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who denies the cup to the people, (and they all do this) that can be said to celebrate the Lord's supper at all, nor is there one of their votaries that ever received the holy sacrament! All pretension to this is an absclute farce, so long as the cup, the emblem of the atoning blood, is denied. How strange it is, that the very men who plead so much for the bare literal meaning of, this is my body, in the preceding verse, should deny all meaning to drink ye all of this cap. in this verse. And though Christ has in the most positive manner enjoined it, they wil not permit one of the laity to taste it ar conclusion, therefore, is unavoidable-te sacrament of the Lord's Supper is r brated in the church of Rome.

Having endeavoured to explain the

ture of the Lord's Supper, and the emumura manner of celebrating it, it may be sary for me to state the duty u benenng the sacramental table, the waiting

quisite for profiting by this we de the benefits resulting from r

1. We have already se sa te ervare


succeeded the passover, and have proved that the passover was intended to typify and point out this new covenant rite; the same authority that made it the bounden duty of every Israelite to keep the passover, has made it the duty of every Christian, to receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Who has not read the following alarming denunciation,-"The man that is clean, and is not on a journey, and forbeareth to keep the passover, even the same shall be cut off from the people; because he brought not the offering of the Lord in his appointed season; that man shall bear his sin." Numb. ix. 13.

Can any thing be more solemn than this? The paschal lamb was an expiatory victim; he who offered it to God, by faith, was received into divine favour, and had his sins remitted, in virtue of that atonement represented by the paschal lamb. He who did not keep the passover, bore his own sin. He offered no sacrifice, therefore his sins were not remitted. Let no soul then trifle here. “This do in remembrance of me,” is a command of Christ, founded on the same

divine authority, as, "remember that thou keep holy the sabbath day." He who breaks one of the least of his commandments (and certainly this is not one of the least of them), and teaches others, either by precept or example, so to do, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven. What an alarming reproof must this be to those, who either systematically reject, or habitually neglect this holy ordinance: if the due observance of this sacred rite, be divinely authorized, no man can refrain from its celebration and be guiltless.

2. As a profession of faith in Christ and a promise of obedience to his laws, are the qualifications necessary for receiving baptism, so are they for receiving the Lord's Supper. But there is this very material difference to be made, when we inquire into the qualifications of any one for baptism, and when any one enquires into his own qualifications for the Lord's Supper. Baptism is administered to an infant, or person of riper years, to be admitted into the christian Church, on a profession of faith in Christ, and a promise of obedience to his


laws. The questions put to the surety for the infant, or to the person of riper years, dost thou believe? wilt thou obediently keep God's holy will and commandments, as declared by his Son, Jesus Christ, and walk in the same all the days of thy life? The Lord's Supper is administered to an actual member of the Christian church, after a trial of his sincerity, and strength in holding fast this profession, and in performing this promise; he therefore is bound to put these questions to himself" Have I believed? have I obediently kept God's holy will and commandments, as declared by his Son Jesus Christ? or have I acted hypocritically by professing a faith which I do not hold, and a purity I do not intend to aim at?" so far as he has failed in believing, or in obediently keeping God's commandments, he is to renew his faith and virtue, by recollection, repentance, and prayer. He is to have a lively faith in God's mercy, through Christ, and repent him truly of his sins, stedfastly purposing to lead a new life. Thus the receiving of the Lord's Supper, is a continual renewal of our baptismal profession and promise, This sacrament was ordained for

the continual remembrance of the sacrifice of the death of Christ, and of the benefits which we receive thereby, and consequently, for a continual profession of our faith in that sacrifice, and for a continual promise of our obedience (growing out of that faith), by which alone we can receive those benefits. Accordingly, our communion service, in its exhortations, confession, and supplications, constantly lays before our minds, the objects of our faith, and the branches of our obedience; it calls forth the corresponding effusions of the heart, thankfulness for the blessings of the gospel, repentance for past failures, and resolutions of amendment, concluding with a solemn dedication of ourselves, our souls and bodies to the service of God, and a doxology to the adorable trinity, in whose name we have been baptized, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

St. Paul has taken up this subject, in a particular manner, (1 Cor. xi. 27, &c.) and it is highly necessary that we should weigh his important advice, he says,-" let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup, for he that

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