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Such are the declarations of ancient prophecy, refpecting this matter; and if they were, in their season, exactly accomplished, the religion, thus planted, and thus propagated, must have been the work and counfel of GOD. This therefore let us now proceed to confider.

It has been before obferved, that the baptifm of John, the miniftry of Chrift, and the preaching of the apoftles, during their divine Master's refidence on earth, were fo many preparatory steps, towards the gospel kingdom, rather than its actual commencement with power. Accordingly, if we look at the general effect of the, wonderful works, and heavenly discourses, of the bleffed Jesus; they feem to have roufed and astonished multitudes whom they did not fully convince. There were many, among his hearers, to whom might be applied what was faid of one; they were "not far from the kingdom of GoD," though, as yet, they were not thoroughly perfuaded, or had not courage to profess their belief. The hopes of all these were, we may fuppofe, entirely blafted, by

* Serm. I. p. 24.

Mark xii. 34. See John xii. 42. that

that event, which staggered the apostles themfelves, the death of their Lord; and after his refurrection, he did not thew himself to all the people, but to chofen witneffes, who did eat and drink with him, and were permitted to handle his body, which had been crucified. At one interview indeed "he was feen of above five hundred brethren;" but there is fome ground for questioning, whether all these were, even now, fo unprejudiced as to believe in, or fo bold as to acknowledge, him whom they beheld. For after our Lord's afcenfion, when most of the Jews were already, it is probable, come up, to keep the approaching feaft; the disciples being together, "the number of the names was" only, as St. Luke informs us, "about an hundred and twenty."

But grant that this is a vain furmife, fay that there were now more than five hundred followers of Chrift; what are Thefe, if they are to bring about the mighty revolution, foreshewn by the prophets; if They are to combat Jewish obftinacy, if They are to famish the gods of the heathen', to make their temples forfaken, and their rites ab* Ats i. 15. 1 See Zeph. ii. 11. horred ?

¡ Cor. xv. 6.

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horred? But thefe, how many fo ever, or how powerful fo ever, they may, in fact, have been, are not the men, to undertake this exploit; they have no fuch commiffion. Twelve are the number fet apart for the work; and if God be with them, then indeed "a little one fhall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation ";" if otherwife, the attempt fhall furely be fruitless. Let us mark the event therefore, and let it speak for itself.


"When the day of Pentecoft," on which the law was of old delivered upon mount Sinai, and which was observed by the Jews, in remembrance of that bleffing; when this day "was fully come "," and the disciples "were with one accord in one place," the new law, in exact conformity with the word of GOD, began to be promulged in Jerufalam. "Suddenly," fays the hiftorian, “there came a found from heaven," not like a gentle breeze, or still fmall voice, but "as of a rufhing mighty wind;" for the effects, which it was to produce, were to be great and astonishing. "It filled all the house;" and it

m If. lx. 22.

"Acts ii. 1 &c. Vide S. Auguftin. adv. Jud. §. 9. Patrick on Exod, xix. 1. Mede p. 265. and Stanhope on Whitsunday.


was ere long to fill the whole earth. A cloven tongue, like as of fire, fat upon each of them; for the word, in their mouth, was to be "quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged fword." They were all filled with the Holy Ghoft, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them


By the divifion of language, it pleased GOD once to difunite, and separate, the fons of men; by the marvelous gift, now imparted, it was his gracious defign, to join, in one body and one holy faith, all nations under heaven P. The multitudes, who were then, from all quarters, affembled at Jerufalem to celebrate the feaft, flocked together, when this was noifed abroad. They were amazed, when they heard the various and diffimilar languages of the world, pronounced by the lips of illiterate Galileans. But Peter stood up, and spake unto them all, with fuch wisdom, and fuch power, that "the fame day there were added unto them about three thousand fouls."

• Heb. iv. 12.

P Vide omnino lectu digniffima apud Chryfoft. Serm. II. in Pentecoften, T. V. p. 612. 1. 40. &c.

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This wonderful converfion muft, without doubt, be principally afcribed to the bleffed influence of that Holy Spirit, who had, in fuch a glorious manner, defcended on the apostles. But the fpeech itself, uttered at fuch a time, and with fo much effect, being recorded for the inftruction of all ages of the church, muft deferve fome attention.

How then did the apoftle address his brethren? Did he proclaim to them, what they would have heard of with raptures, a temporal prince of the houfe of David, who fhould fight their battles, and deliver them. from the Romans, and make them lords of the world? No fuch thing. He reasons with his hearers, as all who reafon juftly must do, upon principles, which they themfelves allowed; and from these he deduces truths, which before they did not allow. He alledges the writings of their own prophets; who teftified, while as yet the Spirit was vouchfafed in Judah, that it should, in the laft days, be poured out, in greater abundance, upon all flesh. This, fays the apostle, is fulfilled upon Us. Afk ye the cause hereof liften to my words. Jefus of Nazareth, a man approved of GoD among you,


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