the bell not making a noise suffi ciently strong; those adapted to the present invention are so effective that they can be heard in one floor while hung up in another. The principle of this invention deprives the wearer of fear of deranging it, and even allows him no op portunity for mismanagement: in short, it offers every desirable convenience at a little expence. The warning-watch will act at pleasure during the whole day, without opening the case or winding it up a-new.

"The simplicity of the mechanism is a matter of peculiar consideration to the manufacturer, since it requires but little expence, and can be applied to watches of any price."


ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. R. DAVY, in the Bakerian lecture of last year, laid before this learned body, the result of various new researches on the subject of his electrochemical discoveries; discoveries, which, if hereafter proved to be founded in truth, will render his name illustrious among every future generation of his Countrymen. The paper to which we have referred, and an account of which will be given in this and the following Numbers, contains (1.) An account of Some new experiments on the metals

from the fixed alkalies: (2.) Experiments on nitrogen, ammonia, and the amalgam from ammonia: (3.) On the metals of the earths; and (4.) Considerations of theory, illustrated by new facts. We shall take up these subjects in the or der in which they stand, that the present and succeeding volumes of the Monthly Magazine may continue to give, as the former volumes have given, a conected series of the facts and principles discovered and illustrated by this very able philosopher and chemist.

With regard to the experiments on the metals

metals from the fixed alkalies, he states, that the generality of enlightened chemists who have repeated the experiments on potash and soda, have expressed themselves perfectly satisfied both with the facts and the conclusions drawn from them. As exceptions, he notices the opinions of Gay Lussac, Thenard, and Ritter, who are willing to suppose that potassium and sodium are compounds of potash and soda, with a portion of hydrogen. The argument on which MM. Gay Lussac and Thenard depend is this: they say, that they heated potassium in ammonia, and that they found that a considerable quantity of ammonia was absorbed, and hydrogen produced, and that the potassium became converted into an olive-coloured fusible substance; by heating this substance strongly, they obtained threefifths of the ammonia again, two-fifths as ammonia, one-fifth as hydrogen and nitrogen; by adding a little water to the residuum, they procured the remaining two-fifths, and found in the vessel in which the operation was carried on, nothing but potash. Again, it is stated, that by treating a new quantity of metal with the ammonia disengaged from the fusible substance, they again obtained hydrogen and an absorption of the ammonia; and, by carrying on the operation, they affirin, that they can procure. from a given quantity of ammonia more than its volume of hydrogen.

Whence, they ask, can the hydrogen proceed?-Shall it be admitted that it is from the ammonia? but this, say they, is impossible; for all the ammonia is reproduced. It must then come from the water which may be supposed to be in the aminonia, or from the inetal itself. But the experiments of M. Berthollet, jun. prove that ammonia does not contain any sensible quantity of water. Therefore, say they, the hydrogen gas must be produced from the metal; and as, when this gas is separated, the inetal is transformed into potash, the metal appears to be nothing more than a combination of hydrogen, and that alkali."

Mr. Davy controverts this statement, affirming that the results of numerous experiments conducted in the presence of members of the Royal Society, are, when the processes are conducted with accuracy, totally different from what the French chemists assume.

"In propor

tion," says he, as more precautions are taken to prevent moisture from being communicated to it, so, in proportion, is

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He now gives an account of other processes conducted with the most scrupulous attention; and observes, that in all experiments of this kind, a considerable quantity of black matter, separated during the time the potassium in the tube was made, to act upon water.

This substance was examined. It was in the state of a fine powder. It had the lustre of plumbago; it was a conductor of electricity. When it was heated, it took fire at a temperature below ignition; and after combustion, nothing remained but minutely divided platina.

I exposed some of it, says he, to heat in a retort, containing oxygen gas; there was a diminution of the gas; and a smalt quantity of moisture condensed on the upper part of the retort, which proved to be mere water.

I made two or three experiments, with a view to ascertain the quantity of this substance. formed, and to determine more fully its nature. I found that in the process in which from 3 to 4 grains of potassium were made to act upon ammonia in a vessel of platina, and after wards distilled in contact with platina, there were always from 4 to 6 grains of this powder formed; but I have advan ced no further in determining its nature, than in ascertaining that it is platina combined with a minute quantity of matter, which affords water by combustion in oxygen.

In the processes on the action of potassium and ammonia, there is always a loss of nitrogen, a conversion of a portion of potassium into potash, and a production of hydrogen. When copper tubes are employed, the hydrogen bears a smaller proportion to the nitrogen, and more potassium is revived.

In these experiments, in which platina has been used, there is little or no loss of potassium or nitrogen; but a loss, smaller or greater, of hydrogen.

He then describes an experiment on the action of sodium on ammonia with the same precautions. He took 3 grains of sodium, and found that it absorbed 9.1 of ammonia, and produced 4-5 of hydrogen, and the fusible substance, which was very similar to that of potassium distilled, did not give of


the ammonia that had disappeared, and this he attributes to the presence of moisture. The permanent gas produced equalled thirteen inches;and,bydetonation with oxygen, proved to consist of hydrogen to nitrogen nearly in the proportion of two to one, and sodium was regenerated. Whoever, says he, will consider with attention, the mere visible phænomena of the action of sodium on ammonia, cannot, I conceive, fail to be convinced that it is the volatile alkali, and not the metal, which is decompounded in this process.


As sodium does not act so violently upon oxygen as potassium, and soda does not absorb water from the atmosphere with nearly so much rapidity as potash, sodium can be introduced into ammonia, much freer from moisture than potassium. Hence, when it is heated in ammonia, there is no effervescence, or at least one scarcely perceptible. Its tint changes to bright azure, and from bright azure to olive green; it becomes quietly and silently converted into the fusible substance, which forms upon the surface, and then flows off into the tray. It emits no elastic fluid, and gains its new form evidently by combining with one part of the elementary matter of ammonia, whilst another part is suffered to escape in the form of hydrogen.

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In speaking of M. Curadeau's theory, that the metals of the alkalies are composed of the alkalies merely united with charcoal, he says, that the investigation upon which this gentleman has founded his conclusions is easily accounted for, since it was evident he had been misled by the existence of charcoal, as an accidental constituent in the metals that he employed. M. Ritter's argument in favour of potassium and sodium being compounds of hydrogen, is their extreme lightness, an argument easily answered: sodium absorbs much more oxygen than potassium, and, ou the hypothesis of hydrogenation, must contain much more hydrogen; yet though the soda is said to be lighter than potash in the proportion of 13 to 17, sodium is heavier than potassium in the proportion of 9 to 7. According to Mr. Davy's own theory, this circumstance might be expected: for potassium has a much stronger affinity for oxygen than sodium, and must condense it much more, and the resulting higher specific gravity of the combination, is a necessary consequence. M. Ritter has stated, that of all the metallic sub

stances he tried for producing potassium by negative voltaic electricity, tellurium was the only one by which he could not procure it. And he states the very cunous fact, that when a circuit of electricity is completed in water, by means of two surfaces of tellurium, oxygen is given off at the positive surface, no bydrogen at the negative surface, but a brown powder, which he regards as a hydruret of tellurium, is formed and separates from it; and he conceives that the reason why tellurium prevents the metallization of potash is, that it has a stronger attraction for hydrogen than

that alkali.

These circumstances of the action of tellurium upon water, are so different from those presented by the action of other metals, that they can hardly fail to arrest the attention of chemical enquirers. Mr. Davy made some experiments on the subject, and on the action of tellurium on potassium, and finds that, instead of proving that potassium is a com, pound of potash and hydrogen, they confirm the idea of its being as yet like other metals undecompounded.

When tellurium is made the positive surface in water, oxygen is given_off, when it is made the negative surface, the voltaic power being from a battery composed of a number of plates exceeding 300, a purple fluid is seen to separate from it, and diffuse itself through the water; the water gradually becomes opaque and turbid, and at last deposits a brown powder. The purple fluid is a solution of a compound of tellurium and hydrogen in water; which, in being diffused, is acted upon by the oxygen of the common air, dissolved in the water, and gradually loses a part of its hydrogen, and becomes a solid hydruret of tellurium. The compound of hydrogen and tellurium produced at the negative pole, when uncombined, is gaseous at common temperatures; and when muriatic acid, or sulph ric acid, are present in the water, it is not dissolved, but is given off, and may be collected and examined. From a variety of other facts stated with much clearness, and carrying with them incontestable evidence, the professor adds: "After these illustrations, I trust the former opinions which I ventured to bring forward, concerning the metals of the fixed alkalies, will be considered as accurate, and that potassium and sodium can with no more propriety be considered as compounds, than any of the common metallic substances;

and that potash and soda, as formed by the combustion of the metals, are pure metallic oxydes, in which no water is known to exist.

These conclusions must be considered as entirely independent of hypothetical

opinions, concerning the existence of hydrogen in combustible bodies, as a common principle of inflammability, and of intimately combined water as an essential constituent of acids, alkalies, and oxydes.

VARIETIES, LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL. Including Notices of Works in Hand, Domestic and Foreign. Authentic Communications for this Article will always be thankfully received.


HE interest of the public was last month excited by the statement made of the enormous loss in literary property, sustained by SIR RICHARD PHILLIPS, in the late fire at Mr. Gillet's. That feeling, may probably excuse the stateatent of some other facts not wholly devoid of interest. Sir Richard Phthips was insured in his property in three offices, viz. the Albion for 45001., in the Hope for 1500., and in the Atlas for 20001. In a few days after the fire he was paid the 45001. by the Albion; but the Hope, and the Atlas, from that time to this, have vexatiously refused to make good their quotas. After giving the insured infinite trouble, in the production of books, accounts, and witnesses, week after week, a pretence was set up, that some point of law intervened to prevent the payment of the money, and time was asked for taking opinion of counsel: tired how ever of such equivocations, Sir Richard Phillips has brought actions against the Hope and Atlas Companies, and his just claims will come before a jury in the next term. It is of so inuch consequence to persons insuring property against fire, to have their losses to that extent made good, without frivolous or vexatious delays, that the conduct of the Hope and Atlas Offices ought to be generally made known, and scrupulously contrasted with the correct and honourable conduct of the Albion, in which, at the time the claim was - paid, it was emphatically stated by the secretary, Mr. Phipps," "that no loss could be supported by more accurate accounts, or could be more fairly and satisfactorily substantiated."

Owing to the preceding, and some other unpleasant and consequent circumstances, susceptible of future expla nation to those who are interested, Mr. HEWLETT'S Bible will not be continued till the 1st of December, when the 21st Part will positively appear. ALONTHLY MAG. No. 205,

In the ensuing spring, Dr. THOMAS JAMESON, .of Cheltenham, will pubush an Enquiry into the Physiological caanges of the Human Body at its different ages, the diseases to which it is predisposed in each period of life, and the principles of longevity.

The Rev. Mr. DIBDIN has gone to press, with a new and greatly enlarged edition of his Bibliomania; which is eatitled a Bibliographical Romance, in six parts: viz. Part I. The Evening Walk, Part II. The Cabinet. Part III. Tne Auction Room. Part IV. The Library. Part V. The Alcove. Part VI. The Temple: The volume will probably contain between 5 and 600 pages; and is intended to be a Bibliographical Manual of such rare, curious, and useful books, as do not come within the scope of classical authors: embracing a complete outline of foreign and domestic Biblio graphy.

The new edition of FABYAN'S Chronicle, we understand, will speedily make its appearance. The text is to be that of the first edition, printed by Pynson, in 1516; containing innumerable passa◄ ges which the change of religion in the time of King Henry VIII. occasioned to be omitted in the later editions of 1542 and 1559. In the margin the different readings of a manuscript of the author's own time, and of the subsequent editions of 1533, 1542, and 1559, are to be given; with a Biographical Memoir of Fabyan,, and a copious Index.

A dishonourable combination or conspiracy having been formed against the proprietor of the Medical Journal, by its editors and printers, he has, we understand, indicted them for the same, and has appointed Dr. FOTHERGILL and Mr. ROYSTON to conduct that work in future.

The eight volumes of the Spectator, comprised in one commodious octavo volume, will be published in a few weeks.

The Rev. G. B. MITCHELL, has near2 Z H

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