But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. Select Sermons - Page 421923Full view - About this book
| Samuel Adams - 1718 - 132 pages
...of the World? A- Becaufe he fays, he bare our Griefs aad carried our Sorrows ; That the Chaftifement of our 'Peace was, upon him, and by his Stripes we are healed: Which could not be truly and properly faid of any other Perfon whatfoevcr. tttt that the Prophets have... | |
| Matthew Hole - 1732 - 382 pages
...5 3. 5, 6. He was wounded for our franjgreffums, and bruis'd for our Iniquities 5 the Chaftifement of our 'Peace was upon him, and by his Stripes we are healed. He died for our Sins (fays the Apoftle) and gave his Life a Ranfont for many. So that, as our Text... | |
| Isaac Watts - Redemption - 1737 - 180 pages
...Mejfiah : He was wounded for our TranfgreJJions, he was bruifedfor our Iniquities, the Chaftifement of our Peace was upon him, and by his Stripes we are healed : His Soul was made an Offering for Sin when it pleafed the Lord to bruife him, and put him to Grief,... | |
| Isaac Watts - Justification (Christian theology) - 1745 - 412 pages
...largely, Chrift was wounded for our Tranfgrefyons. He 'was brui/edfor our Iniquities. The ChaJiifement of our Peace was upon him, and by his Stripes we are healed. We like Sheep have gone aftray, and the Lord hath laid on him 'the Iniquity of us all. It p'leafed... | |
| John Mason - 1754 - 350 pages
...Sorrows, was 'wounded for our Tranfgrejfions, and bruifcd for our Iniquities; that the Chaftifement of our Peace was upon him, and by his Stripes •we are healed, how mould it fire our Hearts with Love for his Perfon, and Zeal for his Intereft! How can we fupprefs... | |
| John Flavel - Westminster Assembly - 1767 - 268 pages
...our Peace coft Chrift ? A. It coft him bloody Stripes and Sufferings, Ifa. Hii. 5. ^TbeChaftifement of our Peace was upon him, and by his Stripes -we are healed. Q.. 4. Can none have true Peace but fuch as are in hjp ? A. No; others may have falfe Peace, Luke xi.... | |
| John Leland - 1769 - 472 pages
...Mediator, that he was wounded for our Tranfgreffions, and hruifed for our Iniquities ; the Chaftifement of our Peace 'was upon him, and by his Stripes we are healed. If. liii. 5. That he fuffered for Sins, the 'Jujl for the, Unjuft, that he might hring us unto God.... | |
| John Rogers - 1784 - 506 pages
...5. — He was wounded for our Iranfgrejfions, be was bruifed for our Iniquities : Ihe Chajlifement of our Peace was upon him, and by his Stripes we are healed. ; "*; HE Death and Paffion of our Blefled Lord, as it is the great Article on which the whole Chriftian... | |
| William Jabet - Sermons, English - 1787 - 346 pages
...Salvation. He was wounded for our Tranfgrejj'ions ; he was bruifed for our Iniquities ; the Chajiifement of our Peace was upon him ; and by his Stripes we are healed. What remaineth then for us to do, but to laud and magnify God's holy Name for his unmerited Goodnefs... | |
| Philip Withers - Freedom of the press - 1789 - 56 pages
...for the redemption of man, was truly Jmitien and affliftedfor our tranfgrtffvmi—the chajlifement of our peace was upon him, .and by HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED. * His life was a continued fcene of dignity and benevolence. He gave fight to the Blind, ftrength to... | |
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