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Part 2.

For after all, 'tis but in a figurative fenfe that we fhall then judge the World, by approving the fentence of Chrift, who alone fhall be the Iudge. Moreover, I know not why our Lord fhould reftrain that judgement to the twelve Tribes of Ifrael, judging the twelve Tribes of Ifrael; for the Saints, as the words are taken, fhall judge the whole World even the wicked too. Wherefore it cannot be faid, that the Church is to be understood by the twelve Tribes of Ifrael. Once more, the Saints fhall judge the World more than they fhall the Church; for befides their approbation of the fentence given against the World, they fhall bear witnefs against them, which they fhall not do in reference to the Church.

I do not find much more reason for another sense of this Text, which fome of late have given it. They fay the Time of the Regeneration, is the Time of the Church from Jefus Chrift to the end of the World. That during all that time, for 1600 years, the Apostles have fat as it were on Thrones, to judge the Church, because we confult them, and have re course to their Oracles. But, 1. 'Tis a strange abuse of words, to call by the name of Regeneration fuch corrupted times, as thofe of the Church for the last twelve hundred years. 2. 'Tis to take the words in a very figurative fenfe indeed, to call that which the writings of the Apostles do at this day, fitting upon Thrones, and judging the twelve Tribes of Ifrael. 3. Laftly, I know not why the twelve Tribes of Ifrael fhould come into this promife, and why they only; fince they are altogether excluded from the Covenant; and are not governed by the writings of the Apostles. I confeis then, that I find nothing therein but what is obfcure.

But all is plain, if by Regeneration I understand


the happy Reign of Peace, and Righteousness, and Part 2. Charity. For the Church must be greatly renewed to reach that bleffed ftate. Then indeed, the Son. of man shall be fat on the Throne of his Glory. He hall then have the full Dominion, whereas now he reigns as it were but by halves and after the end of this World, he fhall reign no longer; for then he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God his Father. If we fuppofe that then the raised Apoftles, fhall be at the head of the twelve converted Tribes, and fhall govern them, and fend their orders by them to the reft of the World, according to which all other Governours throughout the Earth fhall manage themselves. If I fay, this be fuppofed, no Text can be plainer. The word Thrones will then be taken in its natural fignification, and to ludge will fignify the fame, as it doth throughout the Scripture, perticularly in the book of Iudges, where we read that Iephta, and Sampfon, and Samuel, judged Ifrael fo many years. Lastly, by this means we shall understand why the twelve Tribes of Ifrael are mentioned: 'tis because the Apostles are to have a perticular care and overfight of them, as being their own People, although their authority fhall be univerfal. I confefs this feems to me moit probable. Nevertheless I determine nothing, but fufpend my judgement.

&ter. Whe

be rebuilt,

4. I leave it alfo as doubtful, whether Ierufalem 4. Doubtshall be rebuilt, to be the feat of Christ's Kingdom; full Charato fay the truth, as I believe that the Jews fhall ther Jeru meet together in their own Country, I fee no reafon falem shall why they fhould not rebuild the City of Jerufalem. Which being rebuilt, will doubtless be the most illuftrious City in the World; and if you will, the feat of the univerfal Empire; not of an Earthly Monarchy, that hath its Armies, Tributes, Customes,


Chap. 24.1 Partz. Forts, and Governours, fpread throughout the Earth; but it fhall be the principal feat, whence fhall flow the Orders and Oracles of Iefus Chrift

&ter. The

whereby the whole World fhall be governed. 5. Doubt- 5. Lastly, I will not determine, how long this fall Chara- Kingdom shall laft. A thousand years are expreft: duration of oftentimes determinate numbers are put for inde this King finite. But I fee no inconvenience will follow, if we take that number in its natural fignification, and I am of that opinion.


Chap. 20.

years ex

After this Reign of a thousand years, there is a great Event to be brought about, fet forth in these words.

V.7. And when the thousand years are
Satan shall be loofed out of his prifon.

e expired,

V. 8. And shall go out to deceive the Nations, which are in the four quarters of the Earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battel; the number of whom is as the fand of the Sea.

V. 9. And they went up on the breadth of the Earth, and compaffed the Camp of the Saints about, and the beloved City: andfire came down from God out of Heaven, and devoured them.

Výhat shal I fee but one fenfe can be given to this: that you happen afmay comprehend it, you must know, that we are ter the shouland not to take those promises of the converfion of all plained. Nations, and of all men in perticular, in such a strict and rigid fenfe, as to admit of no exception. I have already told you, that the Church fhall then as far exceed the World, and the Good the wicked, as now the World and the Men of the World do the Good. Therefore there fhall then be fome remaining people not converted. They fhall be fuppreft and kept under during the thousand years, and fhall not moleft either the Peace or Purity of the Church. But at the end of this Period, their num


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387 bers fhall be increaft, and become very confidera- Part 1. ble. And before the end of the World, a cruel perfecution against the Church fhall arife from them; and because the number of three and half is fatal for perfecutions, 'tis not unlikely that this fhall alfo laft three years and half before the end of the World. During three natural years and half, the Sanctuary was thut up, and prophaned by Antiochus. For three years and half, Iefus Chrift preacht in an afflicted ftate: for three prophetical. years and half, the two witnesses prophecied clothed in fackcloth for three prophetical days and half, i. e. three natural years and half, these two witnesses should remain dead in the streets of the City.

So to me it seems probable, that the laft Perfecution, after the thousand years of Reft, fhall laft three years and half, and then may come the Antichrift of St. Irenaus; whom I will fo far honour, as to believe that he had learnt the Myftery of this laft Perfecution from fome Apoftolical Perfons, which he confounded with the reign of the Apocaliptical Beast, for 1260 days. Neither is it improbable, but that the Ring-leader Iof this laft Perfecution may be a lew: for there is no mean to be found among that People, they are all either very Good or very Bad. They who fhall live when the Iews fhall be converted, fhall be able to Divine fomething of it. For if they then fee a remnantof obftinate Tews, cantonize themselves in fome corner ofthe World and refift the general stream of Converfion, there will be fome ground to believe, that this fhall be the first bud of that Great Rebellion, which the Providence of God referves for the end of the World. And fo it may be there fhall arife a Jew,


Part 2. as St. Ireneus faid, pretending to be the Meffiah, who fhall perfecute the Church, and reign for three years and half before the end of the World, and be destroyed within a few days before the laft Iudgement: This fhall be the Diminutive of the great Antichrift, which should not be confounded with the Man of fin, of whom Saint Paul fpeaks, nor with the Beaft, in Revel. 13. nor with the Woman, chap. 17. nor with Babylon, chap. 18. The Fathers who lived near the Apoftles time, it may be heard fome difcourfe of this, and that probably gave occafion to the mistake. This is the moft that can be faid with any pretence of reafon, to excufe St. Irenaus, and those of the Ancients who followed him, in the description of Antichrift. Gog and Magog are names borrowed from Ezekiel, which in my opinion do not fignify the fame People in both places. Here it denotes in general the Enemies of the Church. Nevertheless, I know nothing concerning it with any great certainty.

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An Answer to the reafons of the Anti-millinaries, against the Reign of a thousand years.

According to the Method of a Regular Difputation, Icome now to answer the Reasons of the Anti-millinaries. But most of them are fo weak,that they hardly deferve to be confidered; but that the mention of 'em will ferve as a further proof, to confirm the truth of our feventh Period. For 'tis a very good Argument for any opinion, to be fupported

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