| 1826 - 616 pages
...Brazilian Company are particularly noticed. 43. DOMESTIC DUTIES; or, Instructions to Young Marrictl Ladies, on the Management of their Households, and...Regulation of their Conduct in the various Relations and Duties of Married Life. By Mrs. WILLIAM PABKES. 2;1 Edit. 10s. 6J. bits. " The volume before UH... | |
| 1827 - 790 pages
...HEMISPHERES. 8vo. Us. Bel's AMERICA; with !>,••, .i|.ti.,n- and Views. 2 Vols. Bvo. 11. Us. «d. Bds. 33 DOMESTIC DUTIES; or, Instructions to Young Married Ladies, on the Management of their Households. By Mrs. WILLIAM PARKEB. 2d Edit. 10s. lid. bdi. 34. The ENGLISH FLORA. By SIR JAMES E. SMITH, President... | |
| Decoration and ornament - 1824 - 334 pages
...objectionable passages. Mrs. Frances Parke will shordy publish a volume, entitled Domestic Duties, containing instructions to young married ladies on the management...regulation of their conduct in the various relations and dutiesof married life. Mr. A. Skottowe is engaged on a Life of Shakspeare, with essays on the originality... | |
| England - 1825 - 806 pages
...Repertorium ; or, a Universal Historical Record of Artists, and of their works. By Thoin.i Dodd. 7s. Domestic Duties, or Instructions to Young Married Ladies on the Management of their Household, and the Regulation of their Conduct in the various relations and duties of married life.... | |
| English literature - 1825 - 598 pages
...curious in mining and all statistical readers. Domestic Duties, or Instructions to Young Married Women, on the Management of their Households, and the Regulation of their Conduct in the various relations and duties of Married Life, by Mrs. William Parker. 8vo. The volume before us is one of those practical... | |
| Decorative arts - 1824 - 450 pages
...objectionable passages. Mrs. Frances Parke will shortly publish a volume, entitled Domestic Dtniei, containing instructions to young married ladies on the management...regulation of their conduct in the various relations and dutiesof married life. Mr. A. Skottowc is engaged on a Life of Shakspeare, with essays on the originality... | |
| William Wordsworth - Alps - 1823 - 184 pages
...ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES of GREAT BRITAIN. In 4 Vols. Med. 4to. 211. ; or Imp. 4to. 321. half-bd. DOMESTIC DUTIES ; or, Instructions to Young Married Ladies, on the Management of their Households, aud the Regulation of their Conduct in tbe various Relations and Duties of Married Life. By Mrs. WILLIAM... | |
| Samuel Walker - 1825 - 286 pages
...BEAUVILLIER8, Restaurateur, Paris. 3d. Edit. 12mo. 7s. bds. printed uniformly with the " Domestic Cookery." DOMESTIC DUTIES; or, Instructions to Young Married...Regulation of their Conduct in the various Relations and Duties of Married Life. By Mrs. WILLIAM PARKE8. 12mo. 3d. Edit. 10s. 6d. bds. THE GOOD NURSE; or,... | |
| Samuel Adams (servant.) - 1826 - 526 pages
...& FSA Head Master of Bury School. The WORKS of the late MATTHEW BAILLIE, MD ; to 10 Miscellaneous. DOMESTIC DUTIES ; or Instructions to Young Married...Ladies, on the Management of their Households, and tlie Regulation of their Conduct in the various Relations and Duties of Married Life. By MRS. FRANCES... | |
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