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raised; by their having explored regions unfrequented till his pre fent Majefty afcended the throne; and opened an intercourfe with nations unheard of till that aufpicious era: a valuable acceffion has been made to the refources of the regular trader, and of the mercantile adventurer of every denomination; and fo vast a spread given to the navigation, and the general traffick of the empire, that there is not now a confiderable space of any fea, or ocean, on which the colours of Great Britain do not wave; or a wind that blows that is not fraught with fomewhat to bless her-with materials for perfecting her arts, for advancing her fcience, for augmenting her wealth, for encouraging her population, for heightening her fplendour, or for eternizing her fame.'


With regard to the objects of their complaints, the fum of what has been advanced feems to be: That Great Britain, inftead of being reduced, in confequence of the late war, to a ftate fo deplorably feeble, that nothing but the extinction of her empire can remove her diforder; instead of being deprived of all means of improvement-nay, and of hope itself, the laft resource of the afflicted: is now feen receiving every day, greater and greater acceffions of profperity, of fame, and of happiness. Upon the whole, "The pofture of her affairs is not only fuch, that hardly one defpondent idea can, with propriety, be admitted into a juft defcription of it:" It is alfo fuch, as to afford rational expectations of her enduring throughout a great many ages; and of her fons beholding better times than they have yet beheld-times productive of events fo momentous, and fo fplendid, as to add exceedingly to her glory, and to furnish her hiftorians with materials for their brightest pages. Ego me nunc denique natum


It is thus, that a Briton fhould exprefs himself, towards the clofe of the eighteenth contury.'

All this is pleafing, and we fincerely hope it is true: but might not one of thefe evil prophets cover the difgrace of the brotherhood by retorting-May not fuch flattering reprefentations of our prefent national profperity, calculated doubtless for temporary purposes, be as fallacious, as the defpondency cenfured in the writings and fpeeches of difcontented politicians? Who fhall decide when doctors disagree? We are not so presumptuous; all that we gather from obfervation, is, that the nation is pronounced to be at the point of death by every political doctor, excepting those who actually attend on her. She is teized by them all in turn, without being either killed or cured, her conftitution being ftrong enough to withstand their blunders: but he is impoverished all the while, by moft unconscionable fees for prescriptions and drugs.




ART. VII. A Treatife concerning the Properties and Effects of Coffee. 5th Edit. with confiderable Additions. By Benjamin Molely, M. D. Phyfician to Chelfea Hofpital, Member of the College of Phyficians, London, of the University of Leyden, of the American Philofophical Society, &c. &c. Author of a Treatife on Tropical Diseases, Military Operations, and the Climate of the West Indies. 8vo. pp. 107. IS. Sewell. 1792.


WE are obliged to the author of this fenfible and pleasant treatife, for reprinting it at the prefent juncture, and for adding to the utility of former editions, by prefixing a long and well-written preface. The following obfervations are very valuable, juft now, when the attention of the legislature is fo particularly directed to the colonies:

From the produce of our plantations, that magnificent property,' as Monf. Necker terms the French colonies," which only the fuperficial and ignorant affect to undervalue," this country receives great additions to her revenue, and a total fupply of one of the most useful articles (perhaps now a neceffary) of life. Yet, from the calamities lately inflicted on fome of them by the hand of Providence, and the accumulated burthens which the public neceffities have laid on them all, many of the planters are involved in ruin; and those who escape must owe their deliverance to the braveft ftruggles of induftrious virtue.

The population of White inhabitants, which is the great fecurity of the islands, confifts chiefly of thofe who cultivate the inferior ftaple commodities, among which, coffee is now the principal; and this population has always been proportionable to the increase or decrease of thofe ftaples. Indigo may be inftanced as an example: when indigo was encouraged in Jamaica, before that impolitic duty was laid on it, which exterminated the cultivation of it in our colonies, and gave it to the French, there were confiderably more White inhabitants in that island than there are at prefent, though the island now produces five times the quantity of fugar and rum it did at that time.

The cultivation of coffee requiring but little capital, is an inducement for people of fmall fortunes to fettle in the islands. It is a creditable refuge for the induftrious man, who has been unfortunate in trade, and to those whofe larger fchemes in life have failed. -It is an eafy employment; the labour light; and many parts of it performed by children. The fituations and foil where it is carried on must be dry, and of courfe healthy, to be advantageous. Coffee plantations, in particular, may be confidered as a nursery of ufeful inhabitants for the colonies.

The foil beft fuited for coffee is happily fuch as can be fpared from every other purpose. Large tracts of poor land, which would otherwife lie waste and useless, may be rendered as profitable as the beft, without the mortality and cafualties attendant on severe labour in hot climates.

The numerous little families which live on coffee plantations, and are difperfed in small fettlements, in the interior parts of the


iflands, occafion the mountainous and woody lands to be cleared and opened; and to be interfected with roads and eafy commanications.

Thus the refidents live in fafety, and all forts of property acquire a proportionate value and fecurity. The retreats of fugitive negroes are laid open; plunder and depredation prevented; and confpiracies for rebellion are deprived of their hiding places.--And thus the credit of the planter, and fecurity of the merchant, ftand on a firm bafis :-thofe commotions being prevented, which have fo often disturbed the tranquillity of the islands, and occafioned the ruin of many individuals abroad and at home, to the great defalcation of that immenfe revenue, which these islands pay to the mother country *.

Befides, the importance of a numerous body of men, to form an occafional militia, is evident, to any perfon acquainted with the colonies, who must know how little fatigue and exposure to the fun is fufficient to deftroy an unfeasoned ftranger.

Inhabitants are always ready in cafe of fudden emergency; and being acquainted with local circumftances, and inured to the climate, can perform fervices, which uninformed, raw European troops cannot do; and, were intereft and attachment lefs operative confiderations, colonial inhabitants may be depended on ;-many inftances of which were exhibited in the events of laft war.'


The truth is, that fugar plantations, though they are great fources of wealth to their proprietors, as well as to government, do not employ a fufficient number of white people for their internal fecurity against the infurrections of the negroes. The manufacture is fimple, and the labour wholly carried on by flaves; and though the Deficiency Law of Jamaica directs, that one White perfon fhall be employed for every thirty flaves, under a penalty of thirty pounds per annum for every deficiency,-yet this law is often defeated, or the fine fubmitted to; as White fervants are expensive, and a lefs number than that proportion is fufficient for the purpose of making fugar.

The cultivation of inferior staple commodities is therefore neceffary to the very existence of the fugar colonies; and I am perfuaded will prove to them more beneficial in many refpects, than at prefent is generally imagined.-Here, then, is an open and grateful field for colonial patriotifm; in which the Amor Patria will neither find oppofition from envy, nor difappointment from ingratitude.-Here is the occafion to demonftrate the love of country, and to perpetuate a benefit to mankind, which will never be forgotten; and if those who, from character and fituation, are entitled to attention, will come forward, and point out to the public the impofitions it has fuffered from mifreprefentations, and that the interefts of the fugar colonies are no other than the best interests of

The duties and excifes, upon a computation for the year 1781, amount to about 1,344,312 1. fterling, annually, on the produce of Jamaica only.'

this country, there will never be wanting fufficient good fenfe in the nation, to understand, that a fubject of the realm, exerting his industry at four thousand miles diftance, may be employed as beneficially to the ftate, as the manufacturer at home, who lives by him; and is as much deferving the protection of it, as the country 'fquire, who leaves his fox-hounds, to give a filent vote or two during the winter, and retires the remainder of the year to his Sabine Fields in floth and ignorance.'

We wish that these fentiments, which we think to be the voice of truth and reason, may meet with attention; and that, instead of perpetuating mifery in the iflands by the continual importation and increase of flaves, the fafety and happiness of the inhabitants may be infured, by encouraging the industry and promoting the fettlement of free people.

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ART. VIII. Difcourfes on Hiftorical Subjects. By the Rev. Mr. Gregory, M. A. Vol. I. 8vo. pp. 103. 2s. 6d. fewed. Deighton. 1791. SINCE example has more influence on the mind of man than

precept, it will not be doubted that hiftorical or biographical facts may very properly be made the bafis of practical addreffes to the people; and perhaps a much more extenfive use might be advantageoufly made of what may be called historical preaching, than has hitherto been generally imagined. It was not neceffary for the prefent author to appeal to the authority of Bafil, or any other ancient writer, to prove that the Scriptures afford many lively portraits of virtue for our imitation. Judgment, however, fhould be exercised in the selection of incidents or characters from the Scriptures, as well as in the application of them to the purposes of moral and religious inftruction. The fatal effects of jealoufy and envy may be forcibly reprefented from Cain's murder of his brother Abel; and intrepid integrity and piety may be advantageously exemplified in the character of Daniel: but it may not be so easy to deduce important reflections from the narrative of the confufion of tongues at the tower of Babel; of the Ifraelites paffing the Red Sea; of the death of Sifera by the hand of Deborah; and of the deliverance of Jonah from the belly of a fifh. Accordingly, feveral of thefe difcourfes confift of a tedious hiftorical detail, with a very small portion of moral application. For example, the difcourfe on the Ifraelites paffing the Red Sea is chiefly employed in attending the Ifraelites from Egypt, to the feparation of the waters for their paffage; and nothing is added, but a remark on the power of God, and a reflection on the resemblance between thefe incidents and Chriftian baptifm. In like manner, the story of Jonah is principally applied as a type of the death and refurrection of Jefus :




Jonah,' fays our author, was a figure of Chrift, who died upon the crofs to make an atonement for our fins. We that believe in him, being before taffed with ftorms of fears, and in danger of being drowned in the pit of deftruction, thereby obtain peace with God, and enjoy quiet and reft in our fouls.'


• Whilst we confider the dreadful fituation of the prophet Jonah in the belly of the whale, and his deliverance therefrom on the third day; let us always carry in mind the death and fufferings of Jefus Christ, and his glorious refurrection; to which this story is analogous. There is alfo a further fimilarity between them. For as Jonah, after his deliverance, went and preached to the Ninevites, and turned them to repentance; fo, likewife, after the refurrection of Chrift, the Holy Spirit was fent down upon the Apoftles, and they went forth to convert all nations, to teach them the knowledge of the true God, and the neceffity of a Saviour; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft.

We may further learn from this example, that although we may be plunged into a fea of troubles, and fo furrounded with dan gers and misfortunes as to defpair of fuccour; we may nevertheless be affured, that the hand of the Lord is not shortened, and that he heareth, from his holy feat in heaven, all those who call upon him in the hour of diftrefs and mifery. Yes, the fame Almighty Being, who delivered Daniel from the lions' den, who protected Shadrach, Mefhach, and Abednego in the burning fiery furnace; who preferved alive the prophet Jonah for three days and three nights in the belly of a whale, will never leave us nor forfake us. Particularly not, when languishing under bodily infirmities, and lying upon the bed of ficknefs, we beseech him to restore us to our former health; unwilling yet perhaps to quit the world, unprepared perhaps to die!'

This laft inference certainly implies an idea not very confistent either with found theology, or with fact; viz. that whenever we are lying on the bed of fickness, we may expect deliverance from death in confequence of our fervent prayers. How much more noble is it, inftead of praying against death, to follow the counfel of the heathen poet, and to pray against the fear of death,

cartem 1.
Fortem pofce animum, et mortis terrore
leaving all external events, as Juvenal, in the fame beautiful
paffage, advifes, to the direction of the powers above us :

Permittes ipfis expendere Numinibus quid
Conveniat nobis, rebufque fit utile noftris.

Thefe difcourfes are certainly not deftitute of juft obfervations and useful reflections: but we cannot think them entitled to any high degree of commendation, either as literary compo fitions, or as practical fermons adapted to general utility, E.


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