Printed by W. S. BETHAM, Furnival's-inn-court, Holborn, 1803. ONE SHILLING & SIXPENCE. THE AGE OF INFIDELITY. BL2740 W5 1803 In an age like this, it is no wonder that infidelity has its champions. The genuine gospel of Christ is a system too pure and divine to meet the cordial approbation of men of vicions hearts and corrupt principles; and such have hitherto composed the majo rity of mankind. Nor are the friends of Christianity alarmed for its safety-" GREAT IS THE TRUTH, AND WILL PREVAIL." Although deistical principles may be expected to spread among the young, the gay, and the voluptuous; yet hath truth ever gained more than it hath lost by such attacks; to them we owe the masterly defences of a Locke, an Addison, a West, and many more, in ancient as well as modern times. "Sir ISAAC NEWTON had a very sagacious conjecture, which he told Dr. Clarke, from whom (says Mr. Whiston *), B M342016 |