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Of the Horfe Sleipner, and his Origin.


ANGLER asked; Whence comes the horfe Sleipner, which you mentioned; and to whom does he belong? Har replied, His origin is very wonderful. One day a certain architect came, and offered his fervice to the Gods, to build them, in the space of two years, a city fo well fortified that they should be perfectly fafe from the incurfions of the Giants, even although they should have already penetrated within the inclofure of Midgard; but he demanded for his reward the Goddefs Freya, together with the Sun and Moon. After long deliberation, the Gods agreed to his terms, provided he would finish the whole himself without any one's affiftance; and all within the space of one fingle winter. But if any thing fhould remain to be finished on the first day of fummer, he should entirely forfeit the recompenfe agreed on. On being acquainted with this, the architect ftipulated that he fhould be allowed the use of his horfe. And to this the Gods, by the advice of Loke, affented. This agreement was confirmed by many oaths, and concluded in the prefence of many witneffes; for without this precaution, a Giant would not have thought himself safe among the Gods, especially if Thor had been returned from the expedition he had then taken into the east, to conquer the Giants. From the very first night then this workman caused


his horfe to draw ftones of an immenfe bulk; and the Gods faw with furprise, that this creature did much more work, than his mafter himfelf. The winter however was far advanced, and toward the latter end of it, this impregnable city had almost attained the fummit of perfection. In fhort, when the full time was now expired all but three days, nothing was wanting to complete the work, except the gates, which were not yet put up. Then the Gods entered into confultation, and enquired of one another who among them it was that could have advised to marry Freya into the country of the Giants; and to plunge the sky and heavens into darkness, by permitting the Sun and Moon to be carried away. They all agreed that Loke was the author of that bad counfel, and that he should be put to a most cruel death, if he did not contrive fome way or other to prevent the works man from accomplishing his undertaking, and obtaining the promised reward. Immediately they laid hands on Loke; who in his fright, promifed upon oath to do whatever they desired, let it coft him what it would. That very night, while the architect was employing his horse, as ufual, to convey ftones to the place, there fuddenly leaped forth a mare from the neighbouring foreft, which allured the horse with her neighings. That animal no fooner faw her, but giving way to his ardour, he broke his bridle, and began to run after the mare. This obliged the workman also to run after his horse, and thus, between one and the other, the whole night was loft, fo that the progrefs of the work must have been delayed till next morning. Then the architect perceiving that he had no other means to finish his undertaking, resumed his own proper shape and dimenfions; and the Gods now clearly perceiving that it was really a Giant with whom they had made their contract, paid no longer


any regard to their oath, but calling the God Thor, he immediately ran to them, and paid the workman his falary by a blow of his mace, which hattered his head to pieces, and fent him headlong into hell. Shortly after Loke came and reported, that the architect's horse had begot a foal with eight feet. This is the horse named SLEIFNER, which excels all the horses that ever were poffeffed by Gods or men.

The Gothic Deities feem to be guided by no very nice principles of Morality, any more than those of the Greeks and Romans. It is needless to obferve what a dreadful effect, such an example as the above, must have on the conduct of their blind votaries.




Of the Ship of the Gods.


ANGLER fays to Har, You have told me of a veffel called Skidbladner, that was the beft of all ships, Without doubt, replies Har, it is the best, and most artfully conftructed of any; but the ship Nagelfara is of a larger fize. They were Dwarfs who built Skidbladner, and made a prefent of it to Frey. It is fo large, that all the Gods completely armed may fit in it at their eafe. As foon as ever its fails are unfurled, a favourable gale arifes, and carries it of itself to whatever place it is deftined. And when the Gods have no mind to fail, they can take it into pieces fo fmall, that being folded upon one another, the whole will go into a pocket. This is indeed a very well-contrived veffel, replied Gangler, and there must doubtless have been a great deal of art and magic employed in bringing it to perfection.



Of the God Thor.

ANGLER proceeds, and fays, Did it never

Ghappen to THOR in his expeditions to be over

come, either by enchantment or downright force? Har replied to him, Few can take upon them to affirm that ever any fuch accident befel this God; nay, had he in reality been worfted in any rencounter, it would not be allowable to make mention of it, fince all the world ought to believe, that nothing can refift his power. I have put a question then, fays Gangler, to which none of you can give any anfwer*. Then Jafnhar took up the difcourfe, and faid; True indeed, there are fome fuch rumours current among us; but they are hardly credible: yet there is one prefent who can impart them to you; and you ought the rather to believe him, in that having never yet told you a lie, he will not now begin to deceive you with false ftories. Come then, fays Gangler, interrupting him, 1 await your explication; but if you do not give fatisfactory answers to the queftions I have propofed, be affured I fhall look upon you as vanquished. Here then

The reader will remember that Gangler would have considered himself as victor in this conteft, if he had propofed any question they could not have answered. Vide page 3, 4, &c.


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