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The BARONY, a Romance. By Miss A. M. PORTER. 3 vols. 10.

12mo.-Nearly ready.

ANNUAL BIOGRAPHY and OBITUARY, for 1830, being the 14th Volume; containing Memoirs of Sir William Hoste, the Countess of Derby, Lieut.-Col. Denham, Sir Humphry Davy, Major Laing, William Shield, Esq. Sir Edward West, Earl of Harrington, Sir Miles Nightingall, Thomas Harrison (Architect), Sir Brent Spencer, Lord Colchester, Dr. George Pearson, Bishop Lloyd, Mr. Terry, Sir David Baird, William Stevenson, Esq. Earl of Buchan, Sir George Madden, Mr. Thomas Bewick, Sir Jas. Atholl Wood, Archibald Fletcher, Esq. Dr. Wollaston, John Reeves, Esq. Lord Harris, Mr. Baron Hullock, William Thomas Fitzgerald, Esq. Earl of Huntingdon, Dr. Young, &c. &c. 8vo. 15s. bds.

*** Also may be had, the preceding 13 Volumes, 15s. each; and purchasers are requested to complete their Sets, as some of the Volumes are nearly out of print.



and GENERAL HISTORY, from the Creation of the World to the Birth of Christ. 12mo. 10s. 6d. bds.

"No research seems to have been spared, and the author has placed the information acquired from the most authentic sources in a very luminous point of view.-We most cordially recommend them to the public."-Lit. Gaz. Feb. 13, 1830.


An ARRANGEMENT of BRITISH PLANTS, according to the latest Improvements of the Linnæan System; with an Easy Introduction to the Study of Botany. By WILLIAM WITHERING, M.D. F.R.S. F.L.S. Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Lisbon, &c. The Seventh Edition, with considerable additions, including the most recent Discoveries, and numerous Annotations, illustrative of Vegetable Economy. By WILLIAM WITHERING, Esq. LL.D., F.L.S., Extraordinary Member of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, &c. In 4 Vols. 8vo. Price 21. 16s. Bds.


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By the same Author,

The HISTORY of the RISE of the MAHOMEDAN POWER in INDIA, till the Year 1612. Translated from the original Persian of MAHOMED KASIM FERISHTA. 4 Vols. 8vo. 41. 4s.

"Colonel Briggs's book is one of those which belong to the library as a sterling and permanent work." -Lit. Gaz.


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2d Edit. 2'Vols. demy 8vo. with 12 highly-finished Plates by Finden, and numerous Woodcuts, from Drawings by Mr. Frank Howard, price 21. 2s.

A few copies of the First Edition, with Proofs of the Plates on India paper, 41. 4s.; or with Proofs and Etchings on India paper, 41.14s. 6d. may still be had.

"A work which must be seen to be estimated as it ought."-Literary Gazette, Oct. 17, 1829.


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"He has moulded his work into that popular form which combines, in due proportion, amusement with instruction."-Lit. Gaz.


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An ENCYCLOPEDIA of PLANTS; comprising the Descrip

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