Above One Hundred and Fifty SERMONS, befides his POETICAL PIECES. IN TEN LARGE VOLUMES OCTAVO. To which is prefixed, An ACCOUNT of the AUTHOR'S LIFE and WRITINGS, with an ELEGIAC POEM, and large CONTENTS. Go, preach the gospel to every creature, MARK XVI. 15. PRINTED BY PATRICK MAIR, For the Revd. JOHN STEWART, HUGH MITCHELL, Bookfeller, and PETER MUIRHEAD, Merchant, the Publishers. M.DCC.XCVI. The Strength of Sin, and how the law is the Strength thereof, opened up and unfolded, I Cor. xv. 56. The strength of fin is the law. The words being viewed in their connection, analized and explained, there are And from this 2. The strength of fin unfolded, by viewing the qualities and degrees of its 3. How the ftrength of fin difcovers itself, evinced, The SECOND doctrine is, "That the law of works is the ftrength of fia to the 1. Enquire what law is the ftrength of fin, 2. Shew what ftrength it is that fin hath from the law, 3. Shew what fin the law is the ftrength of, 4. How, and in what refpect, the law is the ftrength of fin, Two difficult cafes folved, relative to hypocrites and believers, Twelve inflances of the ftrength of fin in believers, Four inftances of the miferable state of unbelievers, (3.) Of examination; containing a fourfold inquiry to know who are de- Ps.cvii.8. Nevertheless he faved them for his name's fake. 1. What is that name of God, for the fake of which he faves, |