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for a flave whenever our government enters into hoftilities with any other nation. We then, with an apathy utterly incompatible with our prefent fenfibility, can fee our helpless countrymen dragged in a most brutal manner from their peaceful habitations and families, by gangs of armed ruffians, and devoted to the most imminent perils of life both by fire and by water, as long as defpotic power pleafes. Under this fpecies of flavery, refiftance or efcape is punished with various degrees of feverity, even to pofitive death! All this harsh treatment of our free-born countrymen we can coolly overlook, while every paffion is rouzed, and all obftacles are borne down, for an experimental extenfion of benevolence to men of another fpecies. This conduct has too much refemblance to that of a neighbouring prince, who officioufly bufied himself in procuring for ftrangers, three thoufand miles diftant, what he withheld from his own fubjects! He now is tafting the natural fruits of fuch heroifm.

We are as warm wishers for an abolition of the flave-trade, as Lord Muncaster can poffibly be; or, to exprefs ourselves with more precifion, as ardently defire that we could fafely quit all concern in it: for the powers of Europe combined are only able to ftop the western markets, and leave the Africans to their own ufages elsewhere: but, were this done, the work is but half accomplished; and we are driven into a difguftful dilemma; for, after renouncing this unnatural trade with fuch ftrong expreffions of abhorrence, what is to be the fate of thofe poor negroes thus procured, and in our poffeffion? The fociety for the abolition of the flave-trade, who protest against gradual measures, have publicly advertised that their views have been induftriously MISREPRESENTED, by a report that the emancipation of the negroes in the British colonies is the object of their exertions.' Can we then, after execrating, with so much vehemence, the practice of enflaving the Africans, can we unblushingly ftill continue to affert a property in the many thousands that we have among us? can we ftill exact their labour, and ftill transfer them as our proper chattels? Is not this contraft of words and actions a molt infulting mockery of the fufferings which we have fo pathetically deplored? Did this fociety and their well-wishers fincerely confider the negroes as on an equality with themselves as rational men, (and they have all along pleaded their caufe as the caufe of their fellow-creatures,) would they venture to tantalize them thus? Are they prepared for all confequences that may enfue from inconfiftency; or are they altogether regardless of the evils that may fall on others, by their eager activity in urging a partial good-May all things be over-ruled for the best! N. Art. 27. Remarks on the late Decifion of the House of Commons reSpecting the Abolition of the Slave-trade. By Thomas Gisborne, M. A. 8vo. PP. 49. IS. White. 1792.

This is a well written and clofe examination of the arguments urged in the debate on the flave-trade, which terminated in the refolution for its gradual abolition; and the ingenious author preffes home the inconfiftency of condemning a trade as iniquitous, and allowing any farther duration of fuch iniquity, however limited. N.

Art. 28. A Letter to the Members of Parliament who have prefented Petitions to the Honourable Houfe of Commons for the Abolition of the Slave-trade. By a Weft India Merchant. 8vo. pp. 84. 1s. 6d. Sewel, &c.


The Weft India merchant is, as may be fuppofed, an opponent to Lord Muncafter: but as the champions confine their attention to different parts of the fubject of flavery, their arguments do not come in direct conflict. Lord Muncafter dwells principally on the cruel injuftice of buying men for flaves, and on the bafe methods by which they are currently fuppofed to be procured for fale, but wholly overlooks the thoufands already thus procured and in flavery, who are refigned to what is understood to be a miferable fate. The Weft India merchant, on the contrary, meddles not with the trade for flaves, but dwells on the political circumstances of the islands, and inquires how the planters and this country would be affected by its abolition. Moreover, not having read, as we fuppofe, the advertisement of the Abolition Society, in which they pofitively difclaim all views of emancipating the negroes in our poffeffion, he advises Mr. Wilberforce, with his affociates, to prepare the minds of the negroes for the proper enjoyment of liberty, before it is conferred on them; from fear of rouzing their paffions to acts of barbarism and confufion. He enforces this advice, by fhewing that the advances of liberty in Europe were gradual, keeping pace with the improvement of the mind. It is dangerous to tear away at once the bandage from eyes that have remained long in darkness, and at once to expofe them to the full blaze of the meridian fun. In order to the perfect emancipation of flaves, it is neceffary, in the first place, that they be made capable of being good members of civil fociety. The full tide of freedom let in upon them all of a fudden, would only intoxicate their brain, and lead them into a courfe of vicious excels, that must involve mifery and ruin, both to themfelves and others connected with them in fociety.'

They have heard enough at St. Domingo to anfwer this melancholy purpofe; whether the above mentioned advertisement, figned Granville Sharp, will correct what may have been agitated among the negroes in the British islands, when they will find themfelves cheated with a vain fhew of liberty, which yet they may not taste, is one of the experiments of which we are now to abide the event.N. Art. 29. A Defence of the Planters in the West Indies; comprized in Four Arguments: I. On Comparative Humanity; II. On Comparative Slavery; III. On the African Slave-trade; and IV. On the Condition of Negroes in the Weft Indies. By Jeffe Foot, Surgeon. 8vo. pp. 101. 25. Debrett. 1792.

The Weft India planters have found a judicious and able advocate in Mr. Foot, whofe reafoning merits the attention of every one who interefts himself in the fubject: thofe, indeed, who read nothing but what ftrengthens their prepoffeffions, are out of the question. Under the first of his general heads, Comparative Humanity, Mr. Foot thinks, and with fome reafon, that there are occafions enough for the exertions of humanity at home among ourselves, many of which he points out, before we carry it abroad. He diftinguishes humanity REV. JUNE 1792.

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under the dictates of good fenfe, from enthusiasm; and he even thinks that the benevolent Mr. Howard would have been more usefully employed in studying how to keep people out of prisons, than how to accommodate them when they are in confinement. The obfervation may have truth in it, without difparaging Mr. Howard's labours. In the diversity of objects before us, fome betake themfelves to one department and fome to another; and Mr. Foot ought to reflect that innocence has often the hard lot to be thrust into a prifon. He points out, with much force and truth, a restraint on the confumption of fpirituous liquors, did not the mistaken policy of statesmen intervene, as the firft ftep for reforming the morals of the poor, to the prevention of crimes, and of courfe to fuperfede the dire remedy of punishment for them when committed. If we had more humanity than is urgently required at home, Mr. Foot would freely bestow the furplus of it on any objects abroad that beft claimed it but he adds that we ought to commence our duty as citizens of the world with clean hands, after having discharged our obligations to our own country.

Under his fecond head, Comparative Slavery, Mr. Foot finds worse flavery and more diftrefs, in fome ranks and fituations in Europe, than are to be found in a Weft India plantation; and in examining the various circumftances of foldiers, failors, peasants, and colliers, with other miners, he appears to establish his position.

In confidering his third and fourth heads, the African Slave-trade, and the Condition of Negroes in the Weft Indies, Mr. Foot refts on the evidence produced before the House of Commons. He is a fevere critic on Mr. Wilberforce's fpeech on thefe points, charging him with making ufe of fuch parts only of the evidence as fuited his purpose, and with rejecting the reft, though of the most respectable and confiftent nature. From this rejected teftimony, Mr. Foot produces fuch reprefentations as have been repeatedly quoted by others on the fame fide of the question, and confirms them by his own experience; he having been himself, during three years, in the Weft Indies, where he had the medical care of two thou fand negroes; and he declares that, during his practice, he never was called to give relief to any negroe fuffering from chaltifement. At the close of his pamphlet, Mr. Foot offers good hints for encouraging the popula tion of negroes in our iflands; which, if fome serious religious attention were beftowed on their minds, as well as on the minds of their masters, might overturn the current opinion that the prefent number of negroes on the Welt India islands cannot be fupported by their own population.

As a fubject of this magnitude calls for the most mature judgment, we are happy in the reflection that it is yet under the investigation of a fuperior tribunal.


Art. 30. An Apology for Slavery; or Six Cogent Arguments against the immediate Abolition of the Slave-trade. 8vo. PP. 47. 15. Johnfon. 1792.

We now conceive fome faint hopes of being relieved from farther animadverfions on the flave-trade, fince, from grave reafoning, we defcend to burlesque: but fhould this ironical apology even be


allowed to poffefs fome archnefs, it will not therefore follow that the parties who are held up to ridicule, are just objects of derifion. N. Art. 31. Slave trade: A full Account of this Species of Commerce, with Arguments against it. By the celebrated Philofopher and Hiftorian, Abbé Raynal. Tranflated from the French. 12mo. 6d. Symonds.

The writings of the Abbé Raynal are well known: whatever objections may be advanced against them, it will be allowed that the caufe of humanity and liberty receives great fupport from his pen. Averfe from flavery, he first, according to the collection here made, recites briefly its hiftory, and proceeds to propofe fome measures by which the condition of the unhappy beings in that state might be fomewhat meliorated; after which, he reprobates, entirely, the ⚫ whole commerce; and, with great ardour, proves it to be utterly repugnant to humanity, reafon, and juftice. It is unneceffary for us to give any extracts from his pleadings, yet we shall infert a fentence or two from his addrefs to thofe whom he calls fovereigns of the earth. If you do not fport with the reft of mortals, if you do not regard the power of kings as the right of a fuccefsful plunder, and the obedience of fubjects as artfully obtained from their ignorance, reflect on your own obligations. Refufe the fanction of your authority to the infamous and criminal traffic of men turned into fo many herds of cattle; and this trade will ceafe. For once unite, for the happiness of the world, thofe powers and defigns which have been fo often exerted for its ruin!'

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Art. 32. An Inquiry into the Caufes of the Infurrection of the Negroes in St. Domingo. To which are added, Obfervations of M. GarranCoulon, on the fame Subject, read (in his abfence) by M. Guadet, before the National Affembly. 8vo. 6d. Johnson. 1792. This pamphlet is directed to eftabiifh a propofition, which, amid all the clamours of the arbitrary, the political, and the interested, temperate and judicious perfons have been greatly inclined to entertain, viz. that the late confufions and miferies in the above island were not in the leaft occafioned by the measures that have been fo honourably and ftrenuously purfued for the abolition of the flave-trade. One thing only (fays this writer) is wanting to charge with this criminality the Amis des Noirs, and this the remon trance does not fupply-the proof that they have adopted that courfe of conduct imputed to them by the Colonifts. This defect cannot be compenfated, either by the atrocity of the crime, or the virulence and audacity of the accufation.'-It pretty clearly appears that the hauteur and infolence of the Whites, particularly toward the people of colour, has been a principa! caufe, concurring probably with fome others, of thefe dreadful calamities. Thefe defolations are only a farther illuftration of the Abbé Raynal's predictions, when, in the close of his addrefs to the nations, he appeals to their intereit, and adds Your flaves ftand in no need either of your generofity or your counfels, in order to break the facrilegious yoke of their oppreffion. Nature fpeaks a more powerful language than philofophy, or intereft.'

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Art. 33. Minutes of the Proceedings at a Court Martial held on Mr. Edward Moore, Midshipman of his Majesty's Ship London, on board the Royal William in Portsmouth Harbour, August 16, 1791, and continued by Adjournment every Day, until the 20th Day of the fame Month. 8vo. pp. 105. 2s. 6d. Bell.

Mr. Leonard, a midshipman on board the Saturn, in Portfmouth harbour, on fome difagreement between him and his lieutenant, was ordered by the lieutenant to be hoisted (or triced) up to the top-mast head. A number of midshipmen on board the Edgar and London, among whom was Mr. Moore, confidered this treatment as a common caufe that affected them all; and this idea made them, as well as the fufferer, wifh it might be brought to a trial, whether a lieutenant was juftified in punishing and degrading a midshipman by fuch a difcretionary exertion of power. Some circular letters were written on this occafion, as well to encourage Mr. Leonard in profecuting for redrefs, as to procure him friendly affiftance; and Mr. Moore was tried as a principal agent in writing and circulating fuch anonymous letters, as contrary to the good order and difcipline of the fleet; though there is nothing offenfive either in the style or matter of them, excepting by inference. The facts were not pofitively brought home to him, and respectable testimony appeared to his profeffional character: but the court, nevertheless, deemed it incumbent to fubject him to a month's imprisonment, and to give him a fevere reprimand.

The peculiar fituation of feamen, who are cooped up by the hundred within narrow wooden hutches, requires the strictest difcipline to effect the fervice that calls them together. Where the lines of fubordination are not accurately defined, much latitude is afforded to the wanton exercise of power; and fuch is human nature, the best fpecimens of which are not generally to be feen on fhipboard, that it is not always fafe to question the extent of official authority. Hazard is alfo incurred by leaving it to operate without fome reftraint; for, as Mr. Moore well obferves in his able defence, if a midfhipman, from which class all future commanders are to rife, be fubject to difgraces that expofe him to the derifion of the whole ship's crew, that fpirit and activity, which is fo effential to a military character, becomes fo far depreffed, as never again to recover ftrength fufficient to difcharge the duties of his ftation, or to enforce that obedience and refpect due from a fhip's company.'


Art. 34. Thoughts on the Propriety of fixing Eafter Term. 8vo. IS. Cadell. 1792.

A report prevailed, in the beginning of this year, that a bill was to be brought into parliament to change the prefent fluctuating ftate of Eafter term, and to fix it to fome precife period, independently of all confideration of Eafter-day. This, it was thought, would be a confiderable convenience to the members of the profeffion, to whom a long vacation in autumn would be more acceptable than a divided vacation, part in fpring and part in autumn. The author of this effay rents the propoted regulation as a dangerous innovation on


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