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fion; with an Addrefs to Mr. Wilberforce. By Homo. 8va. PP. 33. IS. Printed at Newark; and fold by Gardner, &c. in London. 1792.

These are confeffedly the hafty undigested thoughts of an old man of nearly fourfcore; who pleads, in extenuation of their having ⚫no accuracy, no correctness,' the expediency of their appearing before the day when Mr. Wilberforce was to introduce his bill into the House of Commons! Alas, he might have husbanded his reflections to amufe himself and a few of his neighbours over their pipes, without the leaft public injury. His favings, in paper and print, would have fupplied ale and tobacco for two or three months.

N. Art. 24. Reasons for not figning the Petition; or, The Abolition Scheme taken into cool and candid Confideration. By a private difinterested Perfon, independent and unconnected with any Sect or Party. 8vo. pp. 48. Is. 6d. Printed at Leominster; and

fold by Evans, in London.

These reasons, it seems, were at first feparately published in three parts, at 6d. each, and claffed under Natural, Moral, and Political Reafons, for not figning the petition. In the preface to the third of thefe parts, the writer fays, If I could have had a little more time, (my thoughts croud in fo faft,) I could have foon fwelled this little treatife to four times the fize: but perhaps I have faid too much already.' In this conclufion, we cordially join. This odd kind of a writer, who nevertheless really appears to mean well, and, in his way, ftarts now and then fome home truths, gives up the whole Negroe race to flavery, as the juft doom of the worthlefs defcendants of the accurfed Ham! We wish he would take a ride over to Newark, and smoke a pipe with the preceding old gentleman; they would, between them, fettle this question admirably!N. Art. 25. An Appeal to the Candour and Justice of the People of England, in Behalf of the Weft India Merchants and Planters, founded on plain Facts and incontrovertible Arguments. 8vo.

pp. 118.

2s. 6d. Debrett. 1792.

This appeal is a republication of the petition of the Weft India merchants and planters, with an abftract of the speeches of Meff. Bailey, Vaughan, Tarleton, Jenkinson, and Dundas, against the motion for the abolition; concerning which nothing need be added.N Art. 26. Remarks on the New Sugar Bill, and on the National Compacts refpecting the Sugar-Trade and Slave-Trade. 8vo. PP. 99. 1s. 6d. John fon. 1792.

The caufe of the planters is here pleaded against the refiners, in thefe points where they really do, or are thought to, interfere: but as we are neither planters nor refiners, we will not attempt to afcertain the merits of profeffional myfteries. The author remonstrates against the verfatility of parliament in colonial regulations, and efpecially in the fudden alarm raifed against the use of Negroe faves; and as one novelty introduces another, and as, whatever may be the fate of the abolition-bill, he fuppofes the prejudice will not wear out, he recommends the inviting over Chinese fervants to


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fupply their place, the Chinese national character being confidered as favourable to the fcheme of fubftitution. Men, (he truly obferves,) love to be righteous at the expence of other people, and acting upon each other is held equivalent to acting for themselves."

Something, however, has been faved from shipwreck in the conteft; calumnies on the colonists have been fomewhat difcredited; the poffibility of obtaining white men to labour in tropical countries is given up; the flavery actually fubfifting in the islands feems allowed to remain untouched; and the Negroes are agreed to be unfit for prefent emancipation. In fhort, the abolition of flavery itfelf in the islands is left to its own fate; and, as the children of the West Indians, wherever fent out of the islands for education, will be made afhamed, if not averfe, with respect to the poffeffion of flaves, one of two things will happen; either flavery will become fo mild, as only to be fuch in name; or it will be formally abolished, as heretofore in Europe, by the decifion of those who are interested in it; and thus fuffer what Mr. Hume would call an Euthanafia,'

On this difficult fubject, it might tend greatly to compofe difturbed minds, if we could, according to a hint ftarted by another writer, abolish the term Negroe Slaves, and call them by fome more focial appellation: as we doat fo much on all new fashions*, even fo flight an alteration, could it be made current, might reftore our relish for fugar and tobacco.



Art. 27. A Letter to the Societies of United Irishmen, of the Town of Belfast, upon the Subject of certain Apprehenfions which have arilen from a proposed Restoration of Catholic Rights. By William Todd Jones, Efq. With the Declaration of the Catholic Society of Dublin, and fome Thoughts on the prefent Politics of Ireland. By Theobald M'Kenna, M. D. 8vo. Pp. 189. 3s. 6d. fewed. Robinfons. 1792.

This is one of those publications that do honour to the present age, and which, as friends to the happiness of mankind, we announce with pleasure. Mr. Jones, a Proteftant, here offers himself to the notice of the public, as an able and ftrenuous advocate for the long profcribed and perfecuted Catholics of Ireland. He has evidently given the fubject much thought, and the refult is, that he confiders the penal laws against the Catholics as a profligate, miftaken, paffionate, and impolitic farrago of statutes of penalty and difqualification;' and he argues with great earneftnefs for their repeal, contending, that the entire abolition of thefe ftatutes against the Catholics is only wanting to convert Ireland into the most opulent and most happy kingdom in Europe:-but it has been objected against the propofed emancipation of the Irish Catholics," that, if

*That coarte vulgar word breeches has been abolished in favour of small cloaths; yet, as the correspondence may appear too close between fmall cloaths and petticoats, we anxiously wait the decifion of the polite on this interefting fubje&t!


they are restored to the legislative faculty of the conflitution, they will revive the court of claims, and inftitute an inquiry into defective tirles, and an invitation of re-affumption to ancient proprietors." This pofition Mr. Jones ridicules as extravagant and impracticable. He gives us a very melancholy picture of the ftate of the poor Catholics in Ireland; recalls to our recollection the horrid perfecutions of the Catholics by the Proteftants; and proves that Religion, or at leaft fomething which has hitherto affumed her facred name, has been a fcourge and a fword to our fifter ireland. When will Chrif tians learn the firit maxim of the gospel, to love one another! When will rulers profit by the hiftory of perfecution, and allow religion to be a cement to, instead of ftriving to make it a principle of repulfion among, the particles compofing the mafs of civil fociety!

Dr. McKenna, who is a fpirited and fenfible writer, prophefies that an energy of character is now rifing among the Catholics of Ireland, and that the period of their emancipation is not far distant,

May he be a true prophet!-and may peace, and love, and liberality of heart and mind, prove the everlafling cement of the filler kingdoms!



Art. 28. A Treatise on the Management of Female Breafts during Childbed and feveral new Obfervations on Cancerous Difeafes, with Prefcriptions: to which are added, Remarks on Pretenders - to the Cure of the Cancer. By William Rowley, M. D. Member of the University of Oxford, the Royal College of Physicians in London, &c. zd Edit. 8vo. pp. 113. 25. Wingrave. 1790. This Treatife poffeffes little reafoning and no order; while it abounds in unfatisfactory affertions.-Dr. Rowley's plan of removing cancerous complaints, is, by perfifting in a long courte of mineFal alteratives. Speaking of thefe medicines in cancers of the uterus, he delivers himself with more than ufual modelty:

From this confideration I was induced to attempt a more rational plan of cure, by uniting the fulphureous antimonials with the preparations of hydrargyrus. In all the cafes where I have been confulted, I have never yet feen patients cured by any other methods; but by mineral alteratives, given in very fmall dofes, and repeated now and then, an unfortunate victim to this horrid difeafe has been fnatched from death, and pofitively cured.

[blocks in formation]

Kermes mineralis.

Nitrum puriffimum.

Merc. dule. xij. cies fub. & lotus cum fulph. aurat. ant. long

rubbed together.


Neutral falts.



Tartarum emeticum cum merc. corrof. fub. to the fixteenth part of a grain, diffolved.

Turp. mineral. cum Kerm. mineral.

The modes, in which fuch remedies have been applied are, to prefcribe very small dofes, and drink after each fome folution of camphor and nitre, &c.' 0.

Art. 29. Cautions to the Heads of Families, in Three Effays: 1. On Cyder Wine, prepared in Copper Veffels; with Hints for the Improvement of Cyder, Perry, and other Fruit Liquors. 2. On the Poifon of Lead-Method of detecting it in various Liquors, Foods, Medicines, Cofmetics, &c. With general Indications of Cure. 3. On the Poison of Copper-how it may be difcovered, though in very minute Quantity-Method of Care. By A. Fothergill, M. D. F. R. S Member of the Royal College of Phyficians, London, and of the Medical Societies of London, Edinburgh, and Paris. 8vo. pp. 95. 1s. 6d. Cruttwell, Bath; Dilly, London.

Thefe ufeful effays have already appeared in the 5th volume of Papers by the Bath Society. We recommend the perufal of them to the heads of families, to whom they are properly addreffed, as enabling them to guard againft pernicious impregnations of lead, copper, &c. in the common articles of diet.


Art. 30. The New Family Herbal; or, Domestic Physician; enumerating with accurate Defcriptions all the known Vegetables which are any way remarkable for Medical Efficacy; with an Account of their Virtues in the feveral Difeafes incident to the Human Frame. Illuftrated with Figures of the most remarkable Plants, accurately delineated and engraved. By William Meyrick, Surgeon. 8vo. pp. 498. pp. 498. 14 Plates. 75. Boards. Coloured Copies at double Price. Pearfon, Birmingham; Baldwin, London, 1790.

We can recommend this Herbal as an ufeful book; as it appears to be fufficiently accurate and comprehenfive for the purposes for which it is intended. Mr. Meyrick very wifely rejects thofe numerous and incredible accounts, given by moft writers, of the virtues of different vegetables; accounts fo contradictory and abfurd, that they never fail to remind us of one of honeft old Dr. Baynard's ftories, which he whimfically introduces in his letter to Sir John Floyer, on cold baths. "I remember, (fays the worthy Doctor,) when I was at Leyden in Holland, not much fhort of forty years fince, walking in the phyfic garden, a Scotch gentleman, a fiudent there, afked the profeffor, Francifcus De la Boe Sylvius, What Abfinthium marinum was good for? The profeffor fmilingly afked him, Wha: countryman he was? He answered, Scoto Britannus. He asked bim, If, in their metropolis, Edinburgh, they had not fuch a punishment as the boot, to extort confeffion from the ftubborn criminals? He answered, Yes. Why then, quoth Sylvius, take this plant in his luxuriant feafon, root and branch, and clap him into the boot, and fqueeze it hard, for without it confeffes, I doubt neither thee nor I fhall ever know what his virtues are."

To prevent mistakes from the inaccuracy which prevails among the common English names of plants, the author has added the Latin generic and trivial names of Linné. He has been fparing in the ufe of fcientific terms, and has explained fuch as he has been obliged to adopt. In an appendix, he has given useful directions for gathering and preferving all kinds of roots, herbs, flowers, and feeds; with the methods of preparing distilled waters, conferves, fyrups, pills, tinctures, ointments, and other neceffary forms of medicine. A table of diseases is added, with references to thofe remedies commonly employed in their cure.


Art. 31. The Ufe and Abufe of Sea Water, impartially confidered and exemplified in feveral Cafes and Remarks: with many neceffary Hints and Cautions to those who bathe in and drink it. Including the most approved Means for preventing the dreadful Ef, fects of the Bite of mad Animals. Third Edition, with Additions. By Robert White, M. D. 8vo. pp. 76. is. 6d. Richard, fon. 1791.

The perufal of this pamphlet may perhaps be of fome use to in. valids, who indifcriminately ufe fea water in all complaints. The work will, however, attain its greatest pitch of utility, if it should induce the reader, in cafes of importance, to fubmit to the decifion of fome skilful physician. For our account of the first edition, see Review, vol. liii. p. 247.

0. Art. 32. The Anatomical Inftru∨ or an Illuftration of the madern and most approved Methods of preparing and preferving the different parts of the Human Body, and of Quadrupeds, by Injection, Corrosion, Maceration, Diftention, Articulation, Modelling, &c. With a Variety of Copper-plates. By Thomas Pole, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons in London. Svo. PP: 304. 10s. 6d. Boards. Darton and Co. 1790.

It is evident from the title of this work, that Mr. Pole aspires to no higher honour than that of inftructing medical students in the art of making anatomical preparations. We have examined his directions on this fubject, and, on the whole, can recommend them as being ufeful and plain. In a long introductory differtation, confifting of 80 pages, Mr. Pole treats of the utility of anatomical knowlege, and points out what he thinks the best methods of attaining it.


Art. 5. The Inftruments of Medicine; or, the Philofophical Digeft and Practice of Phyfic. By George Hoggart Toulmin, M. D. Svo. pp. 265. 5s. Boards. Johnton.

In an introduction to this work, Dr. Toulmin laments that the practice of phyfic fhould be involved in obfcurity, from the deviation from fimplicity, and from the fondness for whatever is complex and unintelligible, fo obfervable in the profeffors of the medical art. He profefles, however, not to enter into a confideration of the theoretical part of the fcience, referring his readers, for all that is requifite to be known on that fubject, to the Elementa Medicina of the late Dr. Brown; whofe character our author holds in great veneration.


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