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St. Alphonsus M. Liguori, tr. Mulloch, The History of Heresies,

(Duffy) 1857

St. Augustine, Confessions, (Clark) 1872

Schmid, B., Manual of Patrology, (Herder) 1911

Schumacher, H., Social Message of the New Testament, (Bruce)

Scott, M.J., S.J., The Credentials of Christianity, (Kenedy)


The Hand of God, (Kenedy) 1918

Man, (Macmillan) 1925

Things Catholics are Asked About, (Kenedy) 1927

Seisenberger, M., Practical Handbook for the Study of the Bible,
(Wagner) 1911

Sharpe, A.B., The Principles of Christianity, (Herder) 1906
Sholl, A.M., The Ancient Journey, (Longmans, Green) 1917

Shuster, G., The Catholic Spirit in Modern English Literature,
(Macmillan) 1922

Simon, J.M., O.S.M., A Scriptural Manual, (Wagner) 1924
Slater, T., S.J., Christ and Evolution, (Herder) 1922
Smith, A.E., Citizen and His Government, (Harper)

Smith, G.D., Faith and the Revealed Truth, (Macmillan) 1929
Spalding, M.J., Bishop, Evidences of Catholicity, (Webb,


Stanton, A.J., Impressions of a Pilgrim, (Kenedy) 1930
Stoddard, J.L., Rebuilding a Lost Faith, (Kenedy) 1925

Twelve Years in the Catholic Church, (Kenedy) 1930
Stone, J.K., An Awakening and What Followed, (Ave Maria) 1910
Verkade, W., tr. Stoddard, J., Yesterdays of an Artist Monk,

(Kenedy) 1930

Vonier, D.A., The Human Soul, (Burns, Oates, Washbourne) 1939
Walsh, J.J., The Catholic Church and Healing, (Macmillan) 1928
Makers of Modern Medicine, (Fordham) 1907

The Popes and Science, (Fordham) 1911

The World's Debt to the Catholic Church, (Stratford) 1924
Walshe, T.J., The Principles of Christian Apologetics, (Dial
Press) 1928 (Longmans, Green) 1919

Williams, M., Catholicism and the Modern Mind, (Dial Press)

The High Romace, (Macmillan) 1934

The Shadow of the Pope, (McGraw-Hill) 1932

Pope Leo XIII, Quod Apostolic Muneris--socialism, Communism,


Arcanum--Christian Marriage

Immortale Dei--Christian Constitution of States
Libertas--Human Liberty

Sapientiae Christianae --Chief Duties of Christian Citizen
Rerum Novarum--Condition of the Working Classes

Providentissimus--Study of the Holy Scripture

Graves De Communi Re--Christian Democracy

Pope Pius XI, Rappresentanti in Terra--Christian Education to

Casti Connubi--Christian Marriage

Quadragesimo Anno--Social Reconstruction
Non Abbiamo Bisogno--Catholic Action
Divini Redemptoris--Atheistic Communism

The above encyclicals may be found in the following books:
The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII, (Benziger)

The Pope and the People, (Catholic Truth Society) 1912
The Encyclicals of Pius XI, tr. J.H. Ryan, (Herder) 1927
Five Great Encyclicals: labor-education-marriage-the
social order-atheistic communism, (Paulist Press) 1939
A Guide to the Encyclicals of the Roman Pontiffs from
Leo XIII to the Present Day (1878-1937), compiled by
Sister M. Claudia Carlen, ILH.M., is a most valuable
reference book, (Wilson) 1939

Pope Pius XII, Sertum Laetitiae--Progress and Problems of the
American Church, (Catholic Mind, Nov. 22, 1939)

Summi Pontificatus--The Unity of Human Society, (Catholic
Mind, Nov. 8, 1939)

Potamian, Brother, F.S.C. and Walsh, J.J., Makers of Elec-
tricity, (Fordham) 1909

Ramsay, W.R., The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trust-
worthiness of the New Testament, (Doran)

Robison, W.F., S.J., Christ's Masterpiece: A Study of the One
True Church, (Herder) 1918

Roche, A., Apologetics for the Pulpit, (Burns, Oates, Wash-

bourne) 1937

Ryan, J.A., The Catholic Church and the Citizen, (Macmillan) 192
Ryan, J.A. and Boland, F.J., Catholic Principles of Politics,


St. Alphonsus M. Liguori, tr. Mulloch, The History of Heresies,

(Duffy) 1857

St. Augustine, Confessions, (Clark) 1872

Schmid, B., Manual of Patrology, (Herder) 1911

Schumacher, H., Social Message of the New Testament, (Bruce)

Scott, M.J., S.J., The Credentials of Christianity, (Kenedy)


The Hand of God, (Kenedy) 1918

Man, (Macmillan) 1925

Things Catholics are Asked About, (Kenedy) 1927

Seisenberger, M., Practical Handbook for the Study of the Bible,
(Wagner) 1911

Sharpe, A.B., The Principles of Christianity, (Herder) 1906
Sholl, A.M., The Ancient Journey, (Longmans, Green) 1917

Shuster, G., The Catholic Spirit in Modern English Literature,
(Macmillan) 1922

Simon, J.M., O.S.M., A Scriptural Manual, (Wagner) 1924

Slater, T., S.J., Christ and Evolution, (Herder) 1922
Smith, A.E., Citizen and His Government, (Harper)

Smith, G.D., Faith and the Revealed Truth, (Macmillan) 1929
Spalding, M.J., Bishop, Evidences of Catholicity, (Webb,


Stanton, A.J., Impressions of a Pilgrim, (Kenedy) 1930
Stoddard, J.L., Rebuilding a Lost Faith, (Kenedy) 1925

Twelve Years in the Catholic Church, (Kenedy) 1930
Stone, J.K., An Awakening and What Followed, (Ave Maria) 1910
Verkade, W., tr. Stoddard, J., Yesterdays of an Artist Monk,

(Kenedy) 1930

Vonier, D.A., The Human Soul, (Burns, Oates, Washbourne) 1939
Walsh, J.J., The Catholic Church and Healing, (Macmillan) 1928
Makers of Modern Medicine, (Fordham) 1907

The Popes and Science, (Fordham) 1911

The World's Debt to the Catholic Church, (Stratford) 1924
Walshe, T.J., The Principles of Christian Apologetics, (Dial
Press) 1928 (Longmans, Green) 1919

Williams, M., Catholicism and the Modern Mind, (Dial Press)

The High Romace, (Macmillan) 1934

The Shadow of the Pope, (McGraw-Hill) 1932

Windle, B.C., The Church and Science, (Herder) 1917

Religions Past and Present, (Century) 1927

Young, A., Catholic and Protestant Countries Compared, (Cath. Book Exchange) 1895

Zahm, J.A., C.S.C., Catholic Science and Catholic Scientists, (Kilner) 1894

The principal sources for the material used in this text were: the three volumes: Dogma, Moral and Worship, by the Brothers of the Christian Schools; publishers, McVey, Philadelphia; the three volumes of Apologetique Chretienne (out of print) by the Brothers of the Christian Schools, the Catholic Encyclopedia and the Encyclicals of the Popes.

[blocks in formation]

Creed, 149, 263
Christ chooses, 138
Miracles of, 134, 162
Infallibility of, 147
Powers of, 156, 211

and Resurrection, 130
Apostolicity of Church, 166,

Apparitions of Christ, 130
Architecture and Church, 230
Arguments for God's existence
from cause, 17

from design, 15

from moral order, 18

from universal belief, 17,

Arianism, 291

Ascension, 193,194

Athanasian Creed, 265


Authenticity of Gospels, 92
Authority of the Church, 188,

Authority of Fathers of

Church, 258

Authority, teaching by, 151

Baptist Church, The, 183
Baptists, 291

Belief in God

early history of, 55
Evolution and, 32
Intellect and, 14

Nature of, 21
Proofs of, 15
Berengarius, 292

Betrayal foretold, 133
Bible, The, 99,110

Bible and Science, 27,30,256
Biblical commission, 84

Birth of Redeemer foretold, 117
Bishop of Rome and Primacy, 196
Body, The Mystical, 160
Body of the Church, 220
Books as historical docu-

ments, 81

Books of Old Testament, 90
Books of New Testament, 91

Caesarism, 251

Calvin, 183

Calvinism, 292

Catechumens, 158

Catharism, 292

[blocks in formation]

Catholic, A, xvii

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