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that had the Spirit of Chrift; but now-a-days he is termed an heretick, who affirms that he is led by it, 45. The teftimonies of fome concerning the neceffity of thefe revelations, 21 to 24, 44, 45. By whofe and what devices they have been brought out of ufe, 131.

Revenge; lee War, 556, 557, 558. Rule of faith and manners; fee Scripture.

Ruftick, the poor ruftick's anfwer given to the proud prelate, 293. He brought a philofopher unto the Chriftian faith, 312.

Sabbath, 349, 350.

Sacraments, of their number, nature, &c. how much contention there hath been, and that the word facrament is not found in fcripture, but borrowed from the heathens, 411, 442. Its definition will agree to many other things, 412. Whether they confer grace, 483.

Salvation, without the church there is no falvation, 273.

Samaria, the woman of Samaria, 460.

Sanctification; fee Juftification.

Saxony, the elector of Saxony, of the fcandal he gave to the Reformation, by being prefent at the mafs, 403.

Sceptick, 311.

School, without the school of Chrift nothing is learned but mere talk, and a fhadow of knowledge, 21, 22, 23. Whether publick schools be neceflary, 309.

Scriptures of truth, whence they proceeded, and what they contain, 67, 68. They are a declaration of the fountain, and not the fountain itself, ibid. They are not to be esteemed the adequate primary rule of faith and manners, but a fecondary, and fubordinate to the Spirit, and why, 67 to 94, 297. Their certainty is only known by the Spirit, 67, 68, 275. They testify that the Spirit is given to the faints for a guide, 67, 81, 82, 87 to 93. Their authority depends not upon the church, council, nor upon their intrinsick vir


tue, but upon the Spirit, nor is it fubjected to the corrupt reafon of men, but to the Spirit, 67, 84. The teftimonies of Calvin, the French churches, the fynod of Dort, and the divines of Great Britain at Weftwinfter concerning this thing, 69, 70. The contentions of thofe that feek the certainty of the fcriptures from fomething else than the Spirit, ibid. Divers opinions of the fathers (fo called) concerning fome books, ibid. Concerning the taking away, and the corruption of fome places; the tranflation, tranfcription, and various lections of the Hebrew character, and of the Greek books, the interpretation of the Septuagint, concerning the Hebrew books, and of admitting or rejecting fome books, 80, 81, 82. Of the difficulty in their explanation, 85, 86. Auguftine's judgment concerning the authors of the canonical books, and concerning the tranfctiption and interpretation, 82, 83. The ufe of them is very profitable and comfortable, 71, 85. The unlearned and unftable abuse them, 85. There is no neceffity of believing the fcripture to be a filled up canon, 92. Many canonick books, through the injury of time, loft, ibid. Whether it can be proved by fcripture that any book is canonical, 92, 93. They were fome time as a fealed book, 309. To understand them there is need of the help and revelation of the Holy Spirit, 21, 22, 23. No man can make himfelf a doctor of them, but the Holy Spirit, ibid.

Sect, the Ignatian fect loveth literature, 310. They call those that are fent unto India apostles, 324.

Seed of righteoufnefs, 367. The feed of fin; fee Sin, Redemption. Self-denial, 366.

Semi-pelagians, their axiom, Facienti quod in fe eft Deus non denegat gratiam, 127.

Servant, whether it be lawful to fay, I am your humble fervant, 524. Servetus, 505.

Shoe-maker, he difputes with the profeffor, 310, 311.

Silence; fee Worship.
Simon Magus, 331.

Sin; fee Adam, Juftification. — It fhall not have dominion over the faints,

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faints, 73. The feed of fin is tranfmitted from Adam unto all men, but it is imputed to none, no not to infants, except they actually join with it by finning, 94, 95, 103 to 106. And this feed is often called Death, 108. Original fin, of this phrase the fcripture makes no mention, ibid. By virtue of the facrifice of Christ we have remiffion of fins, 141, 203. Forgiveness of fin among the Papists, 199. A freedom from actual fin is obtained, both when and how, and that many have attained unto it, 241 to 262. Every fin weakens a man in his fpiritual condition, but doth not destroy him altogether, 243. It is one thing not to fin, another thing not to bave fin, 256, 257. Whatfoever is not done through the Power of God is fin, 369.

Singing of Pfalms, 406. Socinians, fee Natural Light. Their rashness is reproved, 41. They think reafon is the chief rule and guide of faith, ibid. 55. albeit many have abufed reafon, yet they do not fay, that any ought not to ufe it; and how ill they argue against the inward and immediate revelations of the Holy Spirit, 54 to 57. Yet they are forced ultimately to recur unto them, 65. They exalt too much their natural power, and what they think of the Saving Light, 177. Their worship can easily be stopped, 373.

Son of God; fee Chrift, Knowledge, Revelation.

Soul, the foul hath its fenfes, as well as the body, 23. By what it is ftrengthened and fed, 369, 457.

Spirit, the Holy Spirit; fee Knowledge, Communion, Revelation, Scriptures.

-Unless the Spirit fit upon the heart of the hearer, in vain is the difcourfe of the doctor, 22, 36. The Spirit of God knoweth the things of God, 29. Without the Spirit none ean fay that Jefus is the Lord, 22, 29, 30. He refted upon the seventy elders and others, 33. He abideth with us for ever, 38, 39. He teacheth and bringeth all things to remembrance, and leads into all truth, 40, 41, 47, 48, 49, 67, 68. He differs from the fcriptures, 40, 41. He is God, ibid. He dwelleth in the faints, 41 to 47 Without the Spirit Chri

ftianity is no Chriftianity, 42, 55, 70. Whatsoever is to be defired in the Chriftian faith, is afcribed to him, 43. By this Spirit we are turned unto God, and we triumph in the midst of perfecutions, 43. He quickens, &c. 43. An obfervable teftimony of Calvin concerning the Spirit, 44, 45, 46, 69. It is the fountain and origin of all truth and right reafon, 62. It gives the belief of the fcriptures, which may fatisfy our confciences, 69. His teftimony is more excellent than all reason, 69. He is the chief and principal guide, 79. He reafoneth with and striveth in men, 154. Those that are led by the Spirit love the fcriptures, 83, 275. He is as it were the foul of the church, and what is done without him is vain and impious, 310. He is the Spirit of order, and not of diforder, 318. Such as the Spirit fets apart to the miniftry are heard of the brethren, 320. It is the earnest of our inheritance, 78.

Spiritual iniquities, 362. Spiritual difcerning, 493.

Stephen, fpake by the Spirit, 43.

Suffering, how Paul filled up that which was behind of the afflictions of Chrift; how any are made partakers of the fufferings of Christ, and conformable to his death, 254.

Superftition, 344, 345. Whence fuperftitions fprung, 363, 410, 442.

Supper; fee Communion Bread.-It

was of old administered even to little children and infants, 484.

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Tithes were affigned to the Levites, but not to the minifters of this day, 329.

Titles, it is not at all lawful for Christians to use thofe titles of honour, majefty, &c. 535, 519 to 529.

Tongue, the knowledge of tongues is laudable, 308, 309.

Tradition, how infufficient it is to decide, 56. It is not a fufficient ground for faith, 483.

Tranflations; fee Bible.

Truth, there is a difference betwixt what one faith of the truth, and that which the truth itself, interpreting itfelf, faith, 21. Truth is not hard to be arrived at, but is most nigh,

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Woman, a woman may preach, 320, 328. Luther alfo, 284.

Word, the Eternal Word is the Son it was in the beginning with God, and was God; it is Jefus Chrift, by whom God created all things, 27, 139. What Auguftine read in the writings of the Platonifts concerning this Word, 193.

Works are either of the law, or of the gospel, 231; lee Juftification.,

Worship, what the true and acceptable worship to God is, and how it is offered, and what the fuperftitious and abominable is, 343, &c. The true worship was foon corrupted and loft, 345. Concerning the wor fhip done in the time of the apoftafy, 350, 395. Of what worship is here handled, and of the difference of the worship of the old and new covenant, 346, 347, 375, 376, 377. The true worship is neither limited to times, places, nor perfons, and it is ex plained how this is to be undertood, 347, 348, 382, 383, 384, 393, 394, 395, 426, 427. Concerning the Lord's day, and the days upon which worship is performed, 349, 350. Of the publick and filent worship, and its excellency, 351 to 385. Of preaching, 385 to 392. Of prayer, 392 to 406. Of finging of pfalms, and mufick, 406, 408. What fort of worfhip the Quakers are for, and what fort their adverfaries, 408, 409.






OBERTI BARCLAII Theologiæ verè Chriftianæ
Apologia. Price 5s.

Apologie de la veritable Theologie Chretienne ainfi qu'elle eft foutenûe & prechée par le Peuple appellé par mepris les Trembleurs. Price 5s.

Apologia de la Verdadera Theologia Chriftiana, come ella es profeffada y predicada por el Pueblo llamada en minosprecio los Tembladores. Price 5s.

Forfvar for den Sande Chriftelige Theologi fom den Kundgiôris og prædikis af det Folk fom af Foragt kaldis Quækere. Price 5s.

Catechifmus et Fidei Confeffio: Approbata, & Confirmata Communi Confenfu & Concilio Patriarcharum, Prophetarum & Apoftolorum, Chrifto ipfo inter eos præfidente & proloquente: quæ continet veram & fidelem Narrationem Dogmatum & Doctrinarum quæ certiffimè creduntur abEcclefiis Chrifti, in Magna Britannia, Hibernia, &c. quæ ironicè Tremuli, Anglice Quakers, dicuntur. Authore ROBERT BARCLAIO. Price is.

A Catechifm and Confeffion of Faith, approved of, and agreed unto, by the General Affembly of the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, Chrift himself chief Speaker in and among them: Which containeth a true and faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines, which are most furely believed by the Churches of Chrift in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproach fully called by the Name of QUAKERS. The 11th Edit. By ROBERT BARCLAY. Price Is.

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